Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2162: Qingshan helps, repel the beast tide

The latest website: An aqua-blue light curtain covers most of the Kowloon Island, and nine blue pythons swim in the blue water curtain non-stop, like living creatures.

Intensive spells fell on the blue water curtain, and disappeared like mud like the sea.

Half an hour later, Wang Ruyan's face turned pale. The number of monsters was too many. More than sixty fifth-order monsters attacked Kowloon Island. This was definitely not something that Soul Eater Jinchan could attract.

A large number of monsters rushed to Kowloon Island, and a dense rain of red fire fell from the sky, drowning the figures of these monsters. It didn't take long for these monsters to evaporate.

hoo hoo hoo!

Accompanied by an extremely bizarre beast roar, more than a dozen fifth-order monsters landed on the island one after another.

The tortoise kept spewing out golden and blue thunder spears, slashing at the fifth-order monster.

A full-bodied red octopus slapped the blue water curtain with its tentacles, and a thick red flame spewed out of its mouth.

The explosions continued, the colorful auras were blazing, and the air was billowing.

The lin turtle turned to look at Qinglian Peak, and made a strange roar, it seemed to be sending a message to someone.

Countless cyan thorns suddenly emerged from the ground, entangling the red octopus, it was the wood demon.

Wang Ruyan ordered it not to move. After all, it was just a thorn and couldn't communicate, but it often played with the turtle, and the turtle could use it.

The red octopus struggled hard, but it was useless. Purple spirit flowers grew on the surface of the cyan thorns, and a lot of purple miasma gushed out.

Monster beasts below the fifth rank are stained with purple miasma, and they let out a low roar. If the skin is scratched on the body, the wound is stained with purple miasma, and it slowly turns into blood, which shows how terrifying the toxicity is.

A huge yellow ball rolled down from Qinglian Peak, flew high into the sky in an instant, and hit the red octopus heavily, making the red octopus dizzy.

Hundreds of golden and blue thunder spears fell from the sky and slashed on the red octopus. The red octopus's resistance became weaker and weaker, and it gradually lost its breath.

Wang Ruyan controlled the formation to resist the monsters, and the tortoise, the wood monster and the double-eyed mouse went into battle together, killing many fifth-order monsters, but it was a drop in the bucket.

Fortunately, the defense of the Nine Pythons Locking Spirit Formation was strong, and the monsters could not break through the Nine Dragons Island.

The blue octopus made a strange roar, and each of its eyes shot a blue light, hitting the blue water curtain. The blue water curtain instantly froze, and the ice layer was blue.

A large amount of red rain fell, and the blue ice layer melted.

More and more fifth-order monsters landed on the island, and a large number of monster corpses were piled up on the island, and the beach was stained with blood.

A deafening thunder sound suddenly came from the sky, and a golden thundercloud suddenly appeared in the sky. The golden thundercloud rolled violently, and the dense golden lightning pierced the sky and smashed into the blue octopus.

The blue octopus waved its tentacles and smashed the falling golden lightning.

An ear-piercing sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and a cyan Changhong burst through the sky, instantly appearing in front of the blue octopus.

The blue octopus's eyes immediately spewed blue light, and it landed on the sky-high sword. The sky-high sword instantly froze, but the ice layer quickly melted.

It hurriedly waved its tentacles, entangled in the Giant Sword, and when the tentacle touched the Giant Sword, a burst of blue smoke erupted.

A cyan flame spread along the sky-high sword, submerging the small half of the blue octopus.

A golden escaping light flew from a distance, and it didn't take long for the golden escaping light to stop high in the sky. It was the golden-horned thunder-lin beast. Wang Qingshan stood on the back of the golden-horned thunder-lin beast with an indifferent expression.

He did not expect that as soon as he arrived at Kowloon Island, he encountered a beast horde attacking Kowloon Island.

"Qingshan, have you ascended to Xuanyang Realm?"

Wang Ruyan was full of surprises when she saw Wang Qingshan.

"Ninth Aunt, I'll talk to you later, let's fight off the beast tide first."

Wang Qingshan said with a smile, feeling very excited.

His face turned cold, and he pinched his sword art: "Unscabbard!"

As soon as the voice fell, nine azure glass swords flew out from the sword box. In a piercing sound of swords, the nine azure glass swords turned into nine huge cyan lotus flowers. flying with a blue octopus.

The nine cyan lotus flowers spun endlessly, and the cyan sword qi swept out, like a meteor, hitting the monsters below. The monsters below the fifth rank couldn't stop them, and the dense cyan sword qi chopped them into pieces. .

Nine cyan lotus flowers surrounded the blue octopus. With the rapid rotation of the cyan lotus, nine huge blue vortices appeared on the sea, and the nine blue vortices quickly moved towards the blue octopus.

The blue octopus realized that something was wrong, and its thick tentacles slapped the giant sword out of the sky. At this moment, a golden thunderball the size of a small mountain fell from the sky and hit it.

With a loud noise, the dazzling golden thunder light drowned the radius of ten kilometers, and the powerful air waves set off huge waves one after another.

Wang Qingshan's sword art changed, and the nine cyan lotus flowers released a great deal of blue light, and the speed increased greatly, submerged in the golden thunder light, and there was a shrill roar.

It didn't take long for the thunder light to dissipate, and the blue octopus's body was blurred and its breath was sluggish.

It spewed out a bluish cold air, three cyan lotus flowers, and the thick tentacles danced wildly, shooting the three cyan lotus flowers out.

"Body and sword in one!"

A cold shout came from high in the sky, and a giant sword wrapped in cyan flames fell from the sky.

The blue octopus was startled and planned to escape into the bottom of the sea to avoid the blow.

A hurried flute sounded, and a blue and misty sound wave swept across its body, making its head dizzy.

A mournful scream sounded, and the huge body of the blue octopus was cut in half by the giant sword, and the blood stained a large sea of ​​water.

With a flash of azure light, the Sky-high Sword turned into a cyan flying sword and the appearance of Wang Qingshan.

With the cooperation of the Golden Horned Leilin Beast and Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingshan beheaded the beast.

The leader is The other fifth-order monsters have no command.

Wang Qingshan and Wang Ruyan cooperated, together with the tortoise and the golden-horned lei-lin beast, and after beheading seven fifth-order monsters, the monsters retreated one after another, and a large number of monster corpses were floating on the sea.

A hundred thousand feet under the sea, a thousand feet of blue sea mussels.

Liu Tianxiao sat cross-legged among the blue sea mussels, his face dignified, and he held a blue gleaming ball in his hand.

This time the beast tide was created by him, mainly because he wanted to see Wang Changsheng's strength and supernatural powers, so that he could deal with it.

"Sword repair! Ascension monk!"

Liu Tianxiao's eyes were gloomy. This time, the beast tide found a lot of methods in the Wang family.

The fifth-order wood demons, fifth-order spirit beasts, and sword cultivators in the divine transformation period were not so busy.

With a pinch of his magic trick, the blue sea clam quickly moved towards the bottom of the sea and disappeared into the bottom of the sea.

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