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Chapter 2234: Branch sniping, Qingshan help

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To be honest, if there were only five sixth-order monsters, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would still be able to retreat even if they were defeated. If there were still millions of monsters, it would be enough.

The two sixth-order monsters left the herd for no reason, which was really weird, as if they were being lured away.

Wang Changsheng's first reaction was that the Liu family did something. If the Wang family suffered heavy losses, or were wiped out by the beast tide, the Liu family would be the biggest beneficiary.

There is no room for others to sleep on the side of the couch. The rise of the Wang family indirectly damages the interests of the Liu family. It is not surprising that the Liu family does this. Every time a large beast tide breaks out, the human race will suffer heavy losses. Even if the Wang family is wiped out by the beast tide, Zhenhai Palace is at most suspicious , Without evidence, it is impossible for Zhenhai Palace to end up dealing with the Liu family in person.

If it was really what the Liu family did, this trick would be really powerful, and it would be difficult for Zhenhai Palace to find the handle.

Wang Changsheng couldn't understand, what means did the Liu family use to lure away the two sixth-order monsters. If they used exotic treasures, it would be too terrifying, which meant that the Liu family could guide the sixth-order monsters to attack the Wang family at any time.

He didn't have time to think about it, three sixth-order monsters had already cast spells to attack them.

With a flash of golden light, a golden lightning spear suddenly appeared in front of Wang Changsheng and stabbed at his Tianling Gai.

Thousands of huge fireballs the size of houses approached, followed by a green sound wave.

The huge fireball cut through the void, a large amount of seawater evaporated, and a large white fog appeared. Wherever the blue sound wave passed, the sea surface seemed to be cut by a sharp weapon, and it was divided into two, and a huge abyss appeared.

There was a loud bang, and three kinds of auras, golden, red, and blue, drowned Wang Changsheng's figure.

A few miles away, countless blue water vapors appeared out of thin air, and after a blur, it turned into the figure of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and the eighteen Dinghaizhu burst into a dazzling aura, and their bodies soared, comparable to peaks hundreds of meters high, with a roar, smashing at three sixth-order monsters.

The sawfish made an extremely strange roar, and the sea swelled violently, setting off a huge wave thousands of feet high, hitting the eighteen huge Dinghaizhu.

The eyeballs on Baimuzhang's head were all bright, and each shot a red light to greet him.

The golden thunder turtle spewed a golden light, and after flying high into the sky, it turned into a huge golden thundercloud, covering a radius of 100 miles. Lightning flashed and thundered.

The sky-high waves were like paper paste, smashed into pieces by eighteen huge Dinghaizhu, and the dense red light hit, collided with Dinghaizhu, and a huge wave of air broke out.

The aura of the eighteen Dinghaizhu soared again, and disappeared into the sea.

Intensive golden lightning struck Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and they disappeared as little auras.

Two hundred miles away, a huge wave of hundreds of feet in the sky suddenly set off on the sea, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on the huge wave.

"Madam, take someone to stop those two sixth-order monsters, buy me some time, and give me two seven-star spirit control talismans."

Wang Changsheng's tone was anxious. Now the five sixth-order monsters have not gathered together, and there is still a solution.

Wang Changsheng intends to injure two sixth-order monsters and control them to kill other sixth-order monsters. The premise is that Wang Ruyan needs to stop the other two sixth-order monsters. This can minimize the loss of the clan, but they must Take a lot of risk, especially Wang Ruyan.

Millions of monsters followed, plus two sixth-order monsters, it was not easy to stop them.

"If you don't let Qingshan and the others stop it, with the fifth-order puppet beast and the heavy water thunderball, it should be able to withstand it for a while. It is more secure for me to join forces with you."

Wang Ruyan suggested that Wang Changsheng would be too risky to deal with three sixth-order monsters alone.

"If there are two sixth-order monsters, it's fine. I'm worried that the Liu family's cultivator is also there. You should lead the team more safely. If Qingshan and the others go to resist, they might be attacked by the Liu family."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, why didn't he want Wang Ruyan to stay with him to deal with the three sixth-order monsters, but considering the existence of Liu Tianxiao, he could only let Wang Ruyan lead the team.

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Knowing the seriousness of the problem, Wang Ruyan took out two silver talismans. There were countless runes the size of grains of rice on the surface of the talismans, and a seven-star pattern was faintly visible.

She handed the two seven-star spirit control talismans to Wang Changsheng, and sent a sound transmission to Wang Qingshan, which turned into a blue light to escape, and went to block the two sixth-order monsters.

The three sixth-order monsters wanted to stop them. Hundreds of water tornadoes with a diameter of more than five hundred meters rose into the sky, forming a huge cage, trapping the three sixth-order monsters inside.

The blue light flashed, and the cage quickly materialized, turning into a huge beast cage, covering three sixth-order monsters.

In the beast cage, the sea water spun rapidly, producing a strong airflow, and countless blue water vapors emerged, suddenly turning into a big blue hand, and slapped on Baimu Yanzhang.

With a muffled sound, Baimu Yanzhang let out an angry roar, and his thick tentacles kept waving.

A blue long rainbow shot out, and where it passed, there was a piercing sound of breaking through the air.

The eyeballs on Baimuzhang's head shot out red light again, hitting the blue Changhong, and a powerful air wave erupted.

Wang Changsheng still wanted to continue attacking them, and a strange, angry roar came to his ears, his head dizzy, and the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be torn apart.

The three sixth-order monsters released their dharma images one after another, and a huge tortoise phantom, a huge sawfish phantom and a red octopus phantom appeared one after another in the sky.

The tortoise phantom made a loud roar, and countless golden arcs gushed out from its body. After a thunderous thunder sounded, thousands of golden lightning flew out and hit the beast cage.

The phantom of the sawfish spewed out blue-green sound waves, and at the same time, the sea surface rolled violently, setting off one after another huge waves that shot towards the beast cage.

The octopus phantom opened the mouth of the blood basin, and spewed a red pillar of fire more than a hundred feet thick, hitting the beast cage, and at the same time the thick tentacles slapped the beast cage at the same time.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, all kinds of auras mingled together, and the air was like a tidal wave.

Almost at the same time, the golden thunderclouds in the sky rolled violently, and golden thunderballs the size of water tanks poured down one by one, hitting Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng frowned, and his face turned pale. He was only in the early stage of Void Refinement, and he was under great pressure to deal with three sixth-order monsters alone.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the surface of his body glowed with dazzling blue light, and the sea below tumbled violently. Hundreds of thick water tornadoes rose into the sky, smashing the golden thunderclouds and breaking the way of the golden thunder turtle.

With a loud noise, the beast cage shattered, and the powerful air waves set off huge waves.

With a flash of golden light, a golden thunder spear with a length of more than one hundred meters suddenly appeared in front of Wang Changsheng. The strange roar of the beast sounded, and Wang Changsheng's head was dizzy.

The golden thunder spear hit Wang Changsheng, bursting instantly, turning into a dazzling golden sun, covering a thousand-zhang area.

Several thick red tentacles were like long red whips slammed towards the golden sun, and there was a muffled sound, Wang Changsheng flew out and smashed heavily on a deserted island.

Wang Changsheng's body surface was scorched black, exuding a burnt smell, and a piece of blue-light shining inner armor was vaguely visible, and there were bloodstains on the body surface, looking embarrassed.

A blue-green sound wave blasted out, and instantly arrived in front of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly, and a dazzling blue light emerged from his right fist, smashing towards the void, ripples in the void, and countless blue water vapors emerged, turning into a blue fist, hundreds of feet in size, and greeted him.

After the loud bang, the blue fist shadow and the blue sound wave perished together.

A golden lightning ball with a diameter of 100 feet fell from the sky and smashed towards Wang Changsheng.

Naturally, Wang Changsheng didn't dare to take it hard, and was about to avoid it when the sawfish let out a low roar, which made Wang Changsheng feel dizzy.

At this moment, a cyan sword light flew from the distant sky, slicing the golden thunder ball in half, and the golden thunder ball burst instantly, turning into a dazzling golden thunder light, covering Wang Changsheng's figure.

After a while, the golden thunder light dissipated, and Wang Changsheng was covered by a water-blue light curtain, safe and sound.

A golden Changhong flew from a distance, and it didn't take long for the golden Changhong to stop. It was the Golden Horned Thunder-Lin Beast, and Wang Qingshan was standing on the back of the Golden-horned Thunder-Lin Beast.

The tortoise emerged from the seabed and supported Wang Changsheng.

"Ninth Uncle, I'm here to help you, Qingcheng and the others have gone to support Ninth Aunt."

Wang Qingshan said solemnly, Wang Changsheng was under too much pressure to deal with three sixth-order monsters alone. Wang Qingshan planned to drag a sixth-order monster to relieve Wang Changsheng's pressure.

Wang Changsheng nodded, with the help of Wang Qingshan, his pressure was indeed less.

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