Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2225: 9 Dragon Fruit Trees

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"Gravity restraint?"

Liu Tianxiao frowned. He remembered that Wang Changsheng was a physical practitioner.

Liu Tianxiao's sleeves flicked, and a golden ball flew out, sparkling with aura, amazing aura.

This gold magnetic bead is made from gold magnets, which can weaken the power of gravity restraint.

He broke into a magic formula, and the golden magnetic beads immediately lowered a golden light, covering Liu Tianxiao, and Liu Tianxiao strode towards the mountain.

Wang Changsheng landed on the island and said, "Fellow Daoist Liu said well, whoever has the ability will own the treasure."

Wang Changsheng strode up the mountain with a very fast speed, compared to Liu Tianxiao's slower speed.

Liu Tianxiao looked at Wang Changsheng's back, his face was cloudy for a while. Wang Changsheng defeated Lin Zilin hundreds of years ago, and now he easily defeated Wu Ya. He had no absolute certainty to win Wang Changsheng. There is something in the medicine garden.

Before seeing the treasure, it is not wise to rashly fight Wang Changsheng to the death.

Wang Changsheng's speed was very fast. It didn't take long for him to reach the top of the mountain. He was still more than a hundred steps away from the Spirit Medicine Garden, and his speed slowed down.

As soon as Wu Ya's tactic was pinched, the body surface glowed red, and a red human-shaped phantom suddenly appeared above his head.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, don't be fooled."

Liu Tianxiao hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Wu Ya. If Wu Ya did it, there would be no room for relaxation. The Liu family has a great business, and the Wang family is also a sea beast puppet, which is not worth it.

Wu Ya didn't intend to take action against Wang Chang, but just wanted to urge the Dharma to break the restriction.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, a little spark of light emerged from the void, turning into red fireballs, smashing towards Lingshan.

An astonishing scene appeared. As soon as the red fireball approached Lingshan ten feet, it suddenly collapsed, turning into a light and disappearing.

Wu Ya frowned. Knowing that gravity restraint was so troublesome, he reported it to the Liu family. It was all to blame for the Song family. If he reported it earlier, there would be no Wang family's share.

Thinking of this, Wu Ya glared at Song Yunhui coldly.

Song Yunhui shuddered. He was able to monopolize the elixir garden. Why did he report to the Wu family? Only a fool would do this. As long as Wang Qingshan was late for a while, he might have picked the elixir.

The Song family did not report it to monopolize all the elixir, and the Wu family did not report it to monopolize all the elixir. Everyone has selfishness and can eat alone, why should they share it with others? Do you think you are panicking?

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Wang Changsheng's face was flushed red, the blue light on his body was shining brightly, and there was a skeletal sound of "crackling". He accelerated his speed and came to the entrance of the Spirit Medicine Garden.

He turned his head and looked behind him, and saw that Liu Tianxiao was still halfway up the mountain, at a very slow pace.

Wang Changsheng smiled and walked in.

As he walked along, he saw several fields with no elixir in them, apparently no one cared for them, and these elixir had died.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng came to a small independent courtyard. There was a circular flowerbed in the courtyard. There was a silver fruit tree more than ten feet tall. The pale silver fruit has nine mini patterns on its surface, resembling nine mini dragons.

A thick silver light curtain covers the entire flowerbed, and there is a silver turtle pattern on the surface of the silver light curtain.

"Kowloon Fruit!"

Wang Changsheng's breathing became rapid, and his heart burst into ecstasy.

He took out nine Dinghaizhu, held them in his hands, and smashed them towards the silver light curtain.

After the loud bang, the silver light curtain was torn apart.

Wang Changsheng carefully picked all the nine dragon fruits and put them in a jade box for storage.

He took out the Myriad Herbs Bottle and entered a magic trick. The Myriad Herbs Bottle soared in size and sprayed out a green glow, covering the Nine Dragons Fruit Tree.

He released the wood demon, the surface of the wood demon's body glowed brightly, and it drilled into the ground.

The ground shook violently, and it was torn apart. The Nine Dragon Fruit Tree slowly broke away from the ground, and was swept into the Myriad Grass Vase by the cyan glow and disappeared.

Considering that Liu Tianxiao was behind, Wang Changsheng was more anxious and broke some tree roots. Fortunately, the family had the divine water of good fortune, and they could survive when transplanted back to the Wang family.

Wang Changsheng put away the bottle of ten thousand herbs and moved on, followed by the wood demon.

Along the way, he saw many fields, and the elixir had withered to death.

After a while, he stopped in front of a small courtyard, covered with a cyan light curtain, and there was a cyan fruit tree more than 30 feet high in the courtyard. There were more than 30 light cyan fruits hanging on the tree. The fruits were cone-shaped and the leaves were is round.

"Tianyuan Fruit Tree!"

Wang Changsheng's face was filled with joy. A Tianyuan fruit could prolong his life by more than 300 years. He couldn't use it, but a cultivator below the emptiness level could use it.

Wang Changsheng's fists lit up with a burst of dazzling blue light, hitting the cyan light curtain, and the cyan light curtain shattered instantly.

He quickly picked the Tianyuan fruit, sacrificed the Myriad Grass Vase, and released a blue glow to cover the Tianyuan fruit tree. The wood demon assisted from the side, and hurt the roots as little as possible.

It didn't take long for the Tianyuan fruit tree to slowly move out of the ground.

Outside the Spirit Medicine Garden, Liu Tianxiao was covered by a golden light, his face flushed red, his legs trembled, if it weren't for the golden magnetic beads, he would not have been able to come here.

There are very few human body cultivation in the Void Refinement I can't find a few in this sea area.

Liu Tianxiao took a deep breath, opened his mouth and spewed out a large mouthful of blood essence, which fell into the golden magnetic beads. The golden magnetic beads suddenly rose in aura, and the pressure was relieved. He accelerated his pace and came to the entrance of the spirit medicine garden.

With a loud noise, the Medicine Garden shook violently.

"not good."

Liu Tianxiao thought of something, screamed badly, and turned into a ray of light and flew into the Spirit Medicine Garden.

An independent small courtyard, there are two fields in the courtyard, one field is empty, Wang Changsheng smiles all over, holding two blue jade boxes in his hands, each containing a 30,000-year-old golden chalcedony jade, which is the refining of Jinzhiyu. The main medicine of Marrow Dan, Jinzhi Chalcedony Dan is an eighth-order medicinal pill, suitable for Mahayana monks to take.

Another field is covered by a thick five-color light curtain. Inside the five-color light curtain is a cyan fruit tree that is more than 30 feet high, with more than 20 green pears hanging on the tree.

The green pear fruit blooms in five thousand years, bears fruit in five thousand years, and matures in another five thousand years. This is the spiritual fruit for brewing green pear brew. Qing pear brew is a seventh-order spirit wine, which has the effect of improving mana.

In terms of value, the value of golden chalcedony jade is far higher than that of green pear fruit.

Wang Changsheng seemed to sense something and put away the jade box.

A flash of light flew over and landed in front of Wang Changsheng, it was Liu Tianxiao.

Liu Tianxiao's eyes were gloomy. He flew all the way, and the fields and flower beds were empty. Two of the flower beds had obvious signs of vandalism. Obviously, there were spiritual fruit trees that Wang Changsheng transplanted away.

If it weren't for the Wu family and the Song family, these things should belong to the Liu family.

Liu Tianxiao smelled a peculiar aroma in his nose, and his spirit was shocked, and his heart was burning with anger. With his many years of experience in Taoism, the elixir of more than 10,000 years would emit this unique smell.

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