Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2163: Recalling the old, a panacea for prolonging life

The latest website: With Kowloon Island as the center, there are a large number of monster corpses floating on the sea surface in a radius of tens of thousands of miles. The sea water is dyed blood red, like purgatory.

The wings of the Golden Horned Lei Lin Beast kept flapping, floating in the sky. Wang Qingshan sat on its back and looked into the distance, his hair fluttering in the wind.

One person and one beast, like a mountain that cannot be climbed, gives people a strong sense of oppression.

"Back to the sheath."

Wang Qingshan's tactic was pinched, and the nine cyan lotus flowers suddenly turned into nine cyan long rainbows and flew back into the sword box.

The golden-horned Lei Lin Beast flew towards Kowloon Island with its wings and landed on the beach of Kowloon Island.

Wang Qingshan jumped off the back of the golden-horned Lei Lin beast and said with a smile: "Ninth Aunt, I haven't seen you for many years, how are you doing recently, Ninth Uncle!"

"Okay, we're fine, your ninth uncle has entered the Void Refinement Stage, he's going to Zhenhai Palace, come in and talk! Leave it to others here."

Wang Ruyan was excited and flew towards Qinglian Peak with Wang Qingshan.

After all, they hadn't seen each other for more than a thousand years, and things were different. Wang Ruyan wanted to know the situation of the family from Wang Qingshan's mouth.

Wang Qingcheng sent someone to clean up the body of the monster. He looked at Qinglian Peak with a strange expression.

It was the first time that he saw Wang Ruyan so excited. Hearing Wang Ruyan's words, Wang Qingshan was their clan.

They landed on Qinglian Peak, and Wang Qiuya walked over quickly.

"Grandma, who is this?"

Wang Qiuya looked at Wang Qingshan curiously, her face full of curiosity.

"Qiaoya, this is Qingshan. According to the seniority, you have to call me Qibo, Qingshan. This is your nephew Qiuya, my little granddaughter."

Wang Ruyan introduced with a smile on his face.

"My niece has seen Seventh Uncle."

Wang Qiuya bowed her body, and her eyes flashed with surprise.

"Qiuya! Ninth Aunt, the monks on the island are our monks from the Wang family?"

Wang Qingshan was stunned, and he flew into the Xuanyang Realm. He suddenly had a bunch of juniors.

"Well, they are all descendants of me and your ninth uncle. There are many panaceas in Xuanyang Realm. Many things that cannot be done in the lower realm can be easily done in Xuanyang Realm."

Wang Ruyan explained.

The ground shook slightly, and a huge yellow ball rolled up from the foot of the mountain and landed beside Wang Ruyan.

The yellow light flashed, and the yellow sphere turned into a yellow mouse the size of a palm, which was the double-eyed mouse.

It easily climbed onto Wang Ruyan's shoulder and made a screeching noise, as if taking credit.

"Is this guy advanced to the fifth rank?"

Wang Qingshan's face was full of shock, with a hint of envy in his tone.

Double-eyed mice have many children and grandchildren in the lower realm. Almost every member of the Wang family has a double-eyed mouse, and very few people have cultivated to the third rank.

As the saying goes, a chicken and a dog ascend to heaven when one person attains the Dao, and Wang Changsheng takes a double-eyed mouse to ascend to the Xuanyang Realm. It does not need to take any risks and is promoted to the fifth rank.

The double-eyed rat's tail swung back and forth, making a screeching sound, and waving its claws non-stop, as if to tell Wang Qingshan that it was also working very hard, and it didn't just know how to eat.

"Xuanyang Realm has rich resources for cultivating immortals. It is not surprising that it is promoted to the fifth rank. Qingshan, tell me about the family's situation."

While talking, Wang Ruyan came to the stone pavilion.

Wang Qingshan did not hide it and told the truth.

Wang Qiuya poured them tea and listened quietly.

Knowing that Wang Qingqing and the others had failed to enter the Spirit Transformation Stage, they had already died. Wang Ruyan's eyes dimmed and his heart was heavy.

"It seems that there are divine transformations, and they may not be able to enter the divine transformation stage."

Wang Ruyan sighed, she was well aware of this.

There are many powerful figures in the Dongli world, all of whom are still in the Nascent Soul. Their strength and aptitude are good. If they have the gods, they can advance to the gods. Those big sects have already cultivated a large number of gods.

"There is Qingxing in the lower realm, and there is no major incident. However, if there is a chance, I will send someone to the lower realm to deliver the resources to the tribe and help more tribes fly to the Xuanyang realm."

Wang Qingshan suggested.

Wang Ruyan nodded, she remembered something and ordered Wang Qiuya: "Qiuya, you go and tell Yuejiao to get a longevity pill, a bottle of Huiyang True Water, a Tianyuan Fruit, a Zhu Jiuye Liuguangzhi, bring it here in person."

These four things have the effect of prolonging life. A monk can only take it once. Taking these four things can prolong life by more than 1,500 years. This is the huge gap between Xuanyang Realm and Lower Realm.

It is not bad to find a kind of life-extending spiritual fruit in the lower realm, but it will only prolong life for one or two hundred years.

Wang Ruyan had taken it long ago, and he still has more than 1,500 years of life.

Wang Qingshan has been in the lower realm for many years, and there is not much longevity. If he stays in the lower realm, it will take a few hundred years to sit down. When he arrives in the Xuanyang realm, he naturally does not need to worry about his lifespan.

Of course, not everyone can come up with so many life-extending elixir. They brought out a lot of things from Xuanling Cave, and there are several strains of ten-thousand-year elixir, which can be exchanged for so many life-extending elixir. For a cultivator, it is not bad to be able to obtain two elixir for prolonging life.

Wang Qiuya responded and led the way.

"Qingshan, your lifespan is running out. If you take these four things first, there is no problem in prolonging your lifespan by 1,500 years. You still have hope of hitting the Void Refinement Period. very happy."

Wang Ruyan said kindly that with Wang Qingshan sitting on Kowloon Island, she can rest assured to retreat and practice.

There was a warm current in Wang Qingshan's heart, no matter at any time, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would not treat him badly.

"Ninth Aunt, this is what I got from Tianhai Realm. It is said to be the divine water of good fortune."

Wang Qingshan took out a blue jade bottle and handed it to Wang Ruyan.

He handed over most of the divine water of good fortune, and left some for his own use. Everyone has selfishness, and Wang Qingshan is not a saint.

"Good Fortune Divine Water? How did you get it?"

Wang Ruyan asked in surprise.

Wang Qingshan briefly explained what happened. He took out a blood-colored jade box, handed it to Wang Ruyan, and said, "This is a Nascent Soul from the Blood Shadow Clan at the God Transformation Stage, and it may be useful."

"Blood Shadow Clan, Xuanqing Sect, Taiyang Real Man!"

Wang Ruyan said to himself, his face became solemn.

"Qingshan, you have done a good job. It's nothing to lose a bottle of the divine water of creation. The Xuanqing faction has a huge influence, but it can't control us. I will send someone to send him a letter and tell him about the **** of creation. As for the water thing, don't leak it out, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble."

Wang Ruyan warned.

Wang Qingshan knew the seriousness of the matter and agreed.

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and Sun Yuejiao and Wang Qiuya walked in.

"Mother, I brought something here."

Sun Yuejiao said with a smile, took out a cyan storage ring and handed it to Wang Ruyan.

"Qingshan, let me introduce you, this is Qingcheng's Taoist companion, Yuejiao. According to seniority, you should be called Seventh Brother."

Wang Ruyan handed the storage ring to Wang Qingshan, and UU Kanshu introduced enthusiastically.

"I have heard my husband mention the name of the seventh brother long ago. My parents never forget you. I finally saw the seventh brother today. I saw the seventh brother kill the fifth-order monster just now.

Sun Yuejiao's tone was warm.

Wang Qingshan smiled slightly and said modestly: "My younger brother and sister praised it. If it wasn't for the help of Aunt Jiu, I would not have killed this monster so smoothly."

"Okay, I'll talk about the polite words later, Qingshan, you go down and take these elixir, don't leave any of them."

Wang Ruyan urged.

"Yuejiao, give it to Qingshan, forget it, I'll take you there! I live on Qingzhu Peak near Qinglian Peak,"

Wang Ruyan personally arranged accommodation for Wang Qingshan, which shows that she attaches great importance to Wang Qingshan.


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