Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2195: 3 feet Qingfeng Town Zhu Xiu

"I'm going to ask you what the Zhao family is, kill the Yan family, take away my niece and son-in-law, and others!"

Wang Qingshan's tone was severe.

"Hey, he made a mistake first, and he dared to injure and kill many of our Zhao family's children. Not killing him would have given you a lot of face to the Wang family. People can let it go, but you have to give us a compensation."

Zhao Ruihu said with a cold face.

Wang Qingshan didn't want to play tricks with him at all, he shrugged his shoulders, and a clear sword sound rang out, and nine flying swords with azure light flew out of the sword box. The sword, like a shooting star, struck towards Zhao Ruihu and Zhao Ruilong on the opposite side.

"A complete set of Tongtian Lingbao!"

Zhao Ruilong's face froze, and his eyes were full of fear.

With a flick of his sleeves, five blue-light gleaming flags flew out. After the flags lit up with a dazzling blue light, the size of the blue flags soared, and countless seawater gushed out, turning into a heavy curtain of water to protect them.

Zhao Ruihu patted Wang Qingshan's void with one hand, and ripples rippled in the void above Wang Qingshan's head, and countless red firelights emerged, suddenly turning into a large red hand several hundred feet in size, emitting a terrifying high temperature.

Before the big red hand fell, the amazing high temperature caused a large amount of seawater to evaporate, causing a large amount of white fog.

More than a dozen thick water tornadoes rose from the sea, instantly smashing the big red hands.

There are huge whirlpools on the sea, it is the tortoise.

The dense cyan flying swords hit the heavy water curtain, and the heavy water curtain was smashed by the dense cyan flying swords like paper paste.

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Zhao Ruihu sacrificed a red shield, flying around them non-stop, protecting them.

The dense blue flying swords hit the red shield, and there was a muffled sound of "ding ding".

As soon as Zhao Ruilong’s tactic was pinched, a large amount of sea water emerged from the five blue flags, forming a huge lake with a diameter of 10,000 zhang, which revolved around them. .

Wang Qingshan's sword art changed, and the nine azure glass swords suddenly burst into azure light, turning into nine azure dragons with a length of more than one hundred meters. They rushed from all directions, with a posture of tearing them to pieces.

At first glance, this is just a normal mana transformation attack.

Zhao Ruilong did not dare to despise it. The nine cyan flood dragons sometimes scattered, sometimes gathered, forming a set of sword formations.

Nine cyan Flood Dragons rushed over, and the wind burst.

Zhao Ruilong sacrificed a small cauldron full of water vapor, with a blue mini-dragon coiled around the cauldron, and entered a magic trick.

A deafening dragon roar sounded, and the mini-dragon on the surface of the blue cauldron seemed to come to life. Jiaolong.

The nine cyan flood dragons shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye and flew towards the blue giant cauldron.

Wang Qingshan's sword art changed, and the nine cyan flood dragons released their azure light, and they suddenly merged into one.

With a muffled sound of "Keng", the blue giant cauldron flew out, and the cyan giant sword took a breath of destruction and went straight to Zhao Ruilong.

Zhao Ruilong was not afraid at all, and he looked like he was confident in his chest.

He sacrificed a blood-colored round bowl the size of a slap, and a gust of yin wind blew through. Several ghostly patterns were engraved on the blood-colored round bowl. A shrill devil's cry sounded, and the blood-colored round bowl lit up with a dazzling blood light, and suddenly spurted out a burst of blood. The stench and pungent blood-colored flames greeted the Great Sword.

The Blood Soul Bowl, the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, was specially lent to Zhao Ruilong by the Liu family to deal with Wang Qingshan and Wang Qingfeng.

If the flying sword and the flying knife touch the blood flame spurted by the blood soul bowl, they will lose their spirituality greatly.

The Zhao family came prepared and fully prepared.

A clear and loud bird chirping sounded, and a cyan bird about 10 feet in size swooped in, exuding an astonishing high temperature, and instantly fell into the sky-high giant sword, the sword body was wrapped in a cyan flame.

The blood-colored flame touched the Sky-high Sword, like a thin piece of paper, it was cut in half by the Sky-High Sword.

The Sky-Raising Giant Sword slashed on top of the red shield. The red shield was cut off with a small corner and appeared in front of Zhao Ruilong. Zhao Ruilong was startled, and a dazzling blue glow erupted from his body, covering the Sky-Raising Giant Sword.

At this moment, a cold snort sounded, the sword light of the sky-high sword soared, and the blue glow instantly shattered.

Zhao Ruilong's left arm was cut off as the giant sword of the sky swept past, and the blood gushed like a spring.

When Zhao Ruihu saw this scene, he was furious, and he was about to sacrifice his life's magic weapon and desperately, but Zhao Ruilong stopped him: "Stop, Wang Daoyou has been merciful, or you and I will be dead."

The nine flying swords of the Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure level are simply not something they can resist.

Zhao Ruilong quickly took out a blood-colored pill, swallowed it, and stopped the blood.

At this time, the five Spirit Transformation cultivators flew out from the island, and their faces were full of vigilance.

"I'll ask again, where's my grand-niece-in-law! He better not die, otherwise it won't be as simple as beheading you."

Wang Qingshan's tone was stern, and after the Qinglijian was promoted to Tongtian Lingbao, its power greatly increased.

"Tiggo, let him go immediately, go immediately."

Zhao Ruilong instructed that he had broken his arm and could explain to the Liu family. It was really hard to go down, and it was the Zhao family who was unlucky.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, wait a minute, the Wang family kills your Zhao family and chops your arm. It's absolutely impossible to forget about it."

A young woman in a blue dress with gorgeous features frowned and said.

Lan Kexin, the Lan family where she belongs has six gods, and is also an affiliate of the Liu family. Lan Kexin also has the cultivation of the late gods.

They gathered at the Zhao family on the order of the Liu family, just to deal with the Wang family cultivator, even if they couldn't kill the Wang family cultivator, wounded or seriously injured the Wang family's god-turning cultivator, they could go to the Liu family to receive the reward.

The Sky-high Sword suddenly turned around and went straight to Lan Kexin.

Wang Qingshan didn't want to talk nonsense with them at all, beat them up, beat one if they didn't, and beat two if they didn't.

"Good day, fellow Daoists, don't be Lan Kexin sneered, opened an apricot mouth, and shot out four flying swords with sparkling white light, which suddenly merged into one and turned into one The white giant sword with a length of more than 100 meters exudes an astonishing chill, a large amount of white ice debris appears in the void, and the temperature plummets.

She spit out another white flame, attached to the white giant sword, and the white giant sword turned into a white long rainbow and greeted it. Wherever she passed, a large number of white ice chips appeared in the void.

With a muffled sound, the white Changhong flew out in an instant and fell into the downwind, not the opponent of the Giant Sword at all.

Lan Kexin was stunned. Her life flying sword was made from ten thousand years of mysterious jade, and there was also a fifth-order ice flame, so she was not an opponent.

With a loud noise, the white Changhong turned into four flying swords with dim white light, flying in all directions.

With the sound of breaking through the air, the Sky-high Sword instantly appeared in front of Lan Kexin and slashed head-on.

Lan Kexin's appearance changed greatly, and she hurriedly offered up a small umbrella that was shining with blue light, and lowered a blue glow to cover her whole body.

With a muffled sound, the Giant Sword slammed into the blue glow, the blue glow sank, and the cyan flame spread, drowning the blue glow, and the blue glow suddenly dimmed.

There was a muffled sound of "stab", and the sky-high giant sword smashed the blue rays of light, passing Lan Kexin's body, Lan Kexin's left arm was cut off, and the blood was pouring out.

"Who else is against it? I, Wang Qingshan, are willing to ask for advice."

Wang Qingshan's tone was cold, his long hair fluttering in the wind.

The monks were stunned. If they swarmed up, they might be able to kill Wang Qingshan, but they didn't have any deep hatred with Wang Qingshan, they just acted on orders. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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