Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2164: meet nephew

The latest website: Qingzhu Peak is less than a hundred miles away from Qinglian Peak. It is named after a large number of green bamboos planted on the mountain.

The texture of Qingfeng Bamboo is light, the green wind bamboo more than 50 years old is the material for refining flying instruments, and the green wind bamboo more than 500 years old can be used to refine flying magic weapons.

Green Bamboo Peak is more than a thousand feet high, and a blue stone step extends from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. On both sides of the blue stone step are dense green wind bamboos. A breeze blows, and the bamboo forest rustles.

When they came to the top of the mountain, a simple green bamboo building appeared in front of them, with a green attic and a green palace on both sides of the bamboo building.

"Qingshan, how is it? If you don't like it, change it. You can choose whatever you want. There are many vacant courtyards on the island."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile,

"Just here! Aunt Jiu, don't bother."

Wang Qingshan is very satisfied. He doesn't like luxury. The spiritual energy here is abundant, which suits his heart very well.

"These buildings are a bit rudimentary, and they will be replaced by you later."

Wang Ruyan didn't want to wrong Wang Qingshan. If he hadn't been protecting the family, Wang Qingshan wouldn't have been in the lower realm for so many years.

"No need, Aunt Jiu, it's pretty good here, I'll just live here!"

Wang Qingshan shook his head and said, Wang Ruyan was too enthusiastic, he was not used to it.

When he was in the lower realm, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were very good to him, and in the Xuanyang realm, they were better to Wang Qingshan.

"As long as you like it, it's not easy for you to reach the Xuanyang Realm. Well, let's not disturb your rest. You should take the elixir of life extension! Calculate the time, and your ninth uncle will be back soon."

After Wang Ruyan said this, she turned into a flash of light and left.

Wang Qingshan released the stone man, the three-headed cunning, and the golden-horned Leilin beast, allowing them to move freely on the Qingzhu Peak.

Three Cunning has advanced to the fourth rank. Speaking of which, it has followed Wang Qingshan for the longest time. However, when he was in the lower realm, Wang Qingshan was busy, and he did not pay much attention to cultivating spirit beasts. Slow down.

For him, the sword is everything.

After placing the spirit beast, Wang Qingshan walked into the green bamboo building.

The interior of the bamboo building is simple, with a cyan bamboo bed and some cyan bamboo chairs. A string of cyan bamboo wind chimes is hung in the upper left corner of the bamboo building. A gust of wind blows, and the bamboo wind chimes sway gently with a clear and loud sound.

The bamboo building has a complete set of facilities, including alchemy, utensils, exercises, and reception.

When Wang Qingshan came to the practice room, a large number of fire-proof patterns were inscribed on the walls.

He took out a cyan storage ring, flicked his wrist lightly, a cyan glow swept across, and there were four more things on the ground.

A cyan jade bottle, a golden jade bottle, a red jade box and a blue jade box.

"As expected of the Xuanyang Realm, there are so many elixir for prolonging life. If the ten sisters and the others have these things, they will not be sitting down."

Wang Qingshan sighed lightly and muttered to himself.

When it comes to the Void Refinement period, there is no restriction on Shou Yuan. The Great Tribulation is the biggest enemy of the immortal cultivator. No matter how precious the treasures that prolong life are, it is also relative to the monks below the Void Refinement.

Any of these four things in the lower realm will cause the major forces to frantically **** them.

Wang Qingshan took a deep breath, picked up the cyan jade bottle, and poured out a pale golden pill from it. There were nine silver lines on the surface, exuding a peculiar fragrance.

"Longevity Pill!"

Wang Qingshan's eyes were fiery, and he threw the longevity pill into his mouth, and the pill melted in the mouth.

He hurriedly practiced and refined, not daring to be careless.


Xuanqing School, Xuanqing Hall.

Sun Feng and Zhao Weiwei were reporting to a graceful young woman in a red dress. The young woman in the red dress had picturesque features and a cold expression.

Qin Yufeng, the head of the Xuanqing School, was in the middle of the fusion.

"Sect Master, this is how things went. We tried several times, but all ended in failure. Junior Brother Li died on the Immortal Meteorite Island, but we have sealed the space nodes and eliminated a batch of God Transformation Stages. Blood Shadow Clan."

Sun Feng said cautiously, they used the secret technique to track down the Immortal Meteor Island, and almost died on the Immortal Meteor Island. The restrictions there were not weak. They organized manpower to enter the Immortal Meteor Island to find Li Muyun's body, but they all ended in failure.

Every once in a while, the ban on Meteorite Island will usher in a period of weakness. If they wait, it will take hundreds of years at least, they don't want to stay in the lower realm for hundreds of years.

After they swept away the Blood Shadow Clan in the Tianhai Realm, they ran to the Dry Wind Realm and killed all the Blood Shadow Clan in that interface, but they couldn't get the divine water.

"Forget it, the divine water of good fortune has already been obtained, so you can be considered for meritorious service, but I want to know, what about the god-turning cultivator that Taiyang said! Why did he suddenly refuse to go to Xuanyang Realm with you? Are you bullying others? Killed he?"

Qin Yufeng said with a cold face, she doesn't care about Wang Qingshan's life or death, what she is afraid of is the real person Taiyang.

"No, the disciple swears by his inner demon that he did not kill this person, just..."

Sun Feng hesitated, sweating profusely.

"Tell the truth, otherwise the rules will serve you."

Qin Yufeng's face turned cold.

Sun Fenglian claimed that he could only tell the truth.

"Hey, it's fine if you didn't kill him. Where is the real Taiyang, I will greet him, you go down and collect the reward!"

Qin Yufeng instructed that Sun Feng would get more divine water of good fortune, which would be beneficial to the Xuanqing faction, so she did not punish her.

Sun Feng and Zhao Weiwei agreed and bowed down.


Five years passed quickly.

In a certain sea area, a blue escaping light quickly swept through the sky.

It didn't take long for the blue escape light to stop, and the escape light converged, it was Wang Changsheng.

After learning that Wang Qingshan had arrived in Xuanyang Realm and left Piaoyun Island, Wang Changsheng kept rushing to Jiulong Island on his birthday, and finally came back.

He took a deep breath, flew into Kowloon Island, and landed on Qinglian Peak.

Wang Qingshan, Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingcheng, Sun Yuejiao, and Dong Xueli were drinking tea and chatting in the stone pavilion. When they learned that Wang Qingshan had ascended from the lower realm, Wang Qingcheng and others were shocked.

After a few years, Wang Qingshan has also integrated into the family, and has a lot of acquaintances with Wang Qingcheng and others.

A ray of light descended from the sky and landed in front of the stone pavilion.

"Qingshan, you are here, good, good, good, great."

When Wang Changsheng saw Wang Qingshan, he was very happy. With Wang Qingshan sitting on Kowloon Island, he would feel more at ease when he traveled far.

"Ninth uncle, you are finally back."

Wang Qingshan's face was full of smiles. From the small talk, Wang Qingshan knew that Wang Changsheng had not been easy all these years.

"By the way, Madam, go to the treasure house and take the longevity elixir and other longevity elixir for Qingshan to take. He should not have enough longevity."

Wang Changsheng remembered something and urged.

After counting the time, Wang Qingshan's life span is running out.

"Ninth Uncle, when I first arrived on Kowloon Island, Aunt Ninth asked my younger brother and sister to get me the elixir of life extension from the family treasure house, and I took them all."

There was a warm feeling in Wang Qingshan's heart, no matter Wang Changsheng or Wang Ruyan, they always remembered Wang Qingshan, otherwise they would not let him take the elixir of longevity as soon as they met.

"Take it? That's good, that's good."

Wang Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

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