Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2190: 300 years, a new look for the family

Spring and autumn come, and three hundred years have passed quickly.

In the morning, the sky was still grey.

Qinglian Island, an orchard covering an area of ​​10,000 mu, is full of peach trees with a height of more than ten feet. Every peach tree is hung with hundreds of cyan peaches. of fruity aroma.

Hundreds of Wang family members are picking spiritual peaches, and a tall and thin young man in green shirt is directing them.

The young man in green shirt has handsome features, his eyes are piercing, and he looks like a cultivator of Pill Formation.

Wang Liangpu, a cultivator of Jiedan, he is a descendant of Wang Qingcheng and a spiritual husband.

After more than 500 years of development, the Wang family has more than 13,000 immortal cultivators, tens of millions of mortals, occupying 449 islands, more than 40 affiliated forces, and hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators who can be mobilized.

Dong Xueli and Sun Yuejiao have both entered the Divine Transformation stage, and there are all kinds of talents such as Item Refiners, Talisman Makers, Alchemists, and Array Masters. Currently, there are the most Item Refiners and the most absent Array Masters, followed by Alchemy Masters, but Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan With the help of the Ascension faction, the Wang family's alchemists and array masters are growing, and the Wang family is thriving.

The main source of income for the Wang family is hunting monsters, followed by puppet beasts, followed by spirit fruit and elixir.

"Hurry up, we'll have to do business later."

Wang Liangpu urged, with a stern tone.

The clansmen quickly speeded up, and after half an hour, the picking was completed.

After Wang Liangpu completed the inventory and registered, he patted the spirit beast bag, a loud chirping sounded, and a red light flew out.

The Scarlet Sparrow, the descendant of Qixia Sparrow mating with other Spirit Sparrows, has a fast flight speed and is proficient in fire spells.

Wang Liangpu jumped on the back of the Scarlet Sparrow and whistled. The Scarlet Sparrow flapped its wings lightly and flew towards the middle of the island.


A deafening dragon roar sounded, spreading across the entire Qinglian Island.

Golden Flood Bell, Wang Qingfeng killed a fourth-order Flood Dragon and refined its soul into a precious bell.

With the sound of a dragon roar, a new day began.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the golden sunlight poured on Qinglian Island, bringing warmth to Qinglian Island.

Auras of different colors flew from all over the island, and hundreds of Wang family disciples flew towards a certain place facing the golden morning glow.

Wang Liangpu sat on Chi Yanque's back and looked down from time to time.

In the vast spiritual field, the clansmen rained on the spiritual field, removed insects, or picked spiritual medicine. A group of clansmen were fishing for spiritual fish by the Linghu Lake, and a group of clansmen flew towards the Shuwu Hall, intending to do tasks in exchange for good deeds. , the island is orderly and full of vigor.

A hearty sound of reading came into his ears, and upon listening carefully, it was obvious that a young clan was reciting the clan rules.

After detecting the spiritual roots, the elders taught them personally. The first class was the origin of the family. A family did not even know its own origin. If there was a disaster, they would have no idea why they fought, let alone the true meaning of the family. .

The second course is clan rules. The Wang family currently has 306 clan rules, which are still being perfected.

When passing a steep peak, Wang Liangpu saw hundreds of young children cultivating.

Beginning at the age of five, the practice is guided by the Elder Chuan Gong, and the exercises are selected according to personal conditions. The clansmen under the age of fifteen must go to the Qinxiu Peak to practice every day without special reasons.

After the age of fifteen, according to their personal circumstances, they can arrange tasks freely, such as planting elixir, feeding spirit beasts, refining ore, hunting monsters, patrolling islands, etc.

When passing through a steep peak, Wang Liangpu saw a bluestone square covering an area of ​​10,000 mu.

Hundreds of Wang family disciples were divided into multiple teams and were cultivating sword formations.

The family set up a sword hall to accommodate elite fighting skills. Wang Qingshan served as the hall master, taught swordsmanship, and taught the clan to practice kendo. Wang Qingfeng served as the deputy hall master and taught swordsmanship.

In general, there are more clansmen who practice swordsmanship. Swordsmanship is too difficult to practice, and there is not much change. Swordsmanship is different and unpredictable, and sword formations can be arranged to confront the enemy.

Ninety percent of the elites of the Wang family were gathered by the disciples of Jiantang, and these people had rich practical experience.

The Scarlet Yanque crossed the Giant Peak, a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, and inside the valley were ten thousand acres of mulberry trees.

Facing the morning sun, a group of clansmen picked mulberry leaves and fed seven-color silkworms.

Wang Changsheng brought out a kind of spiritual silkworm called the seven-color silkworm from Xuanling Cave. The seven-color silkworm ranks 230th on the list of ten thousand insects. When the seven-color silkworm grows to the second order, it can spin silk. Silk is an excellent material for refining robes. , Not to mention warm in winter and cool in summer, it can also resist spell attacks.

The Wang family raised tens of thousands of seven-color silkworms, and the robes made from silk were distributed to each clan. After detecting the spiritual roots, they immediately obtained three sets of first-order robes. After entering the foundation-building period, they obtained two sets of second-order robes. , After forming the pill, get a third-order vest.

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The higher the rank of the vestment, the stronger the defense ability.

After crossing the valley, a vast green grassland appeared in front of Wang Liangpu. More than 30,000 pale golden antelopes were active on the grassland, most of them were second-order, and there was not one fourth-order.

Antelope has a pair of silver sharp horns on its head and runs very fast.

Silver-horned antelope, this kind of spiritual beast has a docile temperament. Qi-refining monks drink a lot of goat milk produced by silver-horned antelope, which can have the effect of washing the marrow of the Book of Changes, which is of great benefit to cultivation.

After the cultivator of the Wang family detected the spirit root, each person had one pound of goat milk produced by the first-order silver-horned antelope every day. If the family conditions were better, it would be no problem to drink the goat milk produced by the third-order silver-horned antelope.

The higher the grade of the silver-horned antelope, the higher the value of the goat milk produced, and the better the effect of washing the marrow of the Book of Changes.

After passing through the green grassland, a giant peak appeared in front of Wang Liangpu. There were a lot of buildings on the giant peak. At the foot of the mountain stood a golden stone tablet with a height of more than 100 It said "Shenbing Peak" Three large silver characters are very conspicuous.

After the age of fifteen, clansmen can learn a skill. Under the influence of Wang Changsheng, there are the most craftsmen in the clan. Many clansmen have learned the knowledge of craftsmanship since childhood. Even if they cannot become craftsmen, their knowledge of craftsmanship is not low.

Shenbing Peak mainly builds spiritual clothes and magic weapons. After each tribe becomes an immortal cultivator, they will get five magic tools, including a flying magic weapon, the blue lotus seat. The flying magic weapon is mainly due to the fact that there are too few high-level monks in the Wang family, the land is sparsely populated, and the resources are abundant.

A burst of beast roars sounded one after another, disturbing the Chi Yanque.

Wang Liangpu followed the voice and saw a mountain peak that stretched for hundreds of miles. There were more than 500 peaks, large and small, and each peak was shrouded in a formation barrier.

Some peaks are densely covered with ancient trees, and you can see a group of spirit apes giggling in the woods, while others are green grass, you can see a group of black spirit horses with green wings on their backs, and some have a In the huge lake, you can see soft turtles, some are filled with thick miasma, and you can see some poisonous scorpions and venomous flies.

Every mountain has raised spirit birds, spirit beasts, spirit insects, most of which were brought back from Xuanling Cave by Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and their supernatural powers were much stronger than the spirit beasts on the market.

Wang Liangpu comforted the Chi Yanque, and then the Chi Yanque calmed down and speeded up.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, the Scarlet Sparrow appeared above a thousand-acre bluestone square. On the square stood a palace with a gleaming azure light. The plaque read the three golden characters of "Shwudian", and many clansmen came in and out. out. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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