Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2232: Tianshu Island was broken, 4 Tier 6 monsters, Wang Changsheng

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The number of monsters has doubled to more than one million.

With the sixth-order formation, Wang Qingfeng had no problem blocking the attacks of hundreds of thousands of monsters. Now the number of monsters has increased several times. In addition to two sixth-order monsters, the fifth-order monsters add up to nearly a hundred. Wang Qingfeng's pressure multiply.

"Quick withdrawal, implement plan C, quick withdrawal."

Wang Qingfeng shouted loudly, took out a gleaming dharma plate with amazing aura, obviously it was a spiritual treasure, and broke into several magic tricks, shouting: "Father, the big thing is bad, Tianshu Island encountered two sixth-order monsters. The beast attacked, and there are millions of monsters, please hurry up and support."

He is very clear that even if there is a sixth-order formation, two sixth-order monsters and millions of monsters attack Tianshu Island, Tianshu Island will definitely not be able to stop it, all he has to do now is to delay for some time.

"Understood, we'll go over immediately, you don't want to go out, if the island breaks down, your safety will be the priority."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Wang Qingfeng responded and put away the cyan dharma plate.

The tiger eagle let out an earth-shattering roar, the surface of the body glowed brightly, and a huge flying eagle phantom appeared above its head, exuding a terrifying spiritual pressure.

At the same time, billowing flames appeared on Baimu Yanzhang's body, and countless red firelights appeared in the void above his head. After a blur, it turned into a huge octopus phantom.


Wang Qingfeng's heart sank. If the sixth-order monsters used ordinary magical powers to attack Tianshu Island, it would not be a problem to resist them for a while with the sixth-order formation.

The wings of the flying eagle phantom flapped lightly, the wind was blowing, and hundreds of tornadoes suddenly appeared on the sea, heading straight for Tianshu Island.

The octopus phantom opened its **** mouth and spewed a thick red pillar of fire, heading straight for Tianshu Island.

After a huge explosion sounded, the entire Tianshu Island shook violently, and the aura of the blue light curtain dimmed, looming, like a bubble, and it seemed to be broken at any time.

There was a muffled sound from Wang Qingfeng's body. He took out a steamy seven-pointed array plate from his arms. There were several tiny cracks on the surface of the array plate. Pale down.

The blue light curtain immediately brightened and became much thicker.

Taking this opportunity, the monks on the island quickly retreated.

A teleportation array was built directly on the island, which can be directly teleported back to Qinglian Island. However, there are more than 2,000 immortal cultivators on the island, and it will take a certain amount of time to transmit all of them back to Qinglian Island.

Two sixth-order monsters urged Fa Xiang to attack Tianshu Island, and the other monsters were not idle either.

The mana in Wang Qingfeng's body quickly drained away, and his face paled. It wasn't over yet.

The bottom of the sea tumbled violently suddenly, and a golden giant tortoise with a thousand feet in size and a cyan sawfish surfaced out of the sea. Judging from its aura, it was a sixth-order monster.

Wang Qingfeng was startled, why did two sixth-order monsters appear? He couldn't stop it at all.

The golden giant tortoise and the cyan sawfish joined the fray, and after a deafening explosion sounded, the formation plate in Wang Qingfeng's hand was torn apart, and the blue water curtain also shattered.

Intensive magic light descended from the sky and hit Wang Qingfeng.

Wang Qingfeng hurriedly waved the Burning Heaven Sabre and slashed towards the void in front of him. After a piercing sound of the saber sound, thousands of red sword qi swept out and greeted him.

There was a loud bang, and the powerful air wave blew Wang Qingfeng out.

Before he could stand firm, the sky above his head fluctuated together, and a huge tiger claw emerged out of nowhere and slapped Wang Qingfeng.

Wang Qingfeng hurriedly slashed at the tiger's claws, and with a sound of "keng", his left arm was scratched with a terrifying bloodstain from the tiger's claws, and white bones were faintly visible.

Under the severe pain, Wang Qingfeng groaned, an astonishing heat wave came oncoming, and a giant fireball fell from the sky and hit Wang Qingfeng.

The loud noise and the rolling flames drowned Wang Qingfeng's figure. At the same time, some monks who had not had time to escape were attacked by monsters and lost the protection of the formation. They could not stop them at all.

The explosions continued, and the screams continued.

More than a dozen fifth-order demon birds swooped down from the sky and rushed towards Wang Qingfeng's direction.

Their speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they reached the top of Wang Qingfeng's head.

"Bastard, be bold!"

An angry man's voice suddenly sounded, and the bodies of more than a dozen fifth-order demon birds twitched and fell from mid-air.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Qingfeng flew out and the flames on his body were extinguished.

His body was charred black, severely burned, and his breath was sluggish.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew out of the teleportation hall with solemn expressions.

Of the seven sub-islands, in addition to Tianshu Island, two other islands were attacked by two sixth-order monsters, but the two sixth-order monsters were scattered, each attacking a sub-island. can resist.

Tianshu Island was actually attacked by four sixth-order monsters, which was beyond Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's expectations.

There are four sixth-order monsters, the highest rank is the Golden Thunder Turtle, the sixth-rank middle-rank, and the other three are sixth-rank low-rank.

"You retreat, we stop them."

Wang Changsheng instructed to sacrifice eighteen Dinghaizhu, and once the magic trick was pinched, the eighteen Dinghaizhu poured out countless blue seawater, turning into a huge blue water curtain, covering a radius of 100 miles.

Wang Qingfeng and the others teleported away one after another, and they would only be a drag on Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan here.

Four sixth-order monsters cast spells to attack the blue water curtain, and Wang Changsheng naturally would not allow them to attack.

The blue light on Wang Changsheng's body surfaced, and a huge human-shaped phantom suddenly appeared on the top of his head.

He directly used the law, hoping to buy some time for the clan.

The hands of the humanoid phantom were raised The sea suddenly burst open, and hundreds of thick water tornadoes rose into the sky, like more than 100 Optimus Primes, standing on the sea, sky and sky Grounded, loud.

The monsters below the fifth rank touched the water wave tornado, and their bodies were torn apart instantly. Thousands of monsters were killed and turned into a blood mist.

The sixth-order monsters cast spells to attack Wang Changsheng one after another, and all kinds of magic spells struck, with a posture that was about to drown Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng took out the Jiujiao Drum and punched it on the Jiujiao Drum.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering dragon roar, a blue and misty sound wave swept out and greeted him.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

The incoming spells touched the blue sound waves, as if they encountered the nemesis, they all collapsed, and the air waves were billowing.

The sky lit up with colorful lights, like fireworks.

Intensive magic light hit the island, the roar continued, the air waves rolled, the island was lit up into the sky, and a large number of buildings were on fire.

A large number of monsters rushed into the island, and the monsters swooped down from the sky.

At this time, Wang Qingfeng and others also evacuated, Wang Changsheng had no worries, and slammed his hands on the drum surface of the Jiujiao Drum.

One after another dragon roar sounded, and one after another blue misty sound waves swept out, swept away towards the attacking monster.

Where the blue sound waves passed, the mountain peaks exploded and turned into dust, the towering trees turned into countless sawdust, the earth and rocks cracked, and the house collapsed.

The blue sound wave swept across the body of the monster, and the monsters below the fifth rank fell down one after another, motionless, with no major scars on the surface, all the internal organs and blood vessels burst, and the blood stained a small half of Tianshu Island.

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