Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2235: Uncle and nephew join forces to destroy the demon

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The tortoise has refined the Thunder Absorbing Orb, which can absorb the power of thunder and lightning. It is still a fifth-order top-grade, but its size is already 70,000 feet, which is larger than three sixth-order monsters combined.

As soon as the tortoise appeared, it opened its **** mouth, spewed out a blue thunder light, and flew towards the sky.

After the blue thunder light flew high in the sky, it suddenly exploded and turned into a blue thunder cloud that was hundreds of miles in size.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, blue thunderballs poured down one by one and smashed into the Baimu Yanzhang.

The tentacles of the octopus phantom waved non-stop, like a long whip, hitting the falling blue thunderball.

A huge explosion sounded, and the blue thunderballs burst apart, as if fireworks were set off in the sky, and blue light bursts bloomed in the sky.

The sea surface tumbled violently, setting off a huge wave that was more than ten thousand feet high, and turned into a blue sky-high hand, with a force of millions, shooting at the octopus phantom.

Baimu Yanzhang wanted to avoid it, but the surrounding sea water tumbled violently, forming a huge vortex. A strong suction force emerged out of thin air. The surface of Baimu Yanzhang's body glowed with red light, and his thick tentacles slapped the huge vortex and slapped it. smash.

Taking this opportunity, Qingtian patted the octopus phantom with his big hand, and the octopus phantom shattered instantly.

Before the dharma form is materialized, it is still easy to be broken.

The dharma image was broken, and Baimu Yanzhang let out a shrill scream, and countless cyan sword lights shot out.

Baimu Yanzhang's tentacles danced wildly, blocking the incoming blue sword light.

A part of the cyan sword light suddenly condensed and turned into a cyan giant sword with a length of more than 100 meters. It slashed on the tentacles of Baimu Yanzhang, leaving terrifying bloodstains, and the tentacles of Baimu Yanzhang bleed continuously.

Its two thick tentacles wrapped around the cyan giant sword, and it opened its blood basin and spewed out a thick red flame, wrapping the cyan giant sword.

A cyan lotus fell from the sky and smashed on top of the cyan giant sword, and a cyan flame spread, it was the cyan lotus karmic fire.

Wherever the Qinglian Karmic Fire passed, all the red flames dissipated.

Qinglian karmic fire spread along the blue giant sword, submerging half of Baimu Yanzhang's body.

Naturally, the Golden Thunder Turtle and Sawfish would not stand idly by, they were about to attack Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingshan.

Nine rays of blue light rose into the sky, condensed together, and turned into a blue light curtain with a radius of thousands of miles, like a huge blue giant bowl, and buckled them upside down.

Baimu Yanzhang let out an extremely painful roar, and his thick tentacles shook suddenly, and the cyan giant sword flew out.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and the cyan giant sword was divided into nine parts.

After the loud sound of the sword cry, the nine green glass swords released one after another of green sword light, and slashed on Baimu Yanzhang's body. After a muffled sound, Baimu Yanzhang's body was covered in blood.

Baimu Yanzhang's eyeballs each shot a red light, and at the same time, a huge red octopus phantom appeared again, and the tentacles of the octopus phantom danced wildly.

After the huge explosion sounded, the nine azure glass swords flew out upside down, and the aura dimmed.

The tentacles of the octopus phantom waved non-stop, releasing a strong wind one after another, heading straight for Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan took out the Qinglian sword, and with a flick of his wrist, countless blue sword energy swept out and greeted him.

There was a rumbling sound, and the air was billowing.

The sea surface suddenly burst, and a thick red tentacle drilled out from the bottom of the sea and patted Wang Qingshan's head.

Wang Qingshan hurriedly swung the Qinglian sword towards the red tentacle, and there was a sound of "keng", and the green lotus sword blocked the red tentacle. .

Another red tentacle flew out from the bottom of the sea and hit Wang Qingshan's chest. Wang Qingshan flew out and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

Baimu Yanzhang wanted to continue attacking Wang Qingshan, and a huge wave with a height of more than 10,000 zhang set off on the sea, turning into a huge hand that was filled with water vapor, and slapped on Baimu with an aura of annihilation. On Yanzhang's body, the hundred-eyed Yanzhang flew upside down, and his huge body smashed onto a deserted island, smashing more than a dozen peaks.

A sound of breaking the air sounded, and a nine-color arrow flew towards it, heading straight for its forehead.

Baimu Yanzhang's tentacles danced wildly, blocking the nine-color arrows, and countless nine-color arcs surged out, drowning Baimu Yanzhang's tentacles, and a burning smell came out.

A giant sword that was more than a hundred meters long descended from the sky, pinning two red tentacles to the ground.

With a flash of blue light, a Dinghaizhu appeared out of thin air, and after a swirl, its body soared and smashed towards the Hundred Eyes Yanzhang.

Baimu Yanzhang hurriedly spewed a thick red flame, which slowed down Dinghaizhu's whereabouts. At the same time, his tentacles were woven into a red net pocket to hold Dinghaizhu.

A little blue light emerged from the void, turning into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

The blue light on Wang Changsheng's body was released, and a huge human-shaped phantom suddenly appeared in the void above his head.

The right fist of the humanoid phantom was raised high and hit Baimu Yanzhang's head.

Baimu Yanzhang's eyeballs shot out a red light one after another, and they greeted him, but it was useless.

There was a loud bang, and the right fist of the humanoid phantom smashed into the Hundred Eyes Seal, and its head fell heavily into a peak, and the blood flowed non-stop.

The blue light flashed, and two Dinghaizhu suddenly appeared on the top of Baimu Yanzhang's head.

The red net pocket couldn't hold it any longer, and was smashed down by three huge Dinghai beads.

After a huge explosion sounded, the ground shook, and Baimu Yanzhang's head was smashed into flesh by three Dinghaizhu.

Soul Eater Jin Chan flew out from Wang Changsheng's sleeve and came over Baimu Yanzhang's corpse. The golden rays of light were entangled in Soul Eater Jin Chan's mouth and disappeared.

Wang Changsheng felt that his spiritual consciousness had increased a the little things added up.

He put away Baimu Yanzhang's body and Ding Haizhu and looked towards the sea.

The Golden Thunder Tortoise and the Sawfish are still frantically attacking the large formation covered by fifteen Dinghai beads.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and the blue light curtain suddenly disintegrated and disappeared.

Two gigantic waves with a height of more than 10,000 feet were set off on the sea, and they turned into two huge hands full of water vapor, and slapped the golden thunder turtle and sawfish.

They hurriedly cast spells to resist, and the two big blue hands were torn apart and turned into countless sea waters.

The sea rolled violently, and a huge blue water curtain emerged out of thin air, covering the Golden Thunder Turtle.

Divided and wiped out, eighteen Dinghaizhu couldn't trap three sixth-order monsters, mainly because Wang Changsheng's cultivation base was too low, trapping one or two sixth-order monsters was not a problem.

Wang Changsheng's finger touched the sawfish lightly, and countless water vapors emerged out of thin air, turning into a blue rainbow, heading straight for the sawfish.

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Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and the sky-high giant sword rose into the sky, turned into a cyan rainbow, and hit the sawfish.

The scale turtle and the golden-horned thunder beast were not idle either. They released blue lightning and golden lightning respectively to attack the sawfish. Before the sawfish could avoid it, a deafening man shouted loudly, and the sawfish roared in pain. , the body trembled.

The blue Changhong struck on its body, and a blood hole suddenly appeared, and the blood flowed continuously. The golden Changhong slashed on the sawfish's body, leaving a long bloodstain.

Intensive lightning struck the sawfish, and the golden and blue lightning drowned the sawfish. The air was like a tidal wave, setting off one after another huge waves, and a shrill roar was vaguely heard.

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