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Chapter 2194: Turtle Island Zhao Family, Zhao Ruilong

"Tian Li, go and invite Qing Feng here."

Wang Qingcheng rushed to Wang Tianli and instructed that Wang Qingfeng would sit on Tianshu Island to ensure that the tribe would not be invaded by monsters.

Wang Qingfeng was still in the early days of God Transformation, and he often hunted monsters with the tortoise, only in the nearby waters.

Wang Tianli responded and led the way.

Wang Qingcheng chatted with Wang Qingshan about the specific plan. Wang Qingcheng planned to mobilize the affiliated forces to besiege the islands controlled by the Zhao family, to attract the attention of the Zhao family, creating the illusion that the Wang family was going to make a big attack, forcing the Zhao family to send out their masters. Wang Qingshan Then enter the Zhao family's lair.

"It's not easy to control the situation that way, and it might turn into a big war. Don't be so troublesome, I, Qing Feng, Lin Zun and the golden-horned Lei Lin beast are enough."

Wang Qingshan shook his head and said that he knew that Wang Qingcheng was kind, but the situation was not easy to control. The Wang family was still very weak and needed time to grow and develop.

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After hearing this, Wang Qingcheng nodded and did not insist.

After a while, Wang Qingfeng flew in, exuding a strong evil spirit.

He has been in the Divine Transformation Stage for more than 300 years, and he is still in the early stage of Divine Transformation, not far from the middle stage of Divine Transformation.

"Since the Zhao family wants to make trouble, then give him some color."

Wang Qingfeng said in a deep voice.

"I've discussed it with the seventh brother, you just listen to the seventh brother."

Wang Qingcheng instructed that Wang Qingfeng had discussed with Wang Qingshan, but Wang Qingfeng couldn't beat Wang Qingshan, not to mention his cultivation base, Wang Qingshan had come all the way, Wang Qingfeng had good qualifications, and he didn't need to worry about the resources of immortal cultivation. Much inferior.

Wang Qingfeng nodded, followed Wang Qingshan out of the council hall, and they came to the sky above a huge lake.

Wang Qingfeng blew a whistle, and a huge tortoise surfaced out of the lake, it was the tortoise.

There are abundant resources of monsters in this sea area. The tortoises go out to hunt for food every three to five times. Sometimes they lead the Wang family to hunt monsters. Thunder attribute demon pill, otherwise it would not have advanced to the fifth-order high-grade so quickly.

Its size has grown a lot, with a size of 70,000 zhang.


The lin turtle made a low roar, which seemed to be responding to Wang Qingfeng. It opened its **** mouth and seemed to be waiting for something.

Wang Qingfeng took out more than ten blue fruits and threw them into the turtle's mouth.

The tortoise chewed a few times, swallowed it, and let out a cheerful neigh.

"Lin Zun, take you to eat, you must be hungry!"

Wang Qingfeng said with a smile.

The tortoise seemed to understand his words, nodded, made an excited roar, turned into a blue light and flew out.

The scale turtle fell on the sea, splashing a lot of seawater.

Wang Qingshan and Wang Qingfeng stood on the back of the tortoise, the tortoise moved quickly, and they disappeared into the vast sea.


Turtle Island, the ancestral land of the Zhao family.

In the council hall, dozens of Zhao family cultivators were discussing something, and their faces were solemn.

Zhao Ruilong sat on the main seat, his eyes dignified.

"Old Ancestor, according to your instructions, everything is ready. As long as the monks of the Wang family dare to come to the door, I will definitely give them some color."

A gentle middle-aged man said respectfully, the middle-aged man's face was white and he looked gentle.

Zhao Tianyu, the head of the Zhao family, a monk in the late Yuanying period.

Zhao Ruilong nodded, the Zhao family's action this time was instructed by the Liu family.

There is no room for others to snore on the side of the couch. The Wang family's power is getting stronger and stronger, and it has indirectly threatened the Liu family.

The Liu family asked the Zhao family to come forward and set up a bureau to deal with the Wang family. If the Wang family was dispatched to deal with the Zhao family, the Liu family would fall into the arms of the Liu family, and the Liu family would end up in person to deal with the Wang family.

The Liu family would not kill Wang Changsheng, as that would attract Zhenhai Palace's revenge, injuring or severely injuring Wang Changsheng, which is no problem.

If Wang Changsheng was severely damaged, the development of the Wang family would definitely be frustrated. The last hostile force that had an imaginary cultivator in charge, the Liu family used this method to get rid of it.

In order to deal with the Wang family, the Liu family sent eight gods to the Zhao family, and the eight gods were all affiliated forces of the Liu family.

If the Wang family sent a cultivator to make a move, the Zhao family would seriously injure or kill a cultivator of the Wang family.

The Zhao family has already considered various possibilities and prepared for it.

"Fellow Daoist Lei and the others are scattered on the nine sub-islands of our Zhao family. If any sub-island is attacked, they will immediately support them. There are fewer than seven spiritual monks in the Wang family, so forgive them and they will not be able to cause much trouble."

Zhao Ruihu said triumphantly.

As soon as the voice fell, the council hall shook violently, and the alarm sounded on the island.

The smile on Zhao Ruihu's face stopped for a while, and the cultivators present were shocked.

"Really Taihao came to the door? No! It's just a Nascent Soul cultivator."

"Could it be a large beast tide? Could it be that the beast tide is ahead of schedule?"

"False positive! It's too stupid to not attack the nine sub-islands and attack the main island!"


The Zhao family members were discussing and expressing their own opinions.

Zhao Tianyu quickly took out a communication disk and asked about the situation.

"Old Ancestor, the Wang Family's Spirit Transformation cultivator came to the door, not the real Taihao."

Zhao Tianyu quickly reported.

"How many people are in the Wang family? How about the supernatural powers?"

Zhao Ruilong said solemnly.

"The two of them are headed by Wang Qingshan, who is in the late stage of divine transformation, and Wang Qingfeng, who is in the early stage of divine transformation. By the way, there is also the spirit tortoise raised by Master Taihao Zhao Tianyu frowned and said, the cultivator of the Wang family. Too arrogant! I sent two cultivators over.

"What? Just two people? The Wang family doesn't take us too seriously!"

Zhao Ruihu frowned and said, Turtle Island is the home of the Zhao family, and the Wang family sent two avatars here. This is an insult, a blatant insult.

"Just two people. They are attacking our island protection formation. I have sent someone to inform Senior Li and the others."

Zhao Tianyu said truthfully, frowning.

The Zhao family had two god-turning cultivators who went out and did not return. Counting the eight foreign aid from the god-turning stage, the Zhao family had as many as eleven god-turning cultivators at their disposal.

"Hmph, the two of them dare to attack our Zhao family's clan protection formation, go, go out and have a look, I want to see what magical powers they have, and dare to attack Turtle Island."

Zhao Ruilong snorted coldly, his face full of suffocation, turned into a flash of light and flew out, followed by the others.

Outside Turtle Island, Wang Qingshan and Wang Qingfeng are attacking Turtle Island.

A misty blue light curtain covered the entire Turtle Island, and the cyan sword energy and the red sword energy slashed on the blue light curtain. The blue light curtain was distorted and quickly returned to normal.

Hundreds of thick water tornadoes shot up from the sea, hitting the blue light curtain like hundreds of blue spears.

A group of blue thunderclouds as large as a hundred miles floated high in the sky, with lightning and thunder, and one after another thick blue lightning struck down and fell on the blue light curtain one after another.

"Hmph, the two gods dare to kill them and deceive us in the Zhao family?"

A cold male voice suddenly sounded.

Zhao Ruilong and Zhao Ruihu flew out of the island with indifferent expressions. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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