Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2193: The Zhao family's provocation, the first big problem encountered by the Wang fam

The northwest corner of Xuanling Continent, Qinglian Island.

Green Bamboo Bee, a simple green bamboo building.

Wang Qingshan sat cross-legged on a cyan futon, his eyes were tightly closed, the whole body was covered by a cyan glow, and the dense cyan flying swords floated around, shining like a solid body.

After a while, a sound transmission flew in.

Wang Qingshan seemed to be aware of it, the blue flying sword all over his body suddenly turned into a little blue light and disappeared, and he opened his eyes.

With a flick of his two fingers, a cyan sword qi flew out, piercing the sound transmission, the sound transmission spontaneously ignited, and Wang Qingcheng's voice sounded: "Seventh brother, come to the council hall, there is a very difficult problem, I need you to deal with it."

Wang Qingshan frowned, most of the things that could make Wang Qingcheng feel difficult were related to the Liu family.

One mountain does not allow two tigers, and the Wang family grows slowly, which indirectly threatens the Liu family.

The children of the Wang family abide by the fact that there will be no direct conflict with the Liu family. The same is true of the Liu family. The affiliated forces of the two sides fight frequently in private, but keep it within a certain range, so that the matter will not cause too much trouble. If the Wang family and the Liu family end in person, the situation will be difficult to control. .

Anyone with discernment can see that sooner or later there will be a battle between the Wang family and the Liu family, but both sides exercise restraint.

Walking out of the bamboo building, Wang Qingshan blew a whistle, and the golden-horned Lei Lin beast flew from a distance and landed in front of Wang Qingshan, blowing a lot of bamboo leaves.

"Go, go to the meeting room."

Wang Qingshan instructed that the Golden Horned Lei Lin Beast left the Green Bamboo Bee and flew towards the council hall.

If it is against the Liu family, it is better to bring the golden-horned Lei Lin beast, and the stone people and the three cunning are no more than fourth-order.

It didn't take long for the Golden Horned Lei Lin Beast to land at the door of the council hall. Wang Qingshan jumped down and walked out.

Wang Qingcheng was sitting on the main seat, with a graceful young woman in a green dress and a man in a green shirt with resolute facial features standing aside.

The eyes of the young woman in the green skirt were red, as if she had cried.

The young woman in the green dress is called Wang Tianhua, and she is married to Yan Ruofeng. Yan Ruofeng is currently the patriarch of the Yan family. She has the cultivation of the late Yuanying family. The Yan family is an affiliated force of the Wang family.

The Yan family is good at planting, and every once in a while, the Yan family will offer a batch of elixir and fruit, and the Wang family will use it to make alchemy and train alchemists.

The man in the green shirt was called Wang Tianli, Wang Tianli's brother. They were all descendants of Wang Qingcheng. Wang Tianli was in charge of inquiring about the information and had hundreds of spies under his command.

"I have seen Seventh Uncle."

Wang Tianli and Wang Tianli hurriedly saluted with respectful expressions.

Wang Qingshan's seniority is second only to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. He is proficient in kendo and is deeply respected by his clan.

Wang Qingshan nodded, looked at Wang Qingcheng, and asked, "Qingcheng, what happened?"

"Tianhua, come on! You know this most clearly."

Wang Qingcheng ordered to Wang Tianhua.

Wang Tianyan responded and told the story of the incident one by one.

The Yan family is good at planting. With the support of the Wang family, the Yan family has gradually grown and grown. The number of immortal cultivators has increased, and the cost has also increased. Naturally, it is necessary to find more ways to earn spiritual stones.

This sea area is rich in monster resources, and the Yan family organized a team of clansmen to hunt monsters.

When the Yan family was hunting monsters, they encountered a group of monks from the Zhao family. , wounded and killed many cultivators of the Zhao family.

Zhao Ruihu, the ancestor of the Zhao family, committed suicide at the door, wounded and killed many of the Yan family, saying that blood for blood, captured Yan Ruofeng, and asked the Yan family to cede land and pay indemnity.

Naturally, Wang Tianhua couldn't take this breath, and immediately returned to Qinglian Island to report.

Wang Qingshan squinted his eyes and asked, "What is the origin of the Zhao family? What is Zhao Ruihu's cultivation? How is his magical power?"

"Back to the words of Uncle Qi, according to the information, the Zhao family occupies more than 2,300 islands, and there are five cultivators of God Transformation. Zhao Ruihu is one of them. His elder brother, Zhao Ruilong, has a cultivation base in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, practiced water attribute exercises, and has a complete set of heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, and the Zhao family is the in-laws of the Liu family."

Wang Tianli took a step forward and said slowly.

"The Zhao family is here for our Wang family. If we back down this time, our affiliated forces will probably have two hearts. It may not be easy to absorb other small forces in the future."

Wang Qingcheng frowned and said, this is a major problem that the Wang family has encountered since the establishment of the family for more than 500 years.

The Yan family is the main force supported by the Wang family. If the Wang family does not help to find their place, other affiliated forces naturally dare not believe the Wang family and are estranged from the Wang family.

"Qingcheng, how do you want to handle this?"

Wang Qingshan asked.

Wang Qingcheng smiled and said: "Seventh brother, you can deal with it as you say. Parents have said that if they are in retreat or not in Qinglian Island, we will all listen to you."

Wang Qingshan nodded, looked at Wang Tianhua and Wang Tianli, and asked, "What do you think about this? Say it boldly."

He has already made a decision, he just wants to see the attitude of the clan.

"Grandson obeys Qibogong's orders, and Qibogong says what to do."

Wang Tianhua said respectfully, tears flashing in her eyes.

"Returning to the people's body with the way of people, send people to break into several islands of the Zhao family, capture some Nascent Soul monks from the Zhao family, and exchange them with the Zhao family."

Wang Tianli suggested.

Wang Qingshan nodded and said, "If you don't teach the Zhao family a heavy lesson, the Liu family will probably be even more aggressive next I'll take a punch, so that a hundred punches don't come, I'll do it myself!"

"Seventh brother, what are you going to do? Bring some more people! The Zhao family is not weak, let Qingfeng go with you!"

Wang Qingcheng suggested.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, I am enough alone, I will go to the Zhao family's nest, blood for blood, and tooth for tooth."

Wang Qingshan said in a deep voice.

"What? Going to the Zhao family's nest? No, seventh brother, there are five gods in the Zhao family. Even if not all of them are in the nest, the Zhao family's clan protection formation is not a joke."

Wang Qingcheng frowned and said, he felt that Wang Qingshan was too aggressive, the deterrent effect was indeed great, but Wang Qingshan had to take a lot of risks.

In his opinion, Wang Tianli's suggestion is good, just replace Yan Ruofeng.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan attached great importance to Wang Qingshan, but Wang Qingcheng didn't want Wang Qingshan to have an accident.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Wang Qingshan is not reckless, his life flying sword has been promoted to the low-grade Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure, and the golden-horned Lei Lin beast and the fifth-order puppet beast help. It is not difficult for the Zhao family to become a god-turning cultivator.

"No, no, if I let my parents know, I will definitely not be able to spare me, so let's go! Qing Feng takes Lin Zun to run with you, this is more secure, the Zhao family must have come prepared, and should not be underestimated."

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

Wang Qingcheng suggested.

Wang Qingshan thought about it and agreed.

Since the Zhao family dared to provoke the Wang family, they must have made adequate preparations, and it is better to be safe. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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