Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2191: Qingshan Jin entered the late stage of Shenhuan, Meng Bin and Bai Yuqi formed a doubl

Wang Liangpu put away the scarlet bird, strode in, and came to a white and plump golden-robed old man, took out a few storage rings, and said with a smile, "Seventh Uncle, this is the spirit of picking in the orchard that I am in charge of. Peach, check it out."

He is responsible for the management of 30,000 mu of orchards and has 200 clan members under his jurisdiction. He is divided into several groups. Each group guards a certain number of fruit trees. The better the quantity and quality of the fruit, the more rewards. Command, practice most of the time.

The family is now vast and sparsely populated, and the treatment of various skilled talents is very good, especially the refiner. Wang Liangpu's cultivation level is not high, mainly to catch up with the dividends of the family's development.

In other cultivator families, with his cultivation base and cultivation level, he is not treated so well.

The old man in the golden robe sent a team of deacon disciples, carefully counted them, registered them, and gave Wang Liangpu a large amount of contribution points. When Wang Liangpu went back, he would give certain rewards according to the performance of each group.

The development of the family is on the rise. Whoever makes good grades can get more resources for cultivating immortals. Thanks to the abundant resources of monsters in this sea area, guarding a cornucopia, the current development of the Wang family is very good.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Beast tides break out in this sea area every once in a while, and the Nascent Soul monks can deal with the small beast tides.

Qinglian Island and the seven sub-islands were fine. When the fifth-order monsters attacked the island, the family's god-turning cultivator would rush over at the fastest speed. If it was the outer islands, they would not be so lucky.

If not, the number of monks and mortals in the Wang family could increase a lot.

Wang Liangpu left the Shuwu Hall, released the Scarlet Bird, and flew towards the residence.


A green mountain full of spiritual bamboos, a simple green bamboo building.

Wang Qingshan sat cross-legged on a blue futon with a serious expression.

The twelve cultivators of Pill Formation were divided into two sides, their expressions were respectful, and they were asking Wang Qingshan for some questions.

They either wear flying swords on their bodies, or carry flying swords on their backs, all of them are sword cultivators.

Wang Qingshan has been in Xuanyang Realm for more than 300 years. He has successfully advanced into the late stage of God Transformation. The family has not been established for a long time. He needs various talents, especially high-level monks with rich fighting skills.

Wang Qingshan personally selected a group of clansmen and instructed them to practice kendo and arrange sword formations.

"Lihe, Lihe, and Lijiao, your kendo attainments are higher than theirs, so please give them more advice, do you?"

Wang Qingshan followed the instructions in a gentle tone.

There are three clansmen in the Lizi generation who have relatively good talents and rich practical experience, and are very popular with Wang Qingshan.

"Yes, Old Ancestor Qingshan."

The two men and one woman agreed in unison. The title of ancestor only applies to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The younger generation called Wang Qingshan the ancestor of Qingshan, and called Wang Qingcheng the ancestor of Qingcheng.

"That's all for today. Go back! Cultivation is the foundation. Li He, Li He, and Li Jiao, you can consider hitting the Nascent Soul Stage."

Wang Qingshan warned that there are too few Nascent Soul cultivators in the family, and not many Spirit Transformation cultivators. If there are fifth-order monsters attacking, there is no problem in defending Qinglian Island and the seven auxiliary islands, and it is not easy to say other islands.

Wang Lihe and others agreed in unison, got up and left.


In the Qingli sea area, on a deserted island with a radius of thousands of miles, two men and one woman named God Transformation cultivators were fighting.

Wang Mengbin stood above a steep peak with an indifferent expression. There was a huge thundercloud hundreds of miles in the sky, with lightning and thunder.

He has already entered the late stage of Spirit Transformation, and has taken the elixir of life extension, which has extended his life for more than 800 years, and has a lot of time to hit the Void Refinement Stage.

A few miles away from him, there were a potbellied Taoist priest in red robes and a young woman in blue skirts with alluring features.

"Wang Daoyou, we have no deadly feud with Your Excellency. You chased and killed our couple for more than half a year. What's the point of this! We gave you a large sum of spirit stones, and you let us go?"

The red-robed Taoist opened his mouth and pleaded.

"Yeah! Fellow Daoist Wang, you are just a worshiper of the Han family. You are doing things with money. Why do you need to kill them all? Leave us a way to survive. We will definitely be grateful in the future."

The young woman in the blue dress agreed, with a sincere tone.

"You have murdered hundreds of cultivators and killed more people than others. I was ordered by the Han family to take your heads back to their lives and let you go? Hmph, you never thought of letting me go."

Wang Mengbin's tone was cold, and the mountain peak under his feet suddenly shook violently, the mountainside burst open, and a yellow giant python flew out from the mountainside, its head was missing, and its blood was blurred.

High-altitude lightning and thunder, tens of thousands of thick silver lightning pierced the sky, and struck the red-robed Taoist priest and the blue-skirted young woman.

The young woman in the blue dress and the Taoist priest in the red robe naturally did not dare to take it hard and wanted to avoid it, but they were horrified to find that an unstoppable gravity suddenly came from the ground, and it was difficult for them to move a step.

In desperation, the young woman in the blue skirt hurriedly offered up a shield with a blue glow, and flew around them, while the Taoist priest in the red robe offered a red round bowl and released a red flame, which turned into a red wall of fire to protect them.

Two dazzling golden lights suddenly flew from the ground, hitting the blue shield. The blue shield turned golden at an astonishing speed. Like a huge piece of gold, it quickly fell and smashed to pieces.

The dense silver lightning fell and was blocked by their protective aura. The dazzling silver lightning drowned the figures of the two of them. The powerful air wave leveled dozens of hills to the ground, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust.

Wang Mengbin opened his mouth and spewed out a thick and long purple-gold thunder spear. It disappeared into the thunder light, and a miserable female cry came out.

It didn't take long for the silver lightning to dissipate, the young woman in the blue dress fell into a pool of blood, her head was missing, and the red-robed Taoist priest disappeared.

"Escape Technique! Hmph, is there my Thunder Unlocking Technique?"

Wang Mengbin sneered and said, countless silver arcs appeared on the body surface, turned into a dazzling silver lightning and disappeared.

In a certain sea area hundreds of miles away, a red light suddenly lit up, revealing the figure of a red-robed Taoist priest.

Almost at the same time, a deafening thunder sound came from the void, silver light flashed, and Wang Mengbin appeared.

As soon as Wang Mengbin appeared, he opened his mouth and spat out a purple-golden thunder arrow, heading straight for the red-robed Taoist priest.

The red-robed Taoist was so frightened that he was about to avoid it when the sea below suddenly tumbled violently, and a huge vortex appeared, entangling a strong suction force. The red-robed Taoist's reaction was stagnant, and he was hit by a purple-golden thunderbolt. There was a scream.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from the sky, and tens of thousands of thick lightning pierced the sky and slashed at the red-robed Taoist priest.

After a loud explosion sounded, the body of the red-robed Taoist priest exploded, turning into countless tiny corpses, not even Nascent Soul.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

Wang Qingshan grabbed it with one hand, and a red storage ring flew towards him and disappeared into his hand.

A white light flew from a distance, it was Bai Yuqi.

Being a stranger in a foreign land alone, Bai Yuqi helped to arrange the formation to assist Wang Mengbin in his cultivation. Wang Mengbin bought the books and materials of the formation for Bai Yuqi. After going back and forth, the two fell in love and became a pair of cultivators.

"Husband, I didn't help."

Bai Yuqi's tone had a hint of helplessness.

They were ordered to kill two evil cultivators who were in the Spirit Transformation stage. Wang Mengbin's escape technique was too fast and stopped the evil cultivators. Bai Yuqi didn't help much.

"If Madam hadn't used the formation to trap him, I wouldn't have killed this person so easily."

Wang Qingshan said with a smile.

He has already made plans. If Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan cannot be found, then he will establish a family by himself.

He and Bai Yuqi were already in the same room, but without the help of a panacea, they couldn't have a child and a half-daughter.

Wang Mengbin planned to accumulate a sum of credit first, to accumulate wealth for the establishment of the family.

The Han family also knew that Wang Mengbin wanted to establish his own family, and they were not in a dilemma. They promised to give Wang Mengbin a good island in the future. As for which island to give, it depends on how much credit Wang Mengbin and Bai Yuqi made. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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