Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2233: Fight against Tier 6 monsters, amazing news

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The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and the monsters didn't care at all. They stepped on the corpses of their companions and rushed towards Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. The monster birds released spells at high altitudes and attacked Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Countless cyan thorns suddenly grew out of the ground. The cyan thorns grew purple flowers and released a purple poisonous mist. Even if the fifth-order monster inhaled the purple poisonous mist, the reaction slowed down. If the wound touched the purple Poisonous fog, the monster immediately let out a burst of screams, the body twitched non-stop, and slowly turned into a pool of blood.

Wang Ruyan took out the red dust flute and put it to his mouth, a cheerful flute sounded, and blue and misty sound waves swept out and swept toward the sky.

The demon birds below the fifth rank were hit by the blue sound wave and instantly fell from the sky.

After the giant chapter phantom uttered a strange roar, his eyes turned red gold, and a red gold flame spewed out. Wherever he passed, a large amount of seawater evaporated, the weeds on the island spontaneously ignited, and the void distorted and deformed.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth, and the glazed ice flame flew out and landed on Fa Xiang's right fist.

Fa Xiang waved his shining right fist and greeted him.

There was a loud rumbling sound, the red-golden flames were torn apart, and the Dharma was unharmed.

The gust of wind suddenly rose, and the nearby void tightened, and a huge tiger claw suddenly appeared on top of Wang Changsheng's head and patted Wang Changsheng's head.

At the same time, a golden light flashed, and a golden thunder spear more than a hundred feet long suddenly appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Ruyan wanted to help, a strange and harsh beast roar sounded, and a green sound wave swept out, instantly in front of her.

When Wang Ruyan heard this, he felt his blood surging, and his body was slightly hot.

A cheerful flute sounded, and a blue and misty sound wave swept out. The two collided, and a powerful air wave erupted. The ground was torn apart, a terrifying crack appeared, and smoke billowed.

On the other side, the blue light on Wang Changsheng's body surfaced, his right fist collided with the golden thunder spear, and the golden thunder spear exploded instantly, drowning Wang Changsheng's figure, and the cyan tiger claws captured it.

Wang Changsheng flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and there were several terrifying scratches on his back.

If there were only Tier 4 and Tier 6 monsters, he wanted to trap them with Dinghaizhu, but with so many more low-level monsters, Dinghaizhu couldn't be trapped at all.

If you leave them alone, these monsters gather together, it is not a small force.

"Retreat first!"

Wang Changsheng's spiritual light soared, and hundreds of water wave tornadoes burst open, turning into countless blue water blades, slashing at these monsters.

A bunch of low-level monsters were pierced by dense blue water blades, and the ground was stained red with blood.

The sixth-order monsters wanted to stop them, but Wang Changsheng used his roar to restrain them.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng put away the treasures and the wood demon, and Wang Ruyan turned into a ray of light and left, destroying the teleportation formation on the island before leaving.

The monster was in hot pursuit, and the sixth-order monster was red-eyed, and took the lead in chasing it.

For them, the cultivator is a great supplement, which helps them to cultivate.

Two hours later, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stopped on a desert island with a radius of 100 miles. This island is more than 100,000 miles away from Qinglian Island. This is the closest island to Qinglian Island.

The four sixth-order monsters chased back, and Tiger Eagle was the first to chase, followed by Golden Thunder Turtle, Baimu Yanzhang, and Sawfish.

"court death."

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly. Just now, he was worried about the millions of low-level monsters, but it is not a problem to trap four sixth-level monsters with eighteen Dinghaizhu.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeve, and eighteen Dinghaizhu flew out, turning into eighteen blue auras, and disappeared into the sea.

It is better to be safe, use Dinghaizhu to trap them, and let Wang Ruyan use the phantom sound to cause them to kill each other.

The sea surface burst open again, and a huge vortex appeared. The vortex was ten thousand feet in diameter. As soon as the tiger eagle appeared above the vortex, it felt a strong attraction and seemed to withdraw it to the bottom of the sea.

The Tiger Eagle's body glowed brightly and flew into the distance, intending to avoid it.

The void fluctuated together, and a big blue hand with a size of hundreds of feet appeared out of nowhere and slapped the tiger eagle. The tiger eagle quickly fell towards the sea. The misty hurricane swept out and hit the huge vortex.

After a huge explosion sounded, the huge vortex exploded, and nine blue lights shot up into the sky, turning into a huge blue water curtain, trapping the tiger eagle inside.

The Golden Thunder Turtles haven't come over yet, and Wang Changsheng intends to kill the sixth-order tiger eagle first, which can reduce the pressure.

Inside the blue water curtain, the sea water swirls violently, forming a huge vortex and generating a powerful airflow. The void can't bear this airflow and distorts.

The huge vortex soared into the sky, like a giant blue blade, slashing towards the tiger eagle.

The azure light on the tiger eagle's body was shining brightly, and a huge flying eagle phantom suddenly appeared high in the sky, which was its dharma image.

The flying eagle slammed its wings fiercely, the wind suddenly rose, and hundreds of blue hurricanes swept out, defeating the blue giant blade. Deformed, as if to shatter.

Wang Changsheng suddenly appeared in the blue water curtain. After his right fist lit up, he smashed into the void, and a huge wave lifted up from the sea, turning into a huge blue fist and smashing at the tiger eagle.

The flying eagle phantom slammed its wings fiercely, and a blue tornado with a height of more than a thousand meters flashed out, facing the blue fist shadow.

After a loud bang, the two perished together, like a tidal wave.

A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a nine-color thunder python of more than 100 feet appeared in front of Tiger Eagle in an instant. Tiger Eagle wanted to cast a spell to resist, and a loud shout from a man sounded, and Tiger Eagle's body twitched.

The nine-color thunder python opened its **** and bit the tiger eagle's left wing, and countless nine-color electric arcs drowned the tiger eagle's small half body.

At the same time, a huge wave suddenly set off behind Tiger Eagle, which turned into a big blue hand, with a million force, and shot it on the illusory image of the flying eagle.

With a loud noise, the phantom of the flying eagle was torn apart, the tiger eagle let out a painful roar, vomited blood, and the big blue hand patted the tiger eagle's body, and the tiger eagle's body quickly fell into a huge whirlpool.

The rapidly rotating sea water tore off all its feathers, and the blood was dripping, and the tiger eagle's body surface was bleeding non-stop.

A snow-blue lotus flower fell from the sky and hit the vortex. The vortex and the tiger eagle froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, covering a radius of more than ten miles.

After a burst of air-breaking sound, dense blue fist shadows fell from the sky, smashing the ice.

The tiger eagle's body was torn apart, and a mini tiger eagle flew out of the body. Before it flew far, two soul-eating golden cicadas swarmed up, bit the mini tiger eagle, and swallowed it.

At this time, the Golden Thunder Turtle, Baimu Yanzhang and Sawfish arrived.

Wang Changsheng put away Tiger Eagle's body with an indifferent expression.

After killing a sixth-order demon bird, their pressure was relieved a lot.

Wang Ruyan seemed to have noticed something, took out a dazzling magic plate, and entered a magic formula, Wang Qingcheng's hurried voice suddenly sounded: "The big thing is bad, mother, two sixth-order monsters and a group of fifth-order monsters suddenly Leave the herd and move towards Tianshu Island."

There are two sixth-order monsters each leading a group of monsters to attack the two sub-islands. It stands to reason that they will not leave the herd alone and act alone. This is not normal.

Unless they are tempted by some kind of irresistible, or there are higher-level monsters commanding them.

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