Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2165: Promoted to Qinglijian

The latest website: "By the way, Madam, there are no dust-cleaning pills in the family treasure house! You have to buy some dust-cleaning pills for Qingshan to help him wash away the breath of the lower realm."

Wang Changsheng remembered something, and warned that Wang Qingcheng and the others were all born in the Xuanyang Realm, and naturally there was no lower realm aura. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had already washed away the lower realm aura.

If Wang Qingshan did not take the Cleansing Pill, he would suffer a small catastrophe every 100 years.

Wang Qingshan smiled slightly and said: "Ninth Aunt personally went to Xueyanfang City and bought me a batch of dust-cleaning pills, enough for me to wash away the breath of the lower realm."

"That's good, by the way, Qingshan, how is the family situation? Tell me about it."

Wang Changsheng said at the end, his face became solemn.

When he left Dongli Realm in a hurry, he left his family behind and a sum of resources for cultivating immortals, but in the past so many years, it is difficult to say that there will be accidents.

Wang Qingshan said it one by one, without any concealment.

Knowing that Wang Qingqing, Wang Qiuming, Wang Qingling and others failed in their attempts to transform into gods, and they all sat down one after another, Wang Changsheng sighed lightly.

He had expected it long ago, but when he heard the news that they were sitting down, Wang Changsheng's heart was still very heavy.

"It's a pity that the eighth sisters and the others, if there is a panacea for prolonging life, they still have a chance to enter the spirit transformation period. Now that Qingying is in the family, the clan is not connected. It would be great if they could transport a sum of immortal cultivation resources to the lower realm."

Wang Qingshan said in a regretful tone, the lower realm does not lack genius, but what is lacking is the resources to cultivate immortals. If Wang Qingshan stays in the lower realm, he will still be unable to escape the fate of sitting in the lower realm. There are only a handful of cultivators who can cultivate in the lower realm to the late stage of God Transformation. .

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said: "For treasures such as the Boundary Disk, the human power in the Xuanling Continent, only the Xuanqing faction has the Boundary Disk, and it is not easy to borrow the Boundary Disk. As for the arrangement of the eighth-order array, then Even more impossible."

"If we stay in the lower realm, it will be difficult to ascend to the Xuanyang realm."

Wang Ruyan echoed the saying, the immortal cultivation resources of the lower realms, they cultivated to the middle of the gods.

"By the way, has Daoyou Sun of Myriad Beast Island ascended?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously that Sun Tianhu had visited Wang Qingshan.

"I don't know. Before I left Dongli Realm, I went to Myriad Beasts Island, and I couldn't see Daoyou Sun. I guess it was flying up. As for where it landed, I don't know. By the way, Meng Bin and Haitang's natal soul lamp It hasn't been broken, they may have wandered into other interfaces."

Wang Qingshan analyzed that everyone has their own opportunities, Wang Mengbin and Ye Haitang are not weak, especially Wang Mengbin, if they can also go to Xuanyang Realm.

"I hope they can go to the Xuanyang Realm! Well, let's not mention this matter, Qingcheng, order to go on, the Nine Dragons Island will be renamed Qinglian Island, and the name of Qinglian Immortal Companion will be spread. , they can come and join us."

Wang Changsheng instructed that when Wang Qingshan first arrived in Xuanyang Realm, he did not know the whereabouts of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and almost joined Zhenhai Palace.

Joining Zhenhai Palace is easy, but leaving Zhenhai Palace is difficult.

"Also, send someone to make a specific vest, marked with Qinglian, so that it is easier to identify, Yuejiao, Xueli, you go to supervise this matter."

Wang Ruyan added.

The three of Wang Qingcheng agreed and left.

"Husband, Qingshan got some divine water of good fortune from Tianhaijie."

Wang Ruyan briefly explained what happened, took out a blue jade bottle and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

"Good Fortune Divine Water? Heaven and Sea Realm actually has such a treasure."

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise, the divine water of good fortune was the most suitable for cultivating rare spiritual fruit and elixir, and it was not enough to condense the law.

The water of the Stygian River is more suitable for Wang Changsheng to condense the Dharma, and it is too extravagant to use it to condense the Dharma.

He thought of the Xuantian fairy vine in the lower realm. If he could be in the lower realm, he would bring this bottle of divine water to the lower realm and give it to the tribe to cultivate the Xuantian fairy vine.

"There is a divine water of good fortune on the Meteorite Island. It is estimated that the people of the Xuanqing faction will not let this treasure go, but what surprised me the most is that Huang Fugui actually went to the Tianhai Realm, and went to the Meteorite Island with the Taiyang Sect cultivator to hunt for treasures. "

Wang Qingshan said at the end, his face was a little strange.

When he was chatting with Yang Hongji, the head of Taiyangzong, he learned that Huang Fugui and Taiyangzong cultivator went to the Meteorite Island to hunt for treasures.

"This guy won't advance to the Divine Transformation Stage, and he will also ascend to the Xuanyang Realm!"

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised and said, Huang Fugui started by robbing tombs, this guy's luck is not generally good.

"I don't know, maybe!"

Wang Qingshan shook his head. It wasn't long before he arrived in Xuanyang Realm. Even if Huang Fugui flew to Xuanyang Realm, he didn't know Huang Fugui's situation.

"Let's not talk about Huang Fugui, by the way, Qingshan, give me your life flying sword, and I will help you to be promoted to the heavenly treasure. If you enter the spirit transformation stage, the life magic weapon or the spirit treasure is too cheap."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, with Wang Qingshan's ability, if the natal magic weapon is promoted to Tongtian Lingbao, his strength will be stronger.

Wang Ruyan took out a cyan storage ring, handed it to Wang Changsheng, and said with a smile, "I have bought all the materials, I will wait for you to come back, husband."

"Ninth uncle trouble."

Wang Qingshan took out nine blue glass swords and handed them to Wang Changsheng.

"My family, what's the trouble, you practice hard! Try to enter the Void Refinement Stage as soon as possible."

Wang Changsheng encouraged, Wang Qingshan joined them, and the family increased their strength.

"I went back to practice. Uncle and Aunt Jiu have something to call me."

Wang Qingshan got up and left.

"Husband, after you left Kowloon Island, a beast swarm broke out not long after, and the scale was far greater than before. I suspect it was the Liu family's ghost."

Wang Ruyan's face was solemn, and the Liu family was starting to target them.

"With Master Chen here, the Liu family doesn't dare to mess around for the time being. Madam, these people have worked hard for you. Qingshan has arrived in the Xuanyang Realm, and you can practice with peace of mind and hit the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, if Wang Ruyan entered the Void Refinement Stage, the Wang Family would be even stronger.

"We have obtained a lot of spiritual things, and the biggest problem in entering the Void Refinement Stage is Thunder Tribulation."

Wang Ruyan said at the end, with a bit of fear in his eyes.

She witnessed Wang Changsheng's impact on the Void Refinement Stage with her own eyes, and knew that the power of the Six-Nine Thunder Tribulation was no trivial matter, and she needed to prepare more treasures.

"Don't worry about this, leave it to me, what you need to consider is how to hit the Void Refinement Period."

Wang Changsheng used five groups of fifth-order spiritual flames to impact the virtual refining period, and did not take any spiritual items. This method is not suitable for promotion.

"In more than 50 years, there will be a large auction in Xueyanfang City. It is said that there will be a secret talisman such as the Five Elements Infusion Talisman. The Five Elements Infusion Talisman is a sixth-order talisman, which can balance the power of the five elements and cultivate other Attribute exercises take a long time not to mention, and the risks are not Wang Ruyan said slowly, her face dignified.

When they were in the lower realm, the five spiritual roots were recognized as waste. In the Xuanyang realm, in addition to the spiritual body, it is not easy for non-five-element spiritual-root cultivators to attack the Void Refinement Stage. Seriously, there will be life-threatening.

If she were to revise the exercises, she would use treasures to replace the earth and fire spirit roots, and also cultivate earth and fire attribute exercises, which would take a long time and be very risky.

"Five Elements Filling Spirit Talisman? This matter is not urgent, there may be other ways, you practice first!"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan chatted for a while before walking into the basement.

He threw the nine azure glass swords into the air, spraying out glazing ice flames, wrapping the nine azure glass swords.

Having had the experience of being promoted to Dinghaizhu, Wang Changsheng had great confidence in promoting the Qinglijian to the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

The temperature inside was frighteningly low, and the ground was freezing.

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