Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2226: 5 line town spirit collection

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Liu Tianxiao didn't talk nonsense, and offered a folding fan with a red light. There was a red centipede pattern on the surface of the folding fan, and the aura was amazing.

He gently fanned it, and the red centipede on the surface of the red folding fan twisted, releasing a pungent red mist that hit the five-color light curtain, causing a puff of blue smoke.

Wang Changsheng didn't intervene and watched the show quietly. If it was so easy to break the ban, he would have broken the ban long ago when he got Liu Tianxiao.

Countless five-color runes emerged on the surface of the five-color light curtain, forming a five-color sun pattern.

Liu Tianxiao threw the red folding fan forward and entered several magic tricks. The red folding fan lit up with a dazzling red light and turned into a red centipede more than a hundred feet long.

The red centipede opened its mouth and spewed out a pungent red poisonous fire, which landed on the five-color light curtain, and a row of sickle-like claws slashed on the five-color light curtain.

Liu Tianxiao's face became ugly, and he glanced at Wang Changsheng, who was calm and relaxed, and was not angry.

The red centipede used various magical powers to attack the five-color light curtain, but the five-color light curtain was safe and sound, and the aura was dimmed, and soon returned to normal.

Liu Tianxiao's face sank, and the magic trick was pinched, and the red centipede turned into a folding fan with red light. , the body soared, and smashed into the five-color light curtain.

After the loud bang, the five-color light curtain was twisted and deformed, the aura dimmed, looming, and the five-color scorching sun on the surface.

"This is the Five Elements Lock Spiritual Confinement. It has a very strong recovery ability and is not so easy to break. Let me come!"

As Wang Changsheng spoke, he held nine Dinghai Pearls in each of his hands, and a burst of dazzling blue light emerged, smashing into the five-color light curtain.

After a loud bang, the five-color light curtain suddenly fell apart.

A long blue sword fell from the sky and split the green pear tree in half.

Liu Tianxiao's reaction was extremely fast, and he grabbed the part where more than a dozen green pears were hanging. Wang Changsheng was faster than him and took the lead.

Liu Tianxiao could only give up the goal and put away the other half of the green pear fruit tree, only to get five green pear fruit.

He put away the green pear fruit, his face full of alertness.

Wang Changsheng ignored Liu Tianxiao and flew towards a courtyard not far away.

It didn't take long for Wang Changsheng to appear in an open field. There were twenty golden trees on both sides. The leaves were diamond-shaped and the whole body was golden. large silver letters.

Liu Tianxiao also rushed over, and when he saw Qiancao Palace, his eyes were fiery.

Wang Changsheng released a giant ape puppet and strode forward. The giant ape puppet walked into the woods, and stopped before taking five steps.

"Gravity restriction again? Is this the golden magnetic spirit wood?"

Liu Tianxiao frowned and said.

Wang Changsheng strode forward, and as soon as he approached the Golden Magnetic Spirit Wood, he felt a strong gravity, much stronger than the prohibition of going up the mountain.

After walking more than thirty steps, his face flushed red and his legs trembled slightly. These golden magnetic spirit woods have grown for tens of thousands of years and have a strong magnetic force. This is a natural prohibition.

When Wang Changsheng's magic tactic was pinched, the blue light on the surface of the body was released, and the blue veins burst out. He walked forward again, Liu Tianxiao was not willing to be left behind, he sacrificed the golden magnetic beads, and released a golden light to cover himself.

After he took three steps, the golden light released by the golden magnetic beads suddenly shattered, and a powerful force struck from the left and right sides.

Liu Tianxiao spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out backwards, his eyes full of horror.

If the twenty golden magnetic spirit trees were moved back to Thousand Bamboo Island, and a large formation was arranged, there would be absolutely no problem in resisting the large beast tide.

He looked at Wang Changsheng's back and frowned.

After Wang Changsheng advanced more than ten feet, he stopped, and there was a bone sound in his body, the gravity was too strong.

Wang Changsheng's sleeve flicked, and a pale silver ball flew out, releasing a burst of silver aura, covering Wang Changsheng, and the pressure was instantly relieved.

Yuan Magnetic Beads, which Wang Changsheng made using a small piece of Yuan Magnetic Divine Crystal as the main material, are much stronger than the ordinary low-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

Wang Changsheng strode forward, and in the surprised eyes of Liu Tianxiao, Wang Changsheng came to the door of Qiancao Palace.

When Liu Tianxiao saw Wang Changsheng passing through the ban, he was surprised, and his eyes became more and more gloomy.

Wang Changsheng's strength exceeded his expectations, so, without the certainty of victory, he would not take action against Wang Changsheng.

The snake hits seven inches, and either doesn't make a move, or it's neat and tidy.

The door of the Qiancao Palace was tightly closed, and Wang Changsheng didn't talk nonsense. He held eighteen Ding Haizhu in both hands and smashed the door into pieces.

The hall is spacious, bright, and empty. There is a bluestone passage on the left and right sides, and I don't know where it leads.

The giant ape puppet turned around in the hall without any abnormality, and walked into the passage on the left.

It didn't take long for him to come to the end, and five stone rooms with closed doors appeared in front of him.

He directly smashed the gate with brute force, and found that there were five small elixir gardens, but unfortunately the elixir inside had all withered to death.

Coming to the passage on the right, there are also five stone chambers.

With a loud bang, the door of a stone room was torn apart, and Wang Changsheng walked in. Inside was a jade counter with dozens of jade slips on it.

Wang Changsheng checked it carefully and found that most of them were planting books. Judging from the content of the jade slip, this spiritual medicine garden was left by the Qianmu Sect.

There were only a few cyan futons in the second stone room and the third stone room. The door of the fourth stone room was torn apart, and a human-shaped corpse appeared in front of him.

The corpse was wearing a tattered robe, with a cyan storage ring on his hand.

Wang Changsheng took off the storage ring and poured out the contents. There were only more than two million spirit stones, dozens of jade slips, monster beast materials and some miscellaneous materials.

"Boundary Stone!"

Wang Changsheng's breathing became His eyes fell on a white stone.

With the transformation stone, he can perform secret techniques and use the soul-dividing lower realm. As for whether he succeeds or not, it all depends on luck.

There are three low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, all of which are damaged, and one inheritance bead.

He injected mana into the inheritance bead, and the inheritance bead suddenly lit up with a dazzling blue light, and a blue light flew out, turning into a phantom of a pale blue-robed old man.

"The old man Qingmei is the deputy suzerain of Qianmu Sect. The patriarch of Lipai obtained a high-grade Tongtian Lingbao Wanling Bottle from the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun, which can collect the essence of the sun and the moon and transform it into Wanling Jade Liquid, which is used to cultivate rare Lingguo elixir, our Qianmu Sect is relying on this treasure, the quality of the elixir cultivated is good, and the refining effect is better, and the Qianmu Sect has grown and grown."

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"The sect has a traitor and leaked the news. The Jinpeng clan plotted this treasure. The seventh-order monsters brought dozens of sixth-order monsters to kill them and snatched this treasure. The sect master died on the spot and could only break through. The old man was also seriously injured, and he had to use the spiritual medicine cultivated here to heal his wounds. I don’t know if he could recover. If the old man dies and disappears, I hope that those who are destined will have the opportunity in the future to avenge the annihilation of our Qianmu Sect.”

After saying this, the phantom of the old man in green robe turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

"The bottle of ten thousand spirits, the jade liquid of ten thousand spirits."

Wang Changsheng said to himself.

He carefully checked dozens of jade slips and found that there were more than a dozen kinds of pill recipes, including seven kinds of sixth-order pill recipes, and three kinds of sixth-order wine recipes.

In addition, there are two other exercises, namely "Five Elements Zhenling Collection" and "Lihuo Zhenjing", which can be cultivated to the integration stage.

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