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Chapter 2168: Incarnate into God Transformation, clone into Nascent Soul

Latest website: Considering the rapid growth of the clan, Wang Changsheng added 50 new characters, enough for the family to use for a long time.

Behind the Gongzi generation are Liangqing Yimouyuan, Moyou Yiyizhuan, Fangsheng Yong Shaoxian, mountains and rivers Zhong Yuxiu, careful repair and model, dedicated and honest, Langui Xinxiang follows, poetry and books Fu Lu Yan, Dao Da different auspicious , Deng Xiangxian Zongze.

"Our family currently mainly relies on the sale of monster beast materials and spirit fish for a living. We have opened three stores in Xueyanfang City. The income is okay, and self-sufficiency is no problem."

Wang Qingcheng took out a thick account book and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

There are more than 2,000 monks in the Wang family, there are not many high-level monks, and there is not much financial pressure. By planting spirit valleys and raising spirit fish and silkworms, they can maintain the survival of the foundation-building and Qi-refining period.

Beast tides often break out in this sea area, and every time a beast tide erupts, it is a harvest day for the Wang family.

To put it simply, there are very few monks above the Wang family, and they do not need a lot of resources for immortal cultivation. They can be self-sufficient by relying on the existing site.

Due to the frequent beast tides, small forces often turn to big forces in order to survive. If a big force collapses, the affiliated forces will choose another leader.

The Wang family originally had only 36 islands. After the news spread that Wang Changsheng had entered the Void Refinement Stage, the small families or forces who had lost their shelter took the initiative to bring the islands to seek refuge. In exchange for protection, over time, the number of islands controlled by the Wang family naturally increased.

"Our family currently has no spirit stone mines or metal veins. The Liu family has twelve spirit stone mines and thirty-seven metal veins, and controls more than 21,400 islands. The Liu family cultivator conservatively estimates 100,000, and the affiliated forces are 300. Twenty-five, and a conservative estimate of 500,000 foreign monks who can be transferred."

Wang Qingcheng said at the end, with a bit of envy in his eyes.

The Liu family's overall strength is a hundred blocks away from the Wang family, and its financial resources, manpower, and territory far exceed the Wang family's. There is a powerful neighbor, which is a potential threat.

The Liu family is so strong, it is inseparable from the support of the Leng Yan faction.

"Constrain the people of the clan and affiliated forces, try not to conflict with the Liu family, we are still very weak, we need time to develop, and cultivate more refiners. Your mother and I have brought out a lot of good things from Xuanling Cave. This is the foundation and slowly develops.”

Wang Changsheng instructed that they brought out a lot of things from Xuanling Cave, such as spirit worms, spirit beasts, spirit wood, etc., which are relatively rare things in the outside world.

The goat milk produced by the silver-horned antelope can be drunk or refined into suet pills for consumption. In addition, the silk spit out by the multicolored silkworms can be refined into cassocks, which are warm in winter and cool in summer. The skin of the Tail Bone Fish is a good material for refining Talisman Paper.

"Got it, Dad."

Wang Qingcheng nodded. The Wang family now has no shortage of land and resources to cultivate immortals. What is needed is time, everything needs to be stable, and when the number of masters in the clan increases, it is relatively easy to obtain immortal cultivation resources.

"By the way, Dad, after a while, there will be an auction in Xueyanfang City."

Wang Qingcheng remembered something and added.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Understood, go and get busy!"

Wang Qingcheng responded and turned to leave.

A yellow ball rolled to Wang Changsheng's side, it was the double-eyed mouse.

It climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder and made a "jiji" sound, as if it was begging Wang Changsheng for something.

Wang Changsheng touched its head, flicked his wrist lightly, and a blue light flew out from the storage ring. It was a blue whale more than a hundred meters long, with a huge blood hole on its head.

The double-eyed rat made an excited chirping sound, and a dazzling yellow light lit up on its body.

The blue whale's carcass shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared into its mouth.

"Sky-Swallowing Mouse! If only you could grow into a Sky-Swallowing Mouse."

Wang Changsheng said to himself, the stronger the bloodline of the monster, the easier it is to advance, which can be seen from the double-eyed mouse and the tortoise.

The double-eyed mouse has changed its bloodline, but it is hard to say whether it can evolve in the direction of the swallowing mouse.

The double-eyed mouse was full and went to play by himself.

Wang Changsheng came to the door of a secret room, the door of the secret room suddenly opened, and a tall young man in blue shirt walked out, looking at his breath, it was the Yuan Ying period.

Wang Xiangrong, Wang Changsheng's avatar, practiced the Wind Attribute Cultivation Technique "Nine Heavens Free and Easy Art", which is currently in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the speed of cultivation is quite fast.

The clone is different from the incarnation. The clone will also have a thunder tribulation when it hits the great realm. It can be cultivated to form the Nascent Soul. It is an independent individual. The incarnation itself has the Nascent Soul, and Wang Changsheng can kill it at any time.

"The auction is about to start. I'll take you to see the market and buy a resource for immortal cultivation."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

Wang Xiangrong nodded and did not speak.

At this time, the door to the secret room on the opposite side opened, and Wang Sen came out. He had already entered the Divine Transformation Stage, and it was currently in the initial stage of Divine Transformation.

Wang Changsheng walked out, followed by Wang Sen and Wang Xiangrong.

After leaving Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng came to a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides.

Wang Changsheng sent a sound transmission, and not long after, the blue mist rolled violently, and Wang Qiuya flew out.

"Grandfather, why are you here?"

Wang Qiuya was elated when she saw Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "I want to go to Xueyanfang City to do some business and take you to see the world."

There is only Wang Qiuya in the generation of the word "Qiu". She has a cheerful personality and respects the old and loves the young. Wang Changsheng also likes this little granddaughter very much.

"That's great, I've always wanted to go to Xueyanfang City, but my parents wouldn't let me."

Wang Qiuya is Since she was a child, she has never left the family-controlled territory and yearns for time outside.

"Come on, grandfather will show you around."

When Wang Changsheng raised his hand, a blue light flew out, and it was a flying boat with blue light, it was the Qingluan boat.

After Jin entered the Void Refinement Stage, Wang Changsheng could boldly use the Qingluan Boat to travel.

This time he went to Xueyanfang City, in addition to participating in the auction, he wanted to purchase a resource for cultivating immortals. There are too few high-level monks in the clan, so purchasing resources is not convenient, and there is a risk of death when the gods go out. Resources, Wang Ruyan used to be in charge, Wang Ruyan and Wang Qingshan were both in retreat and cultivation, Wang Qingcheng wanted to guard the home, only Wang Changsheng had to go.

Wang Qiuya responded and flew to the Qingluan boat.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, the azure boat suddenly burst into azure light, turning into a azure escaping light that broke through the sky, and the four of them disappeared into the sky after a while.


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