Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2200: Hand in half a page of Tianxu Jade Book, the legend of Xuanfu Holy Ancestor

"I don't have anything good in my hand, so I'll give you three fifth-order talismans first."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, took out a cyan jade box and handed it to Bai Yuqi.

Bai Yuqi looked at Wang Mengbin, Wang Mengbin smiled and said, "Take it! The ancestors' wishes, my family is welcome."

"Thank you my ancestors."

Bai Yuqi thanked her and accepted it.

"Our family keeps a lot of spirit beasts. I'll take you to pick a few and arrange a cave for you by the way."

Sun Yuejiao said with a smile, she could see that Wang Mengbin had other things to tell Wang Changsheng.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't say what you shouldn't say, don't watch what you shouldn't see.

Wang Mengbin nodded and let Bai Yuqi and Sun Yuejiao leave.

"Meng Bin, is there something important?"

Wang Changsheng wondered.

Wang Mengbin nodded and took out half a page of sparkling book pages with mysterious runes all over the surface.

"Tianxu Yushu!"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan exclaimed, they traveled in the territory of foreign races in their early years, and only then did they get a page of Tianxu Jade Book, where did Wang Mengbin get half a page of Tianxu Jade Book.

"This is what I got from Qinghuan World. This thing originally belonged to the Deng family, but it fell into my hands."

Wang Mengbin told the story one by one, and he and the Deng family had already forged a deadly feud.

"Ancestor, this half-page Tianxu Jade Book records the art of talismans, only the upper half."

Wang Mengbin took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Ruyan.

He has already obtained the content inside, and it doesn't matter if he keeps half a page of the Tianxu Jade Book.

"Heavenly Talisman Book!"

Wang Ruyan's consciousness swept away, surprise flashed in his eyes.

The things Wang Mengbin took out were too precious, and the value of the "Heavenly Puppet Secret Book", "Heavenly Talisman Collection" and "Wan Lingjian Jing" could not be measured by spirit stones.

With "Heavenly Puppet Secret Book" and "Heavenly Talisman Collection", Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan can refine more powerful puppet beasts and talismans, which is of great help to the development of the Wang family.

"The Secret Book of Heavenly Puppets" records the refining method of a substitute puppet, and "Tianfu Collection" records a variety of refining methods for talismans, of which the sixth-order talisman is the most precious and can be weakened. The power of thunder.

If Wang Ruyan can refine the Heavenly Thunder Spirit Transformation Talisman, Wang Changsheng will be a little easier to cross the Great Heavenly Tribulation, at least the first few times will be easier. Formation or other treasures.

"Meng Bin, you have a good rest first. When you arrive at Qinglian Island, you will be home. I will send someone to find a panacea and help you give birth to a son and a half daughter."

Wang Changsheng said reassuringly that both Wang Mengbin and Bai Yuqi were in the spirit transformation stage, and with the help of elixir, their chances of giving birth to offspring would increase.

Wang Mengbin nodded, got up and left, he got the practice method, and it took a lot of time to change the practice method.

"The Deng family and Qingyunmen are a hidden danger. Although there is no evidence, the three of them become tigers and have to be guarded against."

Wang Qingshan's face was solemn. In order to avoid the Deng family and Qingyunmen, Wang Mengbin ran to the Qingli Sea Area.

If the Deng family and Qingyunmen spread the news, and the Wang family had half a page of the Heavenly Void Jade Book in their hands, maybe not many people believed it, but the three of them became tigers and the news spread widely, it would be hard to say.

"Qingshan, tell me your opinion."

Wang Changsheng asked, he already had a plan, he just wanted to see how Wang Qingshan would handle the matter.

"Pre-emptive, spread the news in advance, fabricate other treasures, and fabricate a few more objects, mainly the newly emerging Xiuxian families or sects, which confuses the public. The Deng family and Qingyunmen are far away from our family, and we can't be sure that we really have Tianxuyu. Books should not be killed, after all, Zhenhai Palace is not a vegetarian."

Wang Qingshan said slowly, muddy the water, like fishing in muddy water.

Wang Changsheng nodded, took out a cyan jade slip, handed it to Wang Qingshan, and said, "This is the Taixu Forging Divine Art, a Divine Consciousness Cultivation Technique, you accept it, don't spread it out, Meng Bin has to revise the cultivation technique, wait for him If the revision is successful, I will give him Taixu Forging Divine Art."

The half-page Tianxu Jade Book can be handed over to Zhenhai Palace in exchange for cultivation resources. After all, Wang Mengbin has already obtained the contents. Wang Changsheng has not yet thought about what to exchange for the half-page Tianxu Jade Book. The virtual jade book may have other uses.

"Got it, Uncle Ninth."

Wang Qingshan agreed and put away the blue jade slip.

After a few chats, Wang Qingshan said goodbye and left.

"Meng Bin arrived in Xuanyang Realm, and I don't know what happened to Haitang."

Wang Changsheng sighed, Ye Haitang's soul lamp was still on, obviously she had entered the spirit transformation stage, but she didn't know where she was.

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"Maybe she is also in Xuanyang Realm, or she went to other interfaces. We spread our reputation. If Haitang knew about it, she would come to join us."

Wang Ruyan suggested that Wang Mengbin came over after hearing that there was a Qinglian royal family in Xuanling Continent.

Otherwise, Wang Mengbin would have to establish a family by himself.

Thanks to Wang Changsheng's promotion to Lianxu, and changing the Nine Dragons Island to Qinglian Island, which is also an affiliated force of Zhenhai Palace, if not for this, Wang Mengbin may not know that there is a Qinglian royal family in Xuanling Continent. .

Deity Transformation cultivators are simply not enough to watch in the Xuanyang Realm, and it is easier to attract attention if there are cultivating cultivators in power.

Wang Changsheng nodded: "When Madam enters the Void Refinement period, we should be able to make a name for ourselves in this sea area together, and make the Qinglian Royal Family's reputation. If someone from the clan ascends to the Xuanyang Realm, you can come and find us."

To improve the family's reputation, if Ye Haitang or other clansmen ascended to the Xuanyang Realm, they could come to Qinglian Island to join them.

"There are too few technical talents in the family. I will train a few high-level Talisman Masters first, and then it is not too late to enter the virtual refining period."

Wang Ruyan has just left the customs, so there is no need to rush into the imaginary period and wait for a while.

With the increasing number of monks in the clan, the financial burden is increasing, and there is an urgent need for skilled talents.

Wang Changsheng nodded. He had just obtained the "Heavenly Puppet Secret Book".

The two of them performed their duties and got busy.


Demon Realm, Tianmofang City.

In a secluded courtyard, Fang Mu and Ye Haitang sat in the stone pavilion, sipping tea and chatting.

They all joined the Heavenly Demon Palace. There was no way. The conditions given by the Heavenly Demon Palace were too generous. They provided them with exercises and a sum of resources for cultivating immortals, including elixir for longevity.

If they don't join the Tianmo Palace, it is very difficult for them to obtain these things.

The treatment of the Tianmo Palace is very good, and it is a big force in the Demon Flame Continent. There are Mahayana monks sitting in the town, and they can enjoy the cool under the big tree, so they also joined the Tianmo Palace.

"Fairy Ye, your uncle will not be the reincarnation of Xuanfu's holy ancestor!"

Fang Mu had an unbelievable expression on his and wondered.

After settling down, they collected a lot of information about the demon world, and Xuanfu Saint Ancestor was the top priority.

Xuanfu Saint Ancestor's name moved the entire demon world. It is said that several Saint Ancestors joined forces to dare to deal with Xuanfu Saint Ancestor, which shows how terrifying Xuanfu Saint Ancestor is.

They were surprised to find that the name of Xuanfu's ancestor was Wang Changsheng, which was the same name as Ye Haitang's uncle. The difference was that the Taoist companion of Xuanfu's ancestor was called Mu Wei.

"It's just the same name. Didn't you also look at the portrait of Xuanfu Saint Ancestor. It's not the same as my uncle at all. There are many people with the same name and surname."

Ye Haitang said disapprovingly, she has already checked it out, the demon world and the spiritual world are parallel interfaces, and the spiritual world is just the name of the monks in the lower world.

In addition to the demon world, there are many interfaces dominated by demons, who are the rulers.

Demons generally call themselves Saints, and Demons are called Saints.

"Since we have come to the Holy Realm, let's not think about those things, practice hard, and maybe one day we will be able to return to Dongli Realm."

Ye Haitang said solemnly, she really wanted to go back to Dongli Realm to see, mainly because she was worried about something going on in her family.

"Return to Dongli Realm? Let's talk about it when you have a chance!"

Fang Mu pouted and said nonchalantly, it is not easy to want to go to the lower world, and it is not good to go back. They are now demons, and most of the things used by cultivators are not used by demons.

His goal is to become the second Xuanfu Holy Ancestor. Xuanfu Saint Ancestor is famous in the demon world for his talisman skills, but Xuanfu Saint Ancestor has also cultivated corpse refinement, and his magical powers are not small.

"The second Xuanfu Holy Ancestor? It's too far away, let's live it first and then talk about it."

Ye Haitang chuckled lightly. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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