Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2166: 50 years later, Lingzhi husband Wang Junzhi, the new supernatural power 4 seas...

The latest website: Spring and autumn come, and fifty years have passed quickly.

Qinglian Island, a steep giant peak, looking from a distance, this mountain is like a cyan sword, stabbed horizontally on the ground.

In the early morning, the sky was just bright, and the golden sunlight poured on Qinglian Island, bringing a burst of warmth to Qinglian Island.

At the foot of the mountain stood a silver stone tablet more than 100 meters high, on which was written the three golden characters of "Lun Dao Peak", which could be clearly seen from a hundred miles away.

On the top of the mountain, there is a bluestone square covering an area of ​​100,000 mu. Hundreds of Wang family members are sitting on the futon. Their ages range from five to twenty years old.

They closed their eyes slightly, and their hands were imprinted. As they breathed in and out, a little bit of aura emerged around their bodies, and poured into their bodies along their nose and mouth. The aura was colorful and gorgeous.

A breeze blows, clothes flutter, no one opens their eyes,

In front of the hundreds of people, a tall red-clothed youth sat cross-legged on a red futon.

The red-clothed youth's brows are like swords, his face is handsome, his hands are imprinted, his eyes are slightly closed, and strands of red light pour into his body along his nose and mouth.

An hour later, the sky was bright, a red sun was shining, and the golden sunlight fell on them.

The young man in red opened his eyes, his eyes dignified.

Wang Junzhi, a cultivator of forming pills, a third-order Lingzhi husband, he is responsible for supervising the cultivation of the qi-refining juniors, and is also responsible for guarding the family's spiritual medicine garden.

Almost at the same time, the clansmen opened their eyes one after another.

"Okay, that's it for today, let's go back to eat!"

Wang Junzhi waved his hand and commanded.


All the clansmen agreed in unison, and successively sacrificed the Qinglian artifact, jumped up, flew towards the sky, and went back to their respective homes.

Wang Junzhi raised his head and looked up into the sky, and saw a blossoming cyan lotus flower.

Fifty years ago, Kowloon Island was renamed Qinglian Island, and the low-level monks of the family would issue Qinglian instruments to travel, and the name of Qinglian Royal Family was officially spread.

Wang Junzhi took out an emerald green jade flute and put it on his lips and blew it gently.

A cheerful flute sounded, a clear bird chirping came from the distant sky, and a seven-color aura flew from afar.

It didn't take long for a seven-color aura to appear above Luandao Peak. It was a peacock with more than ten feet of wings spread out. The feathers on its body were mixed with seven colors, and it was very beautiful.

Qixia Sparrow, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan brought out two Qixia Sparrow eggs from Xuanling Cave.

The one in front of him is the family's guardian spirit bird, Qixiaque, which is currently a third-tier top grade.

Qixia Que circled around Luandao Peak and landed in front of Wang Junzhi.

Wang Junzhi touched its head and flew to the back of the Qixia Queer. The Qixia Queer flapped its wings lightly, a gust of wind blew up, and flew high into the sky, and soon disappeared.

After a cup of tea, Qixia Que fell in a valley shrouded in thick white fog. Outside the valley, there was a pale blue stone tablet with the words "Hundred Fruits Valley" written on it.

The family has 18 spiritual medicine gardens, which are located in different parts of the island. Baiguo Valley mainly cultivates spiritual fruit trees, and has cultivated dozens of spiritual fruit trees. Wang Junzhi takes care of them personally.

Wang Junzhi took out a square cyan token, injected mana, and a cyan light flew out and disappeared into the valley.

The thick white fog rolled violently, and a passage appeared. Wang Junzhi walked in, and Qixia Que followed.

Through the thick white fog, a manor with an extremely wide area appeared in front of him. The interior of the manor was divided into dozens of independent courtyards, each of which was planted with a fruit tree.

Wang Junzhi took out the array plate, opened the restriction and walked in.

Not long after, he appeared in a secluded courtyard. There was a blood-colored fruit tree more than 100 meters high in the courtyard. The trunk and leaves were blood-colored, and the surface of the fruit had some golden lines.

The blood bodhi fruit tree, the blood bodhi fruit can strengthen the qi and blood of the cultivator, so as to achieve the effect of strengthening the physical body.

Wang Junzhi took out a cyan gourd the size of a slap, and punched it into a magic trick.

The cyan cloud rolled violently, and the bean-sized cyan rain poured down and fell on the blood bodhi fruit tree.

The cyan rainwater is the herbal liquid, which is helpful to the growth of the spirit fruit tree.

After absorbing the herbal jade liquid, the blood bodhi fruit tree grew some small buds, and the color of the leaves became brighter.

The blood bodhi fruit tree blooms for a thousand years, bears fruit for a thousand years, and matures after another thousand years. High-level Lingzhifu can shorten the ripening cycle of Lingguo and elixir, and the shortening depends on the cultivation of Lingzhifu.

The ground shook violently, as if an earthquake, the alarm on the island rang loudly, and a large number of clansmen rushed towards Qinglian Peak.

Wang Junzhi was slightly stunned and looked towards Qinglian Peak.

"It's nothing, I'm testing the power of the treasure, you go to work!"

A vigorous male voice suddenly sounded.

After hearing this, the clansmen retreated one after another.

Qinglian Peak, a secluded courtyard.

Wang Changsheng was standing in a cyan stone pavilion. A huge golden-armored guard was lying on the ground. His body was covered with mysterious spiritual patterns.

Over the years, Wang Changsheng has been refining weapons. In addition to helping Wang Qingshan promote the Qingli Sword to the Heavenly Spirit Treasure, he also has to refine the fifth-order puppet beast, and he also helps his son and daughter-in-law to refine the Heavenly Spirit Treasure.

With the sixth-order Lingyan Glazed Glazed Ice Flame in hand, the refining time has been shortened a lot. If it is replaced by an ordinary virtual refining cultivator, fifty years is not enough.

A golden light flew over, making a cheerful cicada sound, it was the soul-eating golden cicada.

Its body is much larger than before, and its whole body glows with a soft golden light, like a piece of sparkling gold.

If it weren't for the Thousand Insect Fruit, it would still be very difficult for it to advance to the fifth rank. After advancing to the fifth rank, it would feed back a lot of divine consciousness to Wang Changsheng, and his magical powers would be enhanced.

The most notable thing in this sea area is monsters, and occasionally there are sixth-order monsters.

"Let's go, I'll take you to find something to eat."

Wang Changsheng put away the puppet beast, turned into a blue light and left Qinglian Peak, and Soul Eater Jinchan hurriedly followed.

Before long, he appeared over a huge lake.


An excited beast roared, the lake burst, and the tortoise floated out of the sea, and the guy's size increased a lot.

"Let's go, I'll take you to find something delicious."

Wang Changsheng gave an order and flew out of Qinglian Island, and the tortoise turned into a blue light and chased after him.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng landed on the beach of Qinglian Island.

The huge body of the tortoise slammed into the sea, splashing a lot of waves, and it dived into the bottom of the sea.

Wang Changsheng stood on the beach, waiting quietly.

The sea surface tumbled violently, a thick water tornado rose into the sky, and a red sea lion flew out from the bottom of the sea, looking at its breath, it was a fifth-order low-grade monster.

Wang Changsheng flicked two fingers, and a blue light shot out. Wherever he passed, the void made a harsh sound of breaking the air, the void was twisted and deformed, and the sea water was divided into two, as if it was cut in half by a sharp blade.

The red sea lion spewed out a thick red flame, hitting the blue light.

A loud The red flame was smashed by the blue light, and the blue pass directly pierced the head of the red sea lion. The red sea lion suddenly lost its breath. , the corpse fell on the sea, and the blood stained a large sea of ​​water.

After entering the Void Refinement Stage, Wang Changsheng mastered a new supernatural power, the Four Seas Destroying Spirit Fingers, condensing water vapor to damage the enemy, the deeper the mana, the more water vapor, the greater the power, this supernatural power needs to control the water aura, and the Void Refinement cultivator is considered The real control of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has a great increase in the Four Seas Destroying Spirit Fingers.

Killing a fifth-order low-grade monster with one hit is the huge gap between refining the virtual and transforming the gods, and he has not used the magic sign yet.

With a flash of red light, a miniature sea lion flew out from the corpse, which was its spirit.

With a flash of golden light, Soul Eater Golden Cicada suddenly descended from the sky, and its wings slammed fiercely, releasing a golden glow, covering the miniature sea lion.

The mini sea lion suddenly burst into blue smoke and was swallowed by Soul Eater Jin Chan.

The Soul Eater Jin Chan is a new supernatural power after entering the fifth rank. This supernatural power is only aimed at spirits and ghosts, and is of little use to monks and monsters.

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