Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2201: Wang Ruyan hit the virtual refining period, and his vitality was greatly damaged

Spring and autumn come, and fifty years have passed quickly.

The northwest corner of Xuanling Continent, Qinglian Island.

In a certain secret room, Wang Liangpu sat cross-legged on a cyan jade bed, his eyes were slightly closed, his hands were sealed, and there were a lot of cyan light spots floating in the room. These were pure wood auras.

These cyan light spots seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, pouring into his body along his nose and mouth.

Half an hour later, all the blue light spots in the room were absorbed by Wang Liangpu, he opened his eyes, let out a long breath, and stood up.

Wang Liangpu has already entered the Nascent Soul stage. In addition to the rich resources for immortal cultivation, this has a lot to do with the abundance of spiritual energy on Qinglian Island. There is a seventh-order spiritual vein on the island, and the spiritual energy is rich, far from being comparable to ordinary islands.

The Wang family had not been established for a long time, and there were many cave dwellings that were idle. Wang Liangpu was able to occupy a cave dwelling full of spiritual energy, otherwise he would not have entered the Nascent Soul period so quickly.

Simply put, Wang Liangpu has benefited from the family's development.

Wang Liangpu walked out. At this time, the sky was still gray.

Wang Liangpu released the Scarlet Sparrow and jumped on it.

A clear and loud bird chirping sounded, and the Scarlet Flame Bird spread its wings and flew towards the sky.

The Scarlet Yanque had just flown out for more than a hundred miles, when a deafening thunderclap suddenly came from high in the sky, and auspicious clouds appeared out of thin air, quickly converging towards Qinglian Peak.

Countless light spots emerged in the void, colorful, like fireworks, and these light spots slowly converged into auspicious clouds of different colors.

In less than a quarter of an hour, thousands of auspicious clouds gathered over Qinglian Peak. These auspicious clouds of the same color merged into one and became a larger auspicious cloud.

Auspicious clouds of five colors of blue, red, gold, yellow and blue are gathered together to block the Qinglian Peak.

A fierce wind suddenly blew on the island, the whistling sound was loud, and countless flying sand and rocks were blown up by the wind, and the smoke billowed.

Such an amazing and bizarre sight naturally alarmed the monks of the Wang family on the island.

Wang Changsheng's impact on the Void Refining Stage was more than 300 years ago. Many clansmen had never seen this scene. They thought it was an invasion by a powerful enemy. The alarm sounded loudly, and a large number of clansmen flew towards Qinglian Peak.

"It's nothing, you go back! Don't make a fuss."

A majestic male voice suddenly sounded.

After hearing this, the clansmen retreated one after another.

Qinglian Peak, a bluestone platform that covers an extremely wide area, Wang Ruyan sits on a blue futon, with a five-color talisman attached to her chest, her eyes are solemn, and she looks like a great enemy.

The surface of the five-color talisman is covered with mysterious runes the size of a grain of rice, and there is a burst of five-color aura, which is the five-element spiritual talisman.

She intends to use the Five Elements Imbuing Talisman to impact the Void Refinement Stage. This process is relatively dangerous, but Wang Ruyan has also made some preparations. Even if she fails, it is no problem to save her life.

Wang Ruyan took a deep breath, pinched the magic formula, and the five-element talisman burst open, and countless mysterious five-color runes rushed out. beside her.

There are mysterious five-color runes all over the rune array, and the aura is amazing.

The high-altitude auspicious clouds seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, and a thick ray of light hung down one after another, covering Wang Ruyan.

The five colors of blue, red, gold, yellow and blue light fell on Wang Ruyan's body, Wang Ruyan snorted softly, her body slowly expanded, and the huge pure aura was running around in her body.

Her complexion changed, her teeth clenched, and the blue veins on her body were exposed.

She could clearly feel that her meridians were torn in many places, and this was still the beginning.

Two hundred miles away, Wang Changsheng was standing on the top of a steep peak with a worried look in his eyes.

The double-eyed mouse was lying on Wang Changsheng's shoulder, and his eyes glowed with yellow light.

As time passed, Wang Ruyan's face was bloodless, and his body swelled into a spherical shape, like a huge leather ball.

At this moment, countless silver runes appeared on the ground, and a silver glow rose into the sky, covering Wang Ruyan.

The blood on Wang Ruyan's body gradually shrank, and his body slowly returned to normal.

But it didn't take long for a large amount of Five Elements aura to pour into Wang Ruyan's body, and Wang Ruyan's body swelled up again.

In this way, Wang Ruyan's body continued to expand, many meridians were torn off, and the blood flowed non-stop. The whole person was dripping with blood, and the blood stained the clothes. At the worst time, you could see the bones under the skin.

At this time, a group of silver rays of light would emerge from the ground, and Wang Ruyan slowly recovered.

Two hours later, five huge auspicious clouds poured into Wang Ruyan's body.

Wang Ruyan was lying in a pile of blood, and there were many skin cracks on his body, and he could even see some bones. His facial features were hideous, which was very terrifying.

The ground lit up with a dazzling blue light, Wang Ruyan's injuries slowly healed, and his face slowly became rosy.

A dazzling blue light rushed out of Wang Ruyan's body and turned into a huge female phantom. The female phantom held a jade flute in her hand and played it gently, and a cheerful fairy sound sounded.

A large number of five-color raindrops fell from the sky. The five-color raindrops are pure five elements of spiritual energy, and they gradually disappeared into the female shadow.

The woman's phantom absorbed the five-color raindrops that fell on her body, and her whole body shone like a solid body.

The rumbling thunder sounded, and a huge thundercloud floated above Wang Ruyan's head, with lightning and thunder.

Sixty-nine thunder tribulations, overcoming this calamity, Wang Ruyan will be able to enter the stage of refining virtual.

A thick and long silver thunder snake appeared in the thundercloud, wandering non-stop, with great momentum.

The thundercloud surging like a tide, suddenly divided into six groups, turning into six groups of thunderclouds floating in the sky, each group of thunderclouds is about the same size.

A deafening thunder sounded, and a silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed towards Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan didn't dare to be careless, she quickly took out the ink spirit umbrella, and slapped the Five Elements Thunderbolt Talisman on her body.

With a flash of silver light, the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman burst open, and countless mysterious silver runes surged out, turning into a silver light curtain, covering Wang Ruyan.

Mo Ling's umbrella spun around, suddenly swelled, and floated on top of Wang Ru's cigarette butt.

The first lightning strike hit the umbrella surface and disappeared without a trace.

Soon, the second thunder robbery fell, with even greater momentum, and was also absorbed by the Mo Ling umbrella.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and one after another thunderstorm fell one after another, slashing at Wang Ruyan.

The Moling Umbrella has an excellent defense effect, absorbing all the power of lightning.

The first round of thunder tribulation ended soon, and the Mo Ling umbrella was intact, successfully blocking the first round of thunder tribulation, and there were five more rounds.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and the second round of thunder robbery began. A dazzling silver thunder light pierced the sky and struck the top of the Moling umbrella, which shook slightly.

Soon, the second thunder robbery fell, with even greater momentum.

Time passed little by little, and one after another thunderstorm fell, and the air waves rolled.

After a cup of tea, there was still a thundercloud in the sky, but it was more than ten feet in size.

Wang Ruyan was covered by a silver light curtain, and the surface was covered with mysterious runes. The aura of some runes dimmed, as many as ten.

The thunderous sound of thunder sounded, and the thundercloud suddenly rolled violently, turning into a silver thunder dragon with a length of several dozen meters, and it rushed down from the sky.

This is the last thunder tribulation, and the momentum far exceeds the previous thunder tribulation.

Wherever the silver thunder dragon passed, there was a "humming" sound in the void, twisting and deforming.

The silver thunder robbery collided with the silver light curtain, and suddenly burst, and a dazzling silver thunder light shot up into the sky, submerging more than ten kilometers in a radius, the air waves were like waves, and the smoke and dust flew all over the sky.

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, and Wang Ruyan sat in a huge pit with a bloodless face and a silver light curtain covering his body. The aura of hundreds of runes dimmed, obviously losing a lot of power.

The Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman can withstand several rounds of great robbery, and it is naturally no problem to withstand the six or nine thunder tribulations.

Wang Ruyan's tactic was pinched, and the silver light curtain suddenly disintegrated, turning into a dimly lit talisman, which landed in his Wang Changsheng flew over with a look of concern on his face.

Before he could say anything, Wang Ruyan's face flushed red, spewing out a mouthful of blood essence, his breath slumped, and he slumped on the ground.

The Five Elements Filling Talisman's impact on the virtual refining period was too overbearing. Wang Ruyan didn't have many scars on his body, and his body was seriously injured.

Wang Changsheng frowned, took out a small mirror with golden light, and covered it with Wang Ruyan.

A golden glow flew out, covering Wang Ruyan's body.

In front of the golden glow, it can be clearly seen that Wang Ruyan's meridians are broken in many places, and even the bones have some small cracks. Even if she enters the stage of refining, her vitality will be severely damaged, ranging from more than a hundred years to thousands of years. to recover.

Ordinary healing pills don't work. If it wasn't for the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman, Wang Ruyan would have been wiped out long ago.

"Husband, I'm's okay, just rest for a while."

Wang Ruyan's tone was weak, she couldn't stand up, she was very weak.

Bai Yuqi helped arrange several fifth-order formations. If it wasn't for this, Wang Ruyan might not be able to survive the process of filling the spirit. She has been severely damaged and needs to be recuperated for a long time, unless she obtains a panacea that specifically heals the meridians. Recovery will be faster.

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Wang Changchang sighed, picked up Wang Ruyan, and came to the pre-arranged residence.

He put Wang Ruyan on a light cyan jade bed, and there was a flame pattern inside the cyan jade bed, exuding a burst of warmth.

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