Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2159: The cultivator came to the door and set out to ask for follow-up exercises

When it came to the virtual period, Wang Changsheng had a lot of things to do. The first was the question of the exercises. He had to go to Zhenhai Palace to get the rest of the exercises.

In addition, he had to look for the fossilization stone before he could use the lower realm of soul separation. There was a serious drawback in the lower realm of soul separation, and he couldn't bring treasures down.

If you want to help the clan soar, it is best to send people to the lower realm, but he has no treasures such as the Boundary Disk, so he cannot send people to the lower realm, and because of this, the forces of Xuanyang Realm will not easily send people to the lower realm.

Wang Changsheng stood up and walked out.

As soon as he walked out of the secret room, he smelled a strange floral fragrance.

"This is?"

Wang Changsheng was slightly stunned and walked out.

He came to a garden full of exotic flowers and plants. In the center of the garden, there was a huge purple spiritual flower, and there were countless cyan thorns on the ground.

Countless cyan thorns were woven together and condensed into a human shape, with sharp thorns all over the body, and a huge purple flower bud on the head.

"You've entered the fifth rank!"

Wang Changsheng was surprised and said that, generally speaking, when a spirit beast and a spirit bird advance to the fifth rank, the flesh will turn into sandalwood, which will attract other monsters.

Xuanling's trip to the cave, it swallowed the crystal cores of two fifth-order wood demons, otherwise it would not be able to advance to fifth-order.

Wang Changsheng ordered it to demonstrate the new supernatural powers.

The azure light on the surface of the wood demon's body exploded, and its size skyrocketed. Purple spirit fires grew on its surface, the buds bloomed, and bursts of purple miasma were emitted, covering a large area.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness penetrated into the purple miasma, and under certain influence, he could not find the existence of the wood demon.

This magical power is a bit tasteless, but it is not easy to say, in some places, it may play a major role.

The purple miasma slowly dissipated and disappeared into the wood demon's body.

Wang Changsheng took out a cyan jade bottle, lifted the cork, and a pungent smell wafted out. Inside was a kind of poisonous water. The wood demon has always liked to swallow poison.

Hundreds of cyan thorns came, entangled the cyan jade bottle, and rolled back into its arms.

A fragrant wind blew past, and Wang Ruyan came over with a serious face, as if something major had happened.

"Husband, Senior Liu from Qianzhudao is here. He came to inquire about the truth. It is estimated that the children of the Liu family saw the thunder robbery."

Wang Ruyan's voice was heavy.

The Liu family of Qianzhudao has been inherited for thousands of years. There are three cultivators of the immortality. They are affiliated forces of the Leng Yan faction. The Liu family is the most powerful immortal family within a radius of 100 million miles.

The momentum of the Six Nine Thunder Tribulation was so great that the Wang family could not hide it.

"Where is he now? Is he alone?"

Wang Changsheng asked with a frown.

"He brought a group of Liu family's children over, and is now outside the island."

Wang Ruyan said truthfully, that no force wants to have a powerful neighbor. The Wang family has no conflict of interest with the Liu family, but the Wang family has a cultivator, which has already threatened the Liu family.

Having a sword and not having a sword are two different things. If the Wang family has a cultivator, they will have the ability to affect the balance of the region. The Liu family has to guard against it.

"Invite them to the reception room! I'll come and meet them for a while."

Wang Changsheng warned and left Qinglian Peak with Wang Ruyan.

Outside Kowloon Island, a giant python with two pairs of golden flesh wings floated high in the sky. The giant python had a golden horn on its head and golden eyes.

Hundreds of cultivators stood on the backs of the golden python, headed by a tall old man, dressed in a gorgeous dragon-patterned brocade suit, wearing a crown on his head, with straight facial features and a majestic face, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Liu Tianxiao, one of the three imaginary practitioners in the Liu family, has been practicing Taoism for more than 5,000 years.

Jiulong Island is a sub-rudder of Zhenhai Palace. There are many cultivators who are in charge. The Liu family naturally did not dare to conflict with the cultivators of Zhenhai Palace. More than two hundred years ago, the Wang family established a family in Jiulong Island, and the Liu family began to pay attention to this new neighbor.

Two years ago, a group of Liu family disciples passed by Jiulong Island and found the celestial phenomenon of the Six Nine Thunder Tribulations, guessing that someone in the Wang family was attacking the Void Refinement period.

Liu Tianxiao's visit this time is to inquire about the situation of the Wang family. If the Wang family has a virtual cultivator, the Liu family must be more prepared.

The cake is so big, and when the Wang family grows stronger, it will definitely compete with the Liu family for resources to cultivate immortals, which is inevitable.

A yellow light flew out from Jiuxian Island, it was Wang Qingcheng.

"Senior Liu is here, and this junior is welcome. Please come here."

Wang Qingcheng said politely and made a gesture of please.

Liu Tianxiao nodded, pinched the magic formula, and flapped the silver python's wings, carrying them towards the Nine Immortals Island.

Liu Tianxiao looked down to see if he could see any secrets.

When passing by a huge lake, a deafening beast roar sounded, the lake surface burst, and a 50,000-meter-long giant tortoise emerged from the lake. The head of the giant tortoise resembled a unicorn.

A flash of surprise flashed in Liu Tianxiao's eyes. He has been practicing Taoism for many years and has seen many strange animals. This is the first time he has seen such a large tortoise.

"Could it be that this beast has Xuanwu bloodline?"

Liu Tianxiao was secretly surprised, it seems that the background of the Wang family is not shallow!

It didn't take long for them to land on a bluestone square covering an area of ​​10,000 mu. Behind the ninety-nine blue stone steps was a majestic blue palace with flying eaves and bucket arches, carved beams and painted buildings, and the plaque read "Welcome Hall" three. big letters.

A powerful divine sense quickly passed by Liu Tianxiao and the others, Liu Tianxiao was shocked again, this divine sense at least had the level of the middle stage of virtual refining.

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^, sure enough, the Wang family has a cultivator, and the consciousness is so powerful, which is not a good thing.

"Fellow Daoist Liu is here, and Wang has lost his way to welcome him."

A loud male voice sounded, spreading thousands of miles around.

Liu Tianxiao frowned, feeling slightly uncomfortable. The Liu family's children were all weak, their heads and feet were weak, and their heads were buzzing.

This is disarming, and the Wang family is telling the Liu family not to think that the Wang family is easy to bully.

"You stay here, the old man goes in and sees fellow Daoist Wang."

Liu Tianxiao gave an order, turned into a flash of light, and flew into the welcoming hall.

The hall is spacious and bright, and in front of it is a huge cyan lotus seat, shining with aura.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were sitting on the Qinglian throne with serious expressions.

Wang Changsheng had just entered the Void Refinement period, and Liu Tianxiao came over to inquire about the news. Naturally, it was not a good intention. Wang Changsheng simply gave the Liu family a disgrace, lest the Liu family have other thoughts.

"Old man Liu Tianxiao, I have met Daoyou Wang and Madam Wang. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. If it weren't for trivial matters, I would have come to visit you long ago."

Liu Tianxiao's tone was warm, and his face was full of smiles. Those who didn't know it thought that he and Wang Changsheng had been friends for many years.

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Liu, we should come visit."

Wang Changsheng said politely, with a smile on his face.

Both are monsters who have lived for thousands of years, and they have been talking politely.

"Young Daoyou Wang has entered the Void Refinement period, so you should celebrate it! Don't forget to call the old man at that time. We are neighbors, and we will take care of each other in the future."

Liu Tianxiao said with a smile.

Wang Changsheng smiled and nodded: "This is natural, I am planning to report to Chen Shibo, if Chen Shibo is free, I hope her old man can go to Jiulong Island to drink a few glasses of wine."

"Master Chen!"

Liu Tianxiao was startled, it seemed that Wang Changsheng's identity was not low, and he was able to invite a fit cultivator. Or, Wang Changsheng was just a fox and a tiger.

"Exactly, if it wasn't for Chen Shizu's guidance, Wang might not be where he is today."

Wang Changsheng deliberately moved out of Chen Yueying, which was a warning to the Liu family not to do anything.

"By the way, I don't know if Liu Dao came to our Wang family, what advice would you give me?"

Wang Ruyan asked.

"Mrs. Wang is joking, and I don't dare to take advice. I just heard that Daoyou Wang has entered the Void Refinement Stage. Come and see what you can do for Daoyou Wang."

Liu Tianxiao said vaguely that he originally wanted to discuss with Wang Changsheng, give Wang Changsheng some color, and let the Wang family know who is the boss of Yili Sea Area.

Wang Changsheng moved out of the cultivator, Liu Tianxiao was dubious, not afraid of 10,000 just in case, Liu Tianxiao thought about it again and again, but still gave up the idea of ​​​​discussion.

"The matter of our Wang family can be solved by ourselves. Thanks to Fellow Daoist Liu for your kindness, we will not bother you."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly.

Liu Tianxiao smiled embarrassingly, and after chatting for half an hour, he said goodbye and left.

"Those who come are not good, those who are good don't come, this old man is here to inquire about our truth."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said, Liu Tianxiao slammed around to inquire about their situation, and asked where they had been active before, but Wang Changsheng was confused.

"Don't care about him! We can't provoke him now, and we have no conflict of interest with the Liu family. Let's try our best to let the Liu family. Now we are too take a step back and open the sky."

Wang Changsheng said sternly, if Wang Ruyan entered the stage of virtual refining, the pressure on the Wang family would be much less.

"Husband, when are you going to go to Zhenhai Palace to receive the follow-up exercises?"

Wang Ruyan asked.

"Get the exercises earlier, feel at ease earlier, I plan to leave immediately, and when I get the exercises, I'll be back immediately."

Wang Changsheng's eyes were dignified, he didn't have a better exercise for the time being, so he could only continue to practice this exercise.

Wang Ruyan nodded: "Then you go! I will stay on Kowloon Island until you come back."

In a short time, the Liu family should not trouble the Wang family.

"Okay, my soul-devouring golden cicada may be advancing to the fifth rank, and the tortoise will stay in Kowloon Island to help you."

Wang Changsheng exhorted a few words, left Jiulong Island, and went to Piaoyun Island.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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