Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2196: The curtain is over, the Ice Lion, Meng Bin boarded the ship

They have been practicing Taoism for many years, and it is natural to see that the azure flame that wraps the giant sword is extraordinary, and the defense-type Tongtian Lingbao can't stop it.

"Tiggo, let him go immediately, hurry up."

Zhao Ruilong urged that he had already broken his arm, so he could give the Liu family an explanation. If the stalemate continued, the Zhao family would definitely suffer.

He has known Lan Kexin for many years and knows Lan Kexin's magical powers. Lan Kexin can rank in the top three among them. She is not an opponent, let alone others.

Zhao Ruihu took a deep breath and flew back to Turtle Island.

Lan Kexin stopped the blood, her face was pale, and her eyes were full of fear. If the other party wanted to kill her just now, she was already dead.

She came relatively late, and did not know that Wang Qingshan's natal magic weapon was nine flying swords at the level of heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures.

The other cultivators saw that Zhao Ruilong had spoken, so naturally they would not do it again. In the end, they all cherished their lives. With the lessons of Zhao Ruilong and Lan Kexin, they did not want to follow in their footsteps.

It didn't take long for Zhao Ruihu to fly out with a blood-stained man in blue shirt. The man in blue shirt was Yan Ruofeng, his breath was sluggish.

After he was captured by Zhao Ruihu, he was severely tortured. Zhao Ruihu also searched his soul to see if Yan Ruofeng knew the secrets of the Wang family.

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"Ruofeng, are you alright!"

Wang Qingfeng asked nervously, his face sank.

Yan Ruofeng is the son-in-law of the Wang family. To beat Yan Ruofeng like this is to beat the Wang family in the face.

"It's unreasonable to beat my grand-niece and son-in-law like this without paying a sum of money, ten million spirit stones."

Wang Qingshan said in an unquestionable tone.

"Wang Daoyou, you are going too far! Are you still unreasonable? The Yan family injured and killed the Zhao family cultivator first. You came to ask for someone and let him go."

Zhao Ruihu frowned and said, it's nothing to let go, and to pay a compensation, the Zhao family's face is greatly embarrassed.

"That's right, tell the truth about everything, Daoyou Wang, don't go too far, enough is enough."

"That is, Wang Daoyou's supernatural power is not small, you are not invincible, don't deceive people too much."

The other god-turning cultivators agreed one after another, and it was no problem if they didn't move their mouths.

"Reasonable? My Feijian is the truth. When I took my niece and son-in-law and tortured me, why didn't you be reasonable? Be reasonable with me, and ask my Feijian before talking about it."

Wang Qingshan retorted unceremoniously, the Sky-high Giant Sword emitted an ear-piercing sound of sword cries, and the sword light soared, as if he would take his life if he disagreed.

The tortoise floated out of the sea, making bursts of low roars, the blue thunderclouds in the sky rolled violently, and thick blue lightning pierced the sky.

"The spirit beast of the fifth-order top grade!"

Zhao Ruilong's face became ugly, a Wang Qingshan would be difficult to deal with, plus a fifth-order high-grade spirit beast, they were no match.

The Zhao family has been collecting information about the Wang family all these years. Naturally, they know that the Wang family has a fifth-order spirit tortoise, which is very powerful and has a good understanding of human nature. It can fight off a wave of beasts alone.

Zhao Ruilong took a deep breath and said, "Ten million is too much, at most three million."

He can't let Wang Qingshan lead by the nose, he also wants to be proud. If Wang Qingshan says anything, he agrees, and he will hold his head up in the future?

"Eight million."

Wang Qingshan bargained and said, he didn't really want ten million spirit stones, rabbits would bite people if they were in a hurry, not to mention the spiritual monks who had been practicing Taoism for thousands of years.

Wang Qingfeng did not speak, he had no interest in managing affairs.

"Up to five million! No more."

Zhao Ruilong's voice was heavy, and he didn't care about this spiritual stone, but his face.

Wang Qingshan pondered for a while and agreed to come down.

Zhao Ruilong took out a cyan storage ring, threw it to Wang Qingshan, and said, "The contents inside are worth five million spirit stones."

Wang Qingshan took the storage ring, swept away his consciousness, nodded, and with a pinch of the sword, the giant sword turned into nine flying swords with azure light and a cloud of azure flames.

The nine azure glass swords flew back into the sword box and disappeared, and the azure flame disappeared into his sleeve.

"A complete set of Tongtian Lingbao! There are so many nine!"

Lan Kexin's complexion became quite ugly. Over the years, she has gained a little reputation in this sea area by virtue of her four heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure-level flying swords and fifth-order spiritual flames, which is why she dared to stop Zhao Ruilong just now.

If she knew that Wang Qingshan had nine flying swords that could reach the heavens and spirit treasures, she would definitely not be stubborn with Wang Qingshan.

A low-grade Tongtian Lingbao is worth tens of millions of spirit stones, and nine flying swords at the Tongtian Lingbao level are worth more than 100 million spirit stones. Of course, if Lingbao is promoted to Tongtian Lingbao, it will naturally not use so many spirit stones.

As we all know, the greater the number of Tongtian Lingbao, the higher the difficulty of refining. Lan Kexin spent a lot of energy, so he asked the fifth-order refiner of the Liu family to help refine a set of flying swords. It was only the flying sword made by Nian Xuanyu that she became famous.

The expressions of other god-turning cultivators were different, either envious or fearful.

"Before you move my Wang family next time, ask yourself if you can stop my flying sword, whether it's a match between the juniors, or a life-and-death fight, I won't care. But when it comes to the younger generation, the older generation should not take action, it is not a good thing to bully the younger generation, there are no rules and it is impossible to achieve success, and it is good for everyone to follow the rules."

After Wang Qingshan said this, he flew down on the back of the turtle, followed by Wang Qingfeng.

The tortoise turned around, drove towards the road from which it came, and disappeared into the vast sea.

"Let's go! Go back! This old man has done his best."

Zhao Ruilong sighed and returned to Turtle Island to heal his wounds, while the other spiritual monks went back to their respective homes.

This matter spread quickly, and the reputation of Qinglian Jianzun also spread.


Qingli Sea Area, a certain sea area.

A glittering dragon boat floats high in the sky. The dragon boat is thousands of zhang long and 400 zhang wide. There is a 36-story cyan attic above There is a pattern of nine giant lions on the sail. , sparkling.

Thousands of cultivators stood on the deck, Wang Mengbin and Bai Yuqi were also inside, and their expressions were excited.

The Han family did not embarrass them, allowed them to leave, and gave them an extra amount of resources to cultivate immortals.

This cross-spirit treasure ship belongs to the Ye family in the Ice Soul Valley. The Ye family is one of the few true spiritual families in the Xuanyang Realm. The ancestors of the Ice Soul Fairy, relying on their great supernatural powers, used one enemy to seven, beheading a number of alien great vehicles, known as moving Xuan The Yang Realm is the most famous human monk in the Xuanyang Realm in the past 100,000 years.

The Ye family's old nest is in the North Frost Icefield, which is covered with ice and snow all the year round, and there are many powerful aliens.

The Ye family went to the Qingli sea area to do business, and the goods were almost sold. They sold the tickets and prepared to go to the Xuanling Continent. Wang Mengbin spent three million spirit stones and bought two tickets. Treasure ship, they can reach the Xuanling Continent.

The straight-line distance between the Qingli Sea Area and the Xuanling Continent is more than ten trillion miles. Qinglian Island is in the northwest corner of the Xuanling Continent, which is farther away. However, they have already inquired. The Ice Lion will stop at Xueyanfang City. Liandao is not too far from Xueyanfang City.

"Take your ferry tickets and hand them in when you disembark. You can go back to your room according to your room number and rest! You can only do activities below the fifth floor and break into the fifth floor and above. Don't blame us for being rude."

A middle-aged man with a gentle appearance said solemnly.

Wang Mengbin and others agreed in unison, and went back to their rooms to rest one after another.

A quarter of an hour later, the Ice Lion lit up with a dazzling white light, flew high into the sky, and disappeared into the sky after a while. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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