Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2182: Auction, 7 stars turn panacea

The latest website: Han House, Han Changfeng is reporting to Han Rongrong, who is holding a spar the size of a longan nucleus in her hand.

"Magnetic Primordial Divine Crystal, unfortunately it is too small. It would be better if it were bigger. At best, it can be refined into a low-grade Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure."

Han Rongrong said in a regretful tone.

"He has entered the Xuanling Cave, and maybe there is also the Yuan Magnetic Divine Crystal. I will find a way to get it."

Han Changfeng said solemnly.

"He's from Zhenhai Palace, don't use force and make bad friends with Zhenhai Palace, our business in Xuanling Continent will be affected, it's just Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal."

Han Rongrong exhorted, in a stern tone.

Zhenhai Palace's influence in Xuanling Continent is not small, and there is no need for the Han family to fight against Zhenhai Palace for the sake of Yuan Magnetic Divine Crystal.

"Understood, Ten Aunts."

Han Changfeng agreed, he had already made arrangements, first send someone to inquire about Wang Changsheng's background, look at Wang Changsheng's preferences and exercises, and then prescribe the right medicine.


A month has passed quickly. Early in the morning, the sky just dawned, and there was a long queue at the entrance of Xueyan Palace.

Wang Changsheng stood in the crowd, Wang Qiuya and Wang Sen followed Wang Changsheng, Wang Qiuya looked excited.

As an alchemy cultivator, it was the first time she participated in such a large-scale auction, and Wang Qiuya was full of surprises.

It didn't take long for them to be lined up, and the guard felt the powerful spiritual pressure emanating from Wang Changsheng and quickly let go.

The hall is spacious and bright, with a high sapphire platform hundreds of feet in the center. There are no tables, chairs and futons in the hall.

A green-robed attendant walked over quickly and took Wang Changsheng upstairs.

There are thirty-six floors in Xueyan Palace. Starting from the second floor, there are hundreds of rooms of the same size on each floor. The doors of the rooms on the second, third, and fourth floors have a thick light curtain, and it is obvious that someone is inside.

Before long, they came to the door of a guest room on the fifth floor.

The servant in green shirt took out the token to open the restriction and pushed open the door.

The room is not big. There is a cyan jade table and a few cyan jade chairs. There is a set of exquisite tea sets on the jade table. An oval cyan jade mirror is inlaid on the wall, and the picture of the hall is on the mirror.

"This is a bidding token. If the senior wants to bid, just inject mana and open the bid."

The servant in green shirt handed Wang Changsheng a blue square token, bowed down, and closed the door.

Wang Changsheng injected mana into the square token, and a cyan light curtain suddenly appeared on the door.

He sat down, and Wang Qiuya picked up the teapot and poured tea for Wang Changsheng.

"Grandfather, what rare panacea will be in this auction?"

Wang Qiuya asked curiously, Wang Changsheng can refine utensils, Wang Ruyan can make talismans, and what the Wang family lacks is medicine pills and formations.

"There is a seven-star transformation elixir, which is said to improve the physique of immortal cultivators, wash the marrow of the Book of Changes, and use it for cultivators below the emptiness level to speed up the cultivation speed. I hope I can take a bottle."

Wang Changsheng said warmly that many of the cultivators who participated in the auction were from a cultivator sect or a cultivator family. It was not easy to buy a bottle of Qixing Zhuanling Pill.

Wang Qiuya nodded thoughtfully, stood beside her obediently, and did not ask any further questions.

After a cup of tea, accompanied by a melodious bell, a chubby old man in a white robe and a tall young woman in a blue skirt descended from the sky and landed on the sapphire high platform. They were all spiritual monks.

"Old husband Hong Xin (concubine Lin Xin) has seen all the seniors and fellow Daoists. Welcome to this auction."

The old man in the white robe and the young woman in the blue skirt clasped their fists and introduced themselves.

"Don't talk about those nonsense, start the auction early!"

A man's voice with some vicissitudes suddenly sounded.

Hong Xin responded with a sound, took out ten cyan vases, and said, "Ten seven-star jade ginseng pills, which can help the Nascent Soul cultivator to reach the stage of spiritual transformation. The base price is one million spiritual stones, and the price must not be less than 300,000 each time."

These ten seven-star jade ginseng pills aroused competition among many monks. For some small families or Nascent Soul loose cultivators, the main purpose of their participation in the auction was the seven-star jade ginseng pill.

There are not many spirits in the family treasury, so to plan ahead, Wang Changsheng spent 6.8 million spirit stones and photographed two seven-star jade ginseng pills.

For the first auction item, he spent 6.8 million. Before that, he spent tens of millions of spirit stones to buy a batch of refining materials. The spirit stones are really worthless.

Before participating in the auction, Wang Changsheng sold more than 30 low-grade Tongtian Lingbao in batches, all of which he obtained from Xuanling Cave. These Tongtian Lingbao belonged to sects or cultivators, and it would be inconvenient to keep them for his own use. .

After selling more than 30 low-grade Lingbao, Wang Changsheng obtained more than 100 million spiritual stones, and he was rich.

After taking away the seven-star jade ginseng pill, Hong Xin took out ten blue porcelain bottles and said loudly, "Ten bottles of the fifth-order medicinal pill, gold-patterned blood essence pill, can replenish qi and blood, and the healing effect is good. The base price is one million spirit stones. The second price increase shall not be less than 300,000 spirit stones."

There are not many spiritual cultivators in the Wang family, and there are not many fifth-order healing pills in the family treasure house. Wang Changsheng still spent 7 million spirit stones to take a bottle of golden blood essence pill.

"Qingli Pills are made from three thousand years of Qingli grass as the main medicine. Daoists who practice wood attribute exercises should not miss it. The base price is 1 million spirit stones, and the price should not be less than 500,000 each time."

Hong Xin held five cyan vases in his hands and said loudly.

"one million!"


"Two million!"


Hong Xin took out a variety of medicinal herbs with different effects, all of which sold for high prices.

After a cup of tea, Hong Xin took out seven silver porcelain vases and said, "Five bottles of Qixing Zhuanling Pill can wash the marrow of the Book of Changes, improve aptitude, and speed up cultivation. One million spirit stones, each time the price increases by 300,000."

"Two million!"

"Two million and three million!"

"2.6 million!"


The competition was fierce. Wang Changsheng spent five million yuan to take a bottle of the Seven Stars Zhuanling Pill. There were ten pieces in total, or five hundred thousand spirit stones.

After taking away the Qixing Zhuanling Pill, Hong Xin took out five blue porcelain bottles and said loudly, "The sixth-order pill, Haixi Pill, has the effect of improving mana. Seniors who practice water attribute exercises should not miss it. The reserve price is 300 yuan. The price of Wanling Stone shall not be less than 500,000 yuan each time."

"three million!"

"Three and a half million!"

"four million!"


The competition is The price is rising.

Wang Changsheng had the sixth-order spiritual water to assist in his cultivation, and the sixth-order spiritual water was the best panacea.

The price of the sixth-order spirit medicine is relatively expensive, and the five bottles of Haixidan are all sold at high prices, with a minimum of 8 million spirit stones and a maximum of 11 million spirit stones.

The higher the cultivation base, the higher the value of the resources needed to cultivate immortals.

After taking away several sixth-order medicinal pills, Hong Xin took out a cyan jade box, opened the jade box, and there was a light blue demon pill with some silver spirit patterns on the surface.

"A fifth-rank top-grade Inner Pill that swallows a sea shark has a base price of one million spirit stones, and the price must not be less than 200,000 spirit stones each time."

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