Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2203: The Liu family's conspiracy, Sun Yuejiao

Generally speaking, immortal cultivators will find a secret place to cross the great catastrophe, and invite the elders of the same clan or teachers to protect the law, so as to avoid interference from outsiders.

The cultivator of the Liu family crossed the tribulation in a secret place. A cultivator of the emptiness and a number of cultivators guarded the law. The scale of the beast horde was too large and interfered with the calamity. die.

At that time, a hostile force of the Liu family was severely damaged and was destroyed by the Liu family.

"The seventh-order monster will also appear? No wonder Li Shibo wants to sit in Xueyanfang City."

Su Qingheng suddenly realized that this is the first time he has been to this sea area, and he has never set foot in it before.

"The probability of the seventh-order monsters appearing is very low, and the sixth-order monsters will definitely appear. Whenever a large-scale beast tide breaks out, it is when the big forces make money, and when the small forces rise, there are countless small forces wiped out by the large-scale beast tide. ."

Liu Tianxiao said at the end, a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

If a few sixth-order monsters can besiege Qinglian Island, even if the Wang family is not destroyed, they can still severely damage the Wang family.

Su Qingheng nodded. He remembered something and said, "By the way, I heard that Zhenhai Palace supports a family of cultivators."

"Yes, the Qinglian Wang family has only one virtual cultivator, so it can't become a big climate. Most of the mineral veins and spirit stone mines in this sea area are in our hands. The Wang family can't become a big climate. The Wang family's puppet beasts sell well. A fifth-order refiner."

Liu Tianxiao said truthfully that without particularly precious resources for cultivating immortals, the Liu family would not end up dealing with the Wang family in person, and annoy Zhenhai Palace would outweigh the gains.

Su Qingheng nodded. He heard about Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's deeds, but he was just curious.

After chatting for a while, Su Qingheng and Liu Chuanting got up and left, and returned to their residence to rest.

Liu Tianxiao tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and said to himself, "The large beast swarm is a great opportunity to get rid of or severely damage the Wang family."


Zhenhai Palace, a manor with a very large area, can be seen in the garden where the craggy rocks and the stone bridge garden are located.

In a hexagonal red stone pavilion, Sun Yueshuo sat in the pavilion with a young woman in a red dress with delicate facial features, drinking tea and chatting. The young woman in the red dress had a slightly bulging belly, obviously pregnant.

The young woman in the red dress is Yang Qinglong's younger disciple, He Yuyao. She has a cultivation base in the middle stage of Spirit Transformation. She is a fifth-order alchemist and a Taoist companion of Sun Yueshuo.

"After a while, we will see our baby."

Sun Yueshuo said with a smile, they spent a lot of money on the relationship and got a kind of spiritual item, which can improve their chances of giving birth to children. The effect of the spiritual item is not as good as that of Jiulong Dan, but He Yuyao is finally pregnant.

He Yuyao said with kindness on his face, "I hope they can grow up healthy and safe, and become the elite disciples of Zhenhai Palace in the future."

"With the guidance of the lady, I believe that they will definitely become talents."

Sun Yueshuo said with a smile, her face full of tenderness.

A sound transmission flew in, Sun Yueshuo grabbed the sound transmission, and after crushing it, a female voice like a silver bell: "Cousin, it's been good recently, I'm back to see you and sister-in-law."

"It's Yuejiao, isn't she on Qinglian Island? Why did she come back suddenly?"

He Yuyao wondered.

"It should be that the Wang family is in trouble, otherwise she won't come back from all the way."

Sun Yueshuo got up and walked out, opened the courtyard door, Sun Yuejiao stood at the door with a smile on her face.

"Yuejiao, it's been a long time, you've entered the God Transformation stage, are you here to send invitations?"

Sun Yueshuo felt the powerful spiritual pressure emanating from Sun Yuejiao, and said in surprise.

The last time we met, Sun Yuejiao was still in the Yuan Ying period.

"I'm sending invitations, but it's not for me, it's not for my parents. My mother entered the virtual training period not long ago and will hold a celebration in fifty years. I'm here to send invitations! By the way, where's my sister-in-law!"

Sun Yuejiao's face was full of smiles. The task Wang Changsheng gave her was to get a panacea to help Wang Ruyan heal her wounds, any price would do, let her act according to the situation.

Sun Yuejiao came back to distribute invitations under the banner of holding a celebration. First, she told the monks of the ascended faction that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had entered the virtual refining period, so that others would be more willing to help Sun Yuejiao; secondly, it was convenient to give gifts to the powerful virtual refining monks. , others will look at it.

The daughter-in-law of the cultivator of the virtual world is obviously treated differently from the daughter-in-law of the cultivator of the gods.

"Your sister-in-law is in Shiting. She is pregnant. Come in and talk!"

Sun Yueshuo invited Sun Yuejiao in and came to Shiting to chat.

After chatting for a while, Sun Yuejiao asked, "Sister-in-law, is Master Yang free? I'm in a hurry and want to see Master Yang."

She had just returned to Zhenhai Palace, and she went to visit Chen Yueying first, but Chen Yueying retreated and practiced and saw no visitors.

"Urgent? Yuejiao, it's not a coincidence that you came back. Master has gone on a trip and is currently not in the main altar. I don't know where it is."

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He Yuyao shook his head and said.

Sun Yuejiao frowned. It was difficult to see Chen Yueying and Yang Qinglong.

"Yuejiao, you don't need to see outsiders, just speak directly."

Sun Yueshuo waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

Sun Yuejiao pondered for a while, and said, "I need a panacea that can heal broken meridians, and it will be useful to cultivators."

Sun Yueshuo frowned and looked at He Yuyao.

If he guessed correctly, most likely Wang Ruyan needed a panacea to heal his wounds, and he couldn't help him.

"As far as I know, our Zhenhai Palace has a kind of pill called Jiuqu Yuxu Dan, which can heal this injury. Besides the master, there are several sixth-order alchemists who can refine this kind of pill. Let me recommend it for you. Contact Shibo Fang in the Deacon Hall to see if you can use the good deeds to exchange it."

He Yuyao said slowly.

"Thank you sister-in-law for your pointer. By the way, this is a gift I gave to my nephews. Please accept it for them!"

Sun Yuejiao took out a short blue ruler and a blue command flag. The two treasures had amazing auras, and they were obviously heaven-penetrating treasures.

Before leaving, she brought a lot of things with her, one was to give gifts; the other was to exchange, UU reading www. for emergencies.

"Two pieces of psychic magic? These are too precious."

Sun Yueshuo frowned and said.

"Brother, you just said that you don't need to see outsiders, but you treat me as an outsider now? I'm not for you, I'm for nephews, and my aunt gives gifts to nephews, and you don't accept them either. Take me as your own."

Sun Yuejiao pretended to be unhappy, and her own brothers made a clear decision. Others would help her once, but not forever. If helping her would be beneficial, others would be happy to help next time.

Sun Yuejiao didn't know how to answer Sun Yuejiao's words.

"Then I'll take it for them, thank you, Yuejiao."

He Yuyao accepted it with a smile.

Sun Yuejiao's face softened, and she smiled: "It's almost the same, you don't need to be polite, by the way, we have two clansmen who have soared from the lower realm, maybe a hundred years later, they will also enter the refining stage. When you need our Wang family's help, don't be polite to me."

She was telling them about the potential of the Wang family.

Both Sun Yueshuo and He Yuyao were a little surprised. They naturally knew what the ascension cultivator meant, and the ascension cultivator had a high chance of entering the Void Refinement Stage.

After chatting for more than an hour, Sun Yuejiao got up and said goodbye. She was going to visit other cultivators who held great power, and distributed invitations to build momentum for the Wang family.

"Husband, Yuejiao is amazing. If you stay in Zhenhai Palace, it will not be a problem to take over the position of Uncle Fang in the future."

He Yuyao sighed that Sun Yuejiao did have a good way of dealing with people and things.

Sun Yueshuo nodded and said, "I thought it was not a good thing for her to leave Zhenhai Palace, but now it seems that this might be her chance." Read it for free!

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