Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2169: cloud beast

The latest website: More than a month later, an endless blue sea.

Cloudless, sea breeze blowing.

A cyan escaping light flew from the distant sky at an extremely fast speed.

It didn't take long for the cyan light to stop over a deserted island, and the light converged, revealing a flying boat with blue light. There were a pair of blue bird wings on each side of the flying boat. Three men and one woman stood on the blue flying boat. It was Wang Changsheng four. people.

"Grandfather, it should be right this time. This deserted island is full of spiritual energy. I watch the trend of the nearby islands and mountains. There may be spiritual stone mines under the seabed, and the reserves should not be large."

Wang Qiuya held a light cyan compass in her hand, with countless tiny runes engraved on it, and a silver pointer, her face full of excitement.

With Wang Changsheng's escaping speed, if he hurried with all his strength, he would have reached Xueyanfang City long ago.

Wang Qiuya was very interested in finding mineral veins. Along the way, she checked several islands to determine whether there were mineral veins, but they all failed.

Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. She has checked a lot of classics on finding mineral veins and has deep theoretical knowledge, but theory is a theory, and the actual situation is far from the theory.

Wang Changsheng was not in a hurry, and ran around with her, letting her find the mines.

Wang Sen understood it, his body glowed brightly, and he flew into the sea.

With Wang Changsheng's tactic, Qingluanzhou quickly landed on top of a steep peak.

His huge consciousness quickly swept across the entire island, and found many monsters, including many fourth-order monsters.

The territory of Xuanyang Realm is vast. In the Xuanling Continent alone, there are countless islands. This island has fourth-order spiritual veins and is not occupied by monks.

In the South China Sea of ​​the Dongli Realm, the idle islands are either weak in spiritual energy or remote locations, while in the Xuanyang Realm, there are many such unowned islands, which are vast and sparsely populated.

The location of this island is not remote. There are hundreds of islands with fourth-order spiritual veins in a radius of one million miles. None of them are occupied by monks. Because of the frequent outbreak of beast tides, it is very risky for monks to settle here.

In addition to the beast tide, there are natural disasters such as Tianfeng. The powerful Tianfeng can even kill the cultivator of the gods, but Tianfeng of this scale is rare.

The high-level human race has always encouraged scattered cultivators or small families to settle and develop on the deserted island with abundant spiritual energy, thereby expanding the sphere of influence of the human race, but the effect is very small, and the cultivation base is too low to stop the monsters. , after all, the inland is more prosperous, it is more convenient to collect immortal cultivation resources, and you don't have to deal with the beast tide often.

There was once a god-turning cultivator named Qianyang Sanren who founded a sect here, established a Ganyang sect, developed for more than a thousand years, and cultivated seven god-turning cultivators. If nothing else, the Qianyang sect may go Brilliant, as a result, a once-in-a-million-year beast tide broke out. Sixth-order monsters appeared. The masters of the entire sect were killed and injured. Only some of the disciples escaped. middle.

The Wang Jian family has a sixth-order defense formation, and it is not a problem to resist the attacks of sixth-order monsters, but not any force has such strong financial resources.

Therefore, in this sea area, high-level array mages are very popular and widely praised.

There was a huge explosion from high in the sky, and several escaping lights appeared in the distant sky, flying towards here quickly.

Wang Qiuya was shocked, but she calmed down when she thought of Wang Changsheng.

"It's just the fighting skills of the cultivators, don't worry."

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth and said that he discovered these people immediately. Several cultivators of God Transformation were fighting, and the highest cultivation was in the late stage of God Transformation.

In addition to Beast Tide and Tianfeng, there are also many battles between immortal cultivators. In the past month or so, they have encountered more than a dozen cultivators fighting.

If the monsters deal with the human race monks, Wang Changsheng will still help. After all, he is a human race. If the human race monks fight each other, he is too lazy to care, who knows what is right and wrong.

A deafening explosion sounded, and a huge cloud of red mushrooms appeared high in the sky.

A white light escaped from the sky and fell on the desert island, causing dust to fly.

The smoke and dust dissipated, revealing a dirt pit hundreds of feet in size. A pale azure-robed old man was lying in the pit, with a white cloud under his feet.

The old man in green robe had a square face, big eyes, wrinkled face, and many bloodstains on his body.

The white cloud suddenly condensed and turned into a small beast all white, holding up the old man in green robe.

"Hey, cloud beast!"

Wang Changsheng let out a light whimper, his eyes fell on the little white beast, his face full of curiosity.

Cloud beasts feed on clouds and mists, they can fly in the clouds, they can also change their shape at will, and they are good at disguising. This kind of monsters is difficult to reproduce, and the number is very small. There used to be a virtual sky clan in Xuanling Continent. This race is good at space magic and has raised a lot Cloud beast.

After the Xutian family was destroyed, the cloud beasts also disappeared.

Wang Changsheng didn't expect to see the cloud beast here, looking at the breath, it was a fourth-order spirit beast.

Two escaping lights flew from a distance, and not long after, the two escaping lights stopped, a fat red-robed Taoist priest and a white-skirted young woman with gorgeous facial features.

"Void Cultivator!"

The red-robed Taoist priest's face tightened, he bowed and said, "Junior Liu Nianhang, we are meeting senior, we are under the order of senior Liu to arrest this person. This person has harmed innocent people and killed many monks. We also ask senior to make it easier. "

"Murder innocent people?"

The old man in green robe had a sarcastic look on his face, and he laughed loudly: "Your Liu family arrested the Yuanying cultivators, sent them to dig in a dangerous place, and then killed them afterward. Who is harming the innocent?"

"Shut up, you rake, our Liu family is absolutely impossible to do such a thing."

The young woman in the white dress shouted coldly.

Wang Changsheng raised his brows and asked, "Senior Liu? Which Senior Liu?"

"Senior Liu of the Liu family in Qianzhudao, please make it convenient for you."

Liu Nianhang said politely.

"Understood, let's go!"

Wang Changsheng waved his hand. He didn't like the Liu family. When Wang Qingshan first arrived on Kowloon Island, a large beast swarm broke out.

Liu Nianhang and said, "Senior, he is the person named by Senior Liu to arrest.

Before Liu Nianhang could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Wang Changsheng: "Are you deaf? Do you want me to repeat it?"

The heads of Liu Nianhang and the young woman in the white skirt were dizzy and heavy, and an unbearable pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness, which seemed to be torn apart.

They broke out in a cold sweat, and without saying a word, turned into two rays of light and walked away.

The cloud beast flew to Wang Changsheng with the old man in green robe, and the old man in green robe bowed to Wang Changsheng and said gratefully: "Junior Sun Sihai, thank you for saving your life, I don't know what to call senior?"

"Where did you get a cloud beast?"

Wang Changsheng asked casually.

"The junior bought it from the black market at a high price. If the senior likes it, he will give it to the senior."

Sun Sihai said sincerely.

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