Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2183: 5 Flame Crystal

Latest URL: "One Million!"

"1.2 million!"

"One and four million!"


Hong Xin successively took out alchemy materials such as demon pills, high-year elixir, and medicine stones, all of which were auctioned at high prices.

There are not many spiritual cultivators in the Wang family, and there are many spiritual medicines in the family coffers that are more than a thousand years old. At present, they are enough.

"Two Biyue Peach, I don't need to say more about the utility of this thing. This is a photo sent by a senior. It is exchanged for the blood of the sixth-order poisonous insect poisonous beast, or the poisonous weed of high age."

Hong Xin held two cyan jade boxes in his hands, and his voice spread throughout the venue.

Whenever there is a large auction, there will be monks who send the goods for auction.

"The blood of the sixth-order poisonous insects and poisonous beasts?"

Wang Changsheng had a thoughtful expression on his face. He also wanted the blood essence of the sixth-order poisonous insect and poisonous beast, which would be beneficial for the wood demon to advance.

Hong Xin was holding a gleaming legal plate in his hand, apparently communicating with the bidders.

After a while, the two blue moon peaches were exchanged.

In a private room on the fifth floor, a pot-bellied old man in green robe was talking to a young woman in a red dress with gorgeous features. The old man in green robe was holding a purple jade bottle and a blue gourd in his hands.

Qingchan San and Mrs. Tianzhu, both of them are virtual cultivators, proficient in poison art, and have poisoned cultivators before. The outside world calls them Yuluo Shuangsha, and they prefer to call themselves Yuluo Shuangxian.

"The blood of the sixth-order nine-yin miasma and the golden-winged soul-devouring scorpion, with these two things, we will use the magic to attack the enemy, and the power will be stronger."

Mrs. Sky Spider said with a smile, they practice poison art, and the dharma is also poisonous, and they need the essence and blood of poisonous insects and poisonous beasts to condense the dharma.

Qingchan Sanren nodded and said with a smile, "If you hadn't obtained two Biyue Panda peaches, it would be difficult to exchange the blood of the sixth-order poisonous insects. I am afraid that only the wild and some dangerous places have sixth-order poisonous insects."

Spirit worms are not easy to advance. Generally speaking, the number of high-level monsters in the Xiu Xian world is much more than that of high-level monsters. The number of high-level spiritual insects is not much, and there are even fewer high-level poisonous insects. After all, they contain highly poisonous ones. Monsters are only a few.

In a box on the sixth floor, Li Qinghuan was sitting on a jade chair, and six young and beautiful women were waiting for him, either pinching his shoulders, feeding him spiritual fruit, or pouring him wine.

Li Qinghuan held a Biyue Peach in his hand with a smile on his face.

"Bi Yue Pan Tao, I hope there will be more good things in the future."

Li Qing said with a smile.


At this time, Hong Xin had already taken out a piece of golden jade, the golden jade was the size of a watermelon, and the surface was covered with a layer of golden flame.

"Jin Yan Shenyu, a good material for refining fire-type heaven-penetrating spirit treasures, the base price is one million spirit stones, and the price increase shall not be less than 100,000 each time."

As soon as Hong Xin's voice fell, someone immediately made a bid.

"one million!"

"One hundred and one million!"

"1.2 million!"


This piece of Jin Yan Shenyu is not small, and the price is rising.

Hong Xin successively took out a variety of refining materials, including fifth- and sixth-order materials, and they all sold for a high price.

Hong Xin took out a five-color spar, the size of a fist, and placed it on a jade table. The jade table suddenly burst into a burst of blue smoke, spontaneously ignited without fire, and burned into a pool of liquid.

"Wuyanjing, produced from a volcano of 100,000 years old, such a large piece of Wuyanjing, if you collect a few more sixth-order fire attribute materials, you can refine a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and replace it with sixth-order lightning attribute refining. materials or eight thousand years of lightning-type elixir."

Hong Xin's voice was not loud, and everyone could hear it clearly.

"Five flame crystals, it's actually this kind of material."

Wang Changsheng's eyes were solemn, just as Hong Xin said, collecting a few more sixth-order fire-attribute materials, you can refine a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

Unfortunately, he couldn't get what the other party wanted.

Hong Xin gestured for a while on the dharma plate, contacted the guests and the owner, and conveyed the news.

After half an hour, the Five Flame Crystal was exchanged.

If Wang Changsheng guessed correctly, this Five Flame Crystal should have fallen into the hands of a disciple of the Nine Flames Sect, most likely Lin Zilin.

In a box on the fourth floor, Lin Zilin held the Five Flame Crystal in one hand, his eyes fiery.

"With this Five Flame Crystal, the second brother's natal magic weapon has a higher chance of being promoted to the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao."

Lin Ziqi congratulated and smiled.

Lin Zilin nodded and said, "It's just a piece of five flame crystals. This time we are for the purpose of condensing the materials of the dharma."

At this time, Hong Xin took out a piece of jade as black as ink, the size of a watermelon.

"One piece of Profound Soul Jade. This material is produced in a place with strong Yin Qi. It is an excellent material for refining ghost treasures. The base price is one million spirit stones, and the price increase shall not be less than 500,000 each time."

Hong Xin's voice spread throughout the venue, such a large piece of mysterious soul jade can enhance the power of ghost treasures.


"Two million!"

"Two and a half million!"


The competition was fierce. Wang Changsheng spent a high price of 7 million to shoot this Profound Soul Jade. This price exceeded the value of the Profound Soul Jade, but Soul Eater Jin Chan liked this material.

Wang Ruyan's Soul Eater Jin Chan is still Tier 4, and with the Profound Soul Jade, he might be able to advance to Tier 5.

After taking the Profound Soul Jade away, Hong Xin took out a cyan jade box, and took out three golden talismans. The surface of the talisman was covered with runes the size of grains of rice, exuding an amazing wave of spiritual energy.

"The fifth-order talisman, the golden needle escape talisman, and the escape talisman, can save one's life at a critical moment. They are auctioned separately. The reserve price is 1 million spiritual stones, and each increase shall not be less than 300,000."

"One million three hundred thousand!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"Two million!"


These three escaping talismans were auctioned off very quickly, and the highest transaction price was 4 million spirit stones. The escaping talisman was rare, let alone the fifth-order escaping talisman.

In the following time, Hong Xin took out a variety of talismans one after another, including the fifth and sixth orders, all of which were sold for high prices. Among them was a fifth-order illusion spell, which could easily allow immortal cultivators to fall into illusions, even if it was a cultivator, it would be a little less expensive. Attention will be hit.

After taking away two sixth-order escape spells, UU reading Hong Xin took out two five-colored auras, the runes flashed, and the aura was amazing.

"The sixth-order talisman and the five-element filling spirit talisman can balance the power of the five elements and assist the immortal cultivator to hit the imaginary stage. The process is extremely painful, and the physical body is slightly damaged. Use it with caution. 500,000 spirit stones."

As soon as Hong Xin's voice fell, someone immediately made a bid.

"Two million!"

"Two and a half million!"

"three million!"


The competition is fierce, and this is a five-element spiritual talisman that can help immortal cultivators to hit the virtual refining stage, which is very rare.

Wang Changsheng also participated in the auction, but he was more curious about the rare treasures in the finale auction items. There were so many good things in the auction.

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