Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2204: Yuhua Mountain Ginger Home

The Yuyang Mountains stretch for hundreds of millions of miles, and there are countless dangerous mountains and peaks.

This is the old lair of the Jiang family, an aristocratic cultivator. More than 60,000 years ago, the Jiang family was just a small family, and the highest cultivation level was not at the Nascent Soul stage. Later, a clan member named Jiang Taixu appeared in the Jiang family, who possessed some kind of spirit. Body, more than 300 years old was promoted to God, and more than 1,500 years old was promoted to the refining stage. Under the leadership of Jiang Taixu, the Jiang family grew rapidly.

In less than 3,000 years, the Jiang family has more than 20 spirit transformations, two of which are imaginary.

Due to the rapid rise of the Jiang family, there are even rumors that Jiang Taixu was a great power to renovate the house, and there are also rumors that the Jiang family got the Tianxu Jade Book.

The dojo of Xuanling Tianzun appeared in the Xuanling Continent. Jiang Taixu and his fellow Taoists entered the dojo to hunt for treasures and obtained a lot of treasures, which made the Jiang family become brilliant.

During the most prosperous period of the Jiang family, there were three people who merged together and dozens of them were refining the virtual. However, after a racial war broke out, Jiang Taixu and Dao Companion died at the hands of the masters of the Yasha clan. Later, they encountered several disasters. The famous cultivator died under the great catastrophe, and from then on, the Jiang family began to go downhill.

The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. The Jiang family is indeed in decline now. It was a relatively heyday. There are currently five cultivators in the Jiang family.

In the northwest of the Yuyang Mountains, there is a huge valley extending in all directions. Outside the valley, there is a blue stone tablet more than ten feet high, with three golden characters of "Yuyang Valley" written on it, and the aura flashes constantly.

This is the square market opened by the Jiang family, right under the eyes of the Jiang family.

The roads in the valley are intertwined, and each street is more than ten feet wide. The streets are bustling and crowded with people.

The shop assistants of the shops on both sides of the street shouted diligently to attract customers. Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli walked on the crowded street, watching as they walked.

Along the way, they saw many wineries selling various spirit wines.

Before the Jiang family made a fortune, spirit wine was the first source of income for the Jiang family. After the fortune, the Jiang family has made greater progress in winemaking. There are a variety of exclusive spirit wines, and there are as many as five sixth-order spirit wines. , Yunzhi Niang is one of them.

Yunzhi Brew is brewed from Yunzhi fruit and a variety of thousand-year-old elixir. It has the effect of nourishing meridians and activating muscles and bones. Yunzhi fruit trees have high requirements on the environment. They bloom in three thousand years, bear fruit in three thousand years, and mature after another three thousand years. There are only a hundred or so fruits, so it is difficult to find a pot of Yunzhi brewed.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli went to Yuyang Valley mainly to get Yunzhi Brew.

The Xuanling Continent has rich resources for cultivating immortals, and there are many elixir that can be useful for Wang Ruyan's injury. Either it is an exclusive product of an alien race, or it is controlled by a major force. Relatively speaking, the chance of getting Yunzhi Brew from the Jiang family is higher.

After a cup of tea, Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli appeared at the door of an 18-storey red attic with carved beams and painted buildings, flying eaves and bucket arches. Conspicuous.

They stood at the door, and a strong aroma of wine wafted out of the building and disappeared into their noses.

This is the shop opened by the Jiang family, which specializes in selling spirit wine.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli walked in. The hall was spacious and bright. There were all kinds of wine jars and jugs on the shelves made of Yuyang wood. Dozens of attendants in uniform red shirts were introducing spirit wine to the guests.

They didn't stop in the hall any longer and went straight upstairs.

The layout upstairs is similar. There are also many jugs and wine jars on the shelves, and the air is filled with a strong aroma of wine.

Going to the fifteenth floor, the fifteenth floor does not sell spirit wine, there are some tables and chairs, and two Nascent Soul cultivators are guarding the stairs. Behind them, there is a looming red light curtain, which is obviously forbidden.

"The two seniors wait a moment, the shopkeeper is entertaining guests."

A Nascent Soul cultivator said politely.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli agreed, sat down, and waited quietly.

A quarter of an hour later, a tall, thin middle-aged man and a graceful young woman in a red dress walked downstairs. After a dazzling light on their bodies, they easily passed through the red light curtain.

"Mrs. Mu, walk slowly."

The middle-aged man said politely and watched the young woman in the red dress leave.

"Jiang Yunxu, the shopkeeper of Zuixiaolou, and two fellow Taoists, please go upstairs."

The middle-aged man looked at Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli and made a please gesture.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli followed Jiang Yunxu to the sixteenth floor. The sixteenth floor was elegantly furnished, with many paintings hanging on the walls. Either one person drinking to the moon, or a banquet, the content was related to spirit wine.

There are also dozens of potted plants, colorful.

"We are from the royal family of Qinglian Island. We have heard the name of Jiangjialing wine for a long time, so we came to buy it specially."

Wang Qingfeng said politely and reported his origins.

"The Wang family of Qinglian Island turned out to be Daoyou Wang. I don't know what spirit wine Daoyou Wang wants to buy. Would you like me to introduce it?"

Jiang Yunxu said enthusiastically, he had never heard of the Qinglian Island royal family, the territory controlled by the human race was not small, the royal family had not been established for a thousand years, and did not participate in any particularly important things, so its reputation was not obvious.

The children of some major forces have heard of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's deeds in Xuanling Cave, but most of them do not know that Wang Changsheng left Zhenhai Palace and established a family by himself.

The Jiang family's spirit wine has a long-standing reputation, and immortal cultivators often come here, so Jiang Yunxu is not surprised.

"We want to buy Yunzhi Brew."

Wang Qingfeng said truthfully.

"Yunzhi Brew? This is a sixth-order spirit wine. It's not easy to brew. Only the VIPs in this building can book it."

Jiang Yunxu said with an embarrassed expression, things are rare and precious, and things sold in batches are not so precious.

The sixth-order spirit wine is the signature of the Jiang family to attract high-level monks, and naturally it will not be sold easily.

"VIPs can make reservations? I don't know how to be called VIPs? How long will it take to get the goods."

Wang Qingfeng continued to ask.

"Consuming 100 million spirit stones in this building will be delivered within a thousand years."

Jiang Yunxu said Wang Qingfeng frowned. On the way here, he knew that Yunzhi Brew was not so easy to get. After all, it was a sixth-order spirit wine, and it was not easy to brew.

"Jiang Daoyou, can you be lenient? It's okay for the price to be a little higher. We are willing to pay double, no, triple the price."

Dong Xueli said sincerely, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan sheltered them from the wind and rain, and it was time for them to show their filial piety.

As soon as possible to get Yunzhi brewed, Wang Ruyan will be able to recover as soon as possible.

"It's not about the spirit stone. It takes 9,000 years for Yunzhi fruit trees to pick Yunzhi fruit. In addition, there are some spirit medicines that grow in a special environment, and the sixth-order spirit water, Hanyue True Water, is not easy to brew."

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Jiang Yunxu said politely, the Jiang family does not lack that little spiritual stone. If the threshold is not raised, the Jiang family will not have enough Yunzhi brewing to sell.

"My father and my mother are from Zhenhai Palace. We also asked Daoyou Jiang to look at Zhenhai Palace's face and be accommodating. We are very grateful."

Wang Qingfeng moved out of Zhenhai Palace. He knew that the family's reputation was not obvious, and Jiang Yunxu might not give them face.

"Zhenhai Palace!"

Jiang Yunxu was dubious, he couldn't be sure whether what Wang Qingfeng said was true or not.

Jiang Yunxu pondered for a moment, took out a cyan jade slip, handed it to Wang Qingfeng, and said, "Our family is collecting these things, if Wang Daoyou brings out any of them, I can sell you a pot of Yunzhi Brew, it's not that I make things difficult for you. , Due to some special reasons, the production of Yunzhi Brew has been reduced in recent years."

Rareness is the most precious thing. If you want Yunzhi Brew, then you can exchange the immortal cultivation resources needed by the Jiang family. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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