Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2158: Qingshan rushed to the 9th Dragon Island, the 6th-order Lingyan Glazed Ice Flame

Chen Qian was slightly stunned. Generally speaking, monks who have ascended from the lower realm do not understand the human language of the Xuanyang realm. Could it be that Wang Qingshan communicated with the monks in the Xuanyang realm?

"This is Tianyang Valley of Xuanling Continent, a sub-rudder of Zhenhai Palace, under Chen Qian, dare to ask Wang Daoyou, how do you understand the language of Xuanyang Realm? But there are relatives and elders in Xuanyang Realm?"

Chen Qian asked politely, if there were no relatives and elders in the Xuanyang world, the chances of understanding the language of the Xuanyang world were very low.

Wang Qingshan hesitated for a moment and said, "I have contacted Taiyang Zhenren, and I have rescued his disciples and grandchildren."

Chen Qian suddenly realized, with a smile on his face, and said sincerely: "Wang Daoyou wait a moment, I will contact Zhao Shishu, Zhao Shishu is responsible for arranging the ascending monks, Wang Daoyou don't have to worry, a monk who has ascended from the lower realm like you has always been the seat of our Zhenhai Palace. guest."

He took out a blu-ray glittering Dharma disk, entered a few tricks, and made a gesture.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, can you tell me about the situation in Xuanling Continent?"

Wang Qingshan asked politely, he didn't know much about the Xuanling Continent, and he urgently needed to know the situation in the Xuanling Continent.

Chen Qian nodded, explained the situation in Xuanling Continent in detail, and asked which interface Wang Qingshan ascended from. Wang Qingshan did not hide it, and told the truth.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Chen, have you heard of Qinglian Immortal Companion?"

Wang Qingshan asked curiously, his eyes full of anticipation.

Chen Qian thought about it, shook his head, and said, "No, what? You know them?"

"Ask whatever you want."

Wang Qingshan smiled embarrassingly, the Xuanyang Realm is very big, maybe Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have gone to other places, or maybe they are not famous.

A yellow flash of light flew over and stopped above the Feiling Stage. It was a hunchbacked old man in a yellow robe, with a round face and big eyes.

"Meet Master Zhao, this fellow Daoist Wang ascended from Tianhai Realm. He had a conversation with Master Taiyang and rescued the disciples of Master Taiyang."

Chen Qian introduced in detail.

The yellow-robed old man's eyes flashed with surprise, he nodded and said: "Wang Xiaoyou, congratulations on your ascension to the Xuanyang Realm, what are your plans? Join our Zhenhai Palace or go out independently. Our Zhenhai Palace has a long heritage, masters like clouds, soaring monks will be treated favorably.”

Wang Qingshan looked hesitant. It is good to join Zhenhai Palace, but it is not so easy to leave.

"More than a thousand years ago, two monks from the Dongli Realm flew to the Xuanyang Realm and were vigorously trained by our Zhenhai Palace. They later made great contributions and went out to establish a family. When Wang Xiaoyou joined Zhenhai Palace, at least there was no need to worry about the resources for cultivating immortals. ."

The tone of the old man in yellow robe was full of temptation, and he gave two examples.

If Wang Qingshan joins Zhenhai Palace, he will make a contribution in the future, and the Ascension faction will be able to write a lot and increase the interests of the Ascension Platform.

"Donglijie? Senior Huang, dare to ask what the names of these two people are?"

Wang Qingshan moved in his heart and asked curiously.

"Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, they have established a family and are developing very well."

The old man in yellow robe said truthfully, he seemed to have thought of something and asked, "What? Do you know them?"

Wang Qingshan was overjoyed, and asked cautiously: "I heard that the seniors know them?"

There is no harmony within a sect, and he dare not tell the truth, in case the other party has a grudge against Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan!

"The old man, like them, belongs to the Ascension faction, otherwise he will not guard this punishment rudder."

The old man in yellow robe saw the confusion in Wang Qingshan's heart and explained.

"Senior Zhao, the two you just mentioned are my ninth uncle and ninth aunt."

Wang Qingshan took a deep breath, his voice a little excited.

He carefully recalled the words of Chen Qian and the old man in yellow robe, and judged that they and Wang Changsheng should not have a deadly enmity. If there is a deadly enmity, there is no need to take Wang Changsheng as an example.

The old man in yellow robe and Chen Qian were stunned when they heard this.

"Are you their nephew? But they are from Dongli Realm, and you are from Tianhai Realm?"

The old man in yellow robe wondered, could it be that Wang Qingshan lied, he did not ascend from the Sky Sea Realm, but from the Dongli Realm?

"Because of some special reasons, the younger generation accidentally lived in the Sky Sea Realm, and this is how he ascended from the Sky Sea Realm."

Wang Qingshan explained that he was very excited.

"It seems that you are going to find your uncle. This is the map to Jiulong Island, please accept it!"

The old man in the yellow robe took out a blue-blue Lingbei, handed it to Wang Qingshan, and instructed.

Strong melons are not sweet. Since Wang Qingshan is Wang Changsheng's nephew, he must join the Wang family. Even if the Wang family establishes a family, it belongs to the Ascension faction.

Wang Qingshan thanked him and put away the Lingbei.

"Nephew Chen, send him out! This is a fifth-order escape talisman and a fifth-order defense talisman, please accept it!"

The old man in yellow robe took out two shining talismans and handed them to Wang Qingshan.

Ascending monks are generally very poor. For the sake of a faction, he gave Wang Qingshan a fifth-order talisman to save his life.

"Many thanks to Senior Zhao. When I arrive at Jiulong Island, I will tell the truth to the Nine Uncles and Aunts. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay Senior Zhao's great kindness."

Wang Qingshan took two fifth-order talismans with both hands and said gratefully.

After leaving Tianyang Valley, Wang Qingshan turned into a cyan rainbow and walked away, disappearing into the sky.


Kowloon Island, a secret room.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Wang Changsheng sits cross-legged on a blue futon, his eyes are closed, and there is a phantom of the Dharma on the top of his head, looming.

After a while, the phantom of the law disappeared, and Wang Changsheng opened his eyes.

He flipped his right hand, and a snow-blue flame appeared in his hand, exuding a biting chill.

From a distance, the snow-blue flame is like a piece of glass.

As soon as the snow blue flame appeared, the indoor temperature plummeted, the ground quickly froze, the ice layer spread rapidly, and the ice sealed the entire stone chamber.

The sixth-order spiritual flame, the glazed ice flame, and the five fifth-order spiritual flames are fused together.

Wang Changsheng used the secret technique of five flames to forge the spirit to attack the imaginary stage. He obtained three groups of fifth-order spiritual flames in Xuanling Cave, all of which were grabbed from the enemy's hands. Exchange for a group of fifth-order spiritual flames.

The Five Flames Forging Spirit Art can indeed impact the refining But the conditions are too harsh, not to mention how difficult it is to collect five groups of fifth-order spiritual flames, so that five kinds of spiritual flames are not one piece. It's an easy thing. If you are not careful, the five flames will lose their balance and collide with each other, and the practitioner will explode and die.

Wang Changsheng spent more than 100 years cultivating the Profound Jade Ice Flame, slowly growing the Profound Jade Ice Flame, and then used the secret technique of five flames to forge the spirit to attack the virtual period. During this period, he almost made mistakes several times, but fortunately he succeeded. , but recalling the process of melting the five spiritual flames, Wang Changsheng still had lingering fears.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Changsheng spent more than two hundred years rushing into the Void Refinement Stage.

There are also advantages to doing so. The first advantage is that the five fifth-order spiritual flames fuse into the sixth-order spiritual flame glazed ice flame, but the glazed ice flame is still very weak, and it takes a lot of time to cultivate.

In addition, Wang Changsheng's mana is much purer than that of the cultivator in the early stage of virtual refining.

The spiritual cultivator can mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in some areas. It can only be said that he can touch the fur. During the imaginary period, he truly controls the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. .

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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