Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2236: The 7-star control spirit talisman showed its power, returned to Tianshu Island, and

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There was a loud bang, and a dazzling blue light lit up. The golden and blue thunder lights all dissipated. There were many bloodstains on the surface of the sawfish, but the injury was not serious.

A snow-blue Flood Dragon flew over, and the place where it passed did not freeze quickly, and a large amount of ice debris appeared in the void.

Feeling the astonishing meaning emanating from the snow-blue Flood Dragon, the sawfish did not dare to make a hard connection, and hurriedly urged the dharma sign, spewing out a green sound wave, and greeted it.

The cyan sound wave collided with the snow-blue Flood Dragon, and the snow-blue Flood Dragon collapsed in an instant like paper paste, turning into countless snow-blue flames, but soon, the snow-blue flames suddenly condensed and turned into a snow-blue flame again. Jiaolong, pounced on the sawfish.

The void oscillated and distorted, and countless blue water vapors emerged out of thin air, turning into a huge hand that was filled with water vapor.

The sawfish was about to block it, and a loud shout from a man who shook the sky and the earth sounded, and it sounded in a radius of 10,000 miles.

When the sawfish heard this sound, its body trembled slightly, and its response was stagnant.

When it came back to its senses, Qingtian's big hand had already shattered the phantom of the sawfish.

The dharma was broken, and the sawfish roared in extreme pain.

Wang Changsheng's right fist smashed downward, and Fa Xiang also made the same action. The sea surface burst open, and a huge water dragon with a diameter of 10,000 zhang rose into the sky, rushing the sawfish into the sky.

An ear-piercing sword sound rang out, and tens of thousands of cyan flying swords cut through the sky and headed straight for the sawfish.

At the same time, gold and blue lightning pierced through the sky and slashed at the sawfish.

The sawfish made a baby-like cry and spewed out blue sound waves, blocking all these attacks.

The gust of wind was blowing, and a blue tornado swept over. The blue tornado was more than ten thousand feet high, and the sky was grounded, and the momentum was huge.

The sawfish wanted to avoid it, but a golden light lit up on the top of its head, which was the Ding Lingzhu. After the Ding Lingzhu rolled around, it released a golden ray of light, immobilizing the sawfish.

The sawfish watched helplessly as the cyan tornado swept in and swept it into it. The fierce airflow left terrifying bloodstains on its body.

With a loud rumbling sound, the cyan tornado burst open, the sawfish smashed into the sea, splashing a large amount of sea water, and a giant fist with blue light fell from the sky and hit the sawfish.

An extremely painful roar sounded, and the sawfish's back broke a large hole, blood flowed continuously, and bones were faintly visible.

A blue thunderball the size of a hill and a golden thunderball the size of a house fell from the sky and smashed into the sawfish's wound one after another, and countless electric arcs drilled into the body along the wound.

The sawfish screamed again and again, making the cry of a baby, and countless blue water vapor suddenly appeared in the void above its head, turning into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng moved his fists and smashed at the sawfish.

The sawfish screamed in agony, and there were dense fist marks on its head.

Wang Changsheng felt that it was almost done, and if he fought again, it would die. He took out a seven-star magic control talisman, and meditated for a few words. The seven-star magic control talisman suddenly burst into light and slapped it on the back of the sawfish.

With a flash of silver light, the Seven Stars Spirit Control Talisman disappeared into the sawfish's body.

The sawfish made a sharp roar and dived to the bottom of the sea.

Wang Qingshan watched helplessly as Wang Changsheng followed the sawfish to the bottom of the sea, he hesitated for a while, but did not chase into the sea.

The Golden Thunder Turtle urged the Dharma to attack the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain was distorted and quickly returned to normal.

A quarter of an hour later, the sea surface tumbled violently, the sawfish emerged from the sea, and Wang Changsheng stood on the back of the sawfish.

It was the first time he used the Seven-Star Spirit Control Talisman, and he was not familiar with it.

If you want to control the sixth-order monster, you must severely damage it, and you need a running-in period. You can't control an injured sixth-order monster once you use the Seven-Star Spirit Control Talisman.

He is controlling the sawfish now, but not permanently. Once the power of the Seven Stars Controlling Talisman is exhausted, he will no longer be able to control the sawfish.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and the blue light curtain collapsed, and the golden thunder turtle escaped.

The Golden Thunder Tortoise is a mid-tier 6th grade, with a strong defense, so it is difficult for Wang Changsheng to hurt it, so he chose the sawfish.

As soon as the Golden Thunder Tortoise got out of trouble, the sawfish urged the Dharma, and spewed out a green sound wave, which went straight to the Golden Thunder Tortoise.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and the nine azure glass swords suddenly increased in sword light, one turned into a hundred, a hundred thousand, turned into tens of thousands of green flying swords, and slashed at the golden thunder turtle.

Wang Changsheng's fists moved, and dense blue fist shadows flew out, and long scratches appeared on the sea.

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The Golden Thunder Turtle was not afraid at all, spewing out dense golden lightning, and greeted it.

After the loud bang, none of these attacks touched the Golden Thunder Turtle.

The sea surface tumbled violently, and a tornado of water waves with a diameter of 1,000 meters rose into the sky, suddenly turning into a huge blue fist full of water vapor, hitting the Golden Thunder Turtle with lightning speed.

The golden thunder turtle opened its **** mouth, and a little golden arc appeared in the mouth. At this moment, a strange roar sounded, and the golden arc in the golden thunder turtle's mouth disappeared.

The giant blue fist smashed on the head of the Golden Thunder Turtle, and its huge body flew out instantly, hitting a small island heavily.

A green sound wave swept over, passing over the body of the Golden Thunder Turtle.

The Golden Thunder Turtle let out a shrill cry, and there were many terrifying bloodstains on its slender neck.

A snow-blue Flood Dragon descended from the sky, and before it landed, a large amount of white ice debris appeared in the Golden Thunder Turtle appeared countless golden arcs on its body, and a thick golden lightning spewed out from its mouth, smashing the snow. Blue Flood Dragon, Snow Blue Flood Dragon turned into countless tiny snow blue flames, sprinkled on the ground, and the ground instantly froze.

With a flash of blue light, a Dinghaizhu suddenly appeared in the sky above the Golden Thunder Turtle.

The Golden Thunder Turtle disappeared in a burst of dazzling thunder, and it was a thunder escape technique.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness was wide open, and he didn't find the Golden Thunder Turtle. It seemed that it realized that Wang Changsheng was not easy to mess with and ran away.

"Qingshan, are you alright!"

Wang Changsheng looked at Wang Qingshan and asked with concern.

Wang Qingshan shook his head and said, "I'm fine, Ninth Uncle, since this demon has escaped, let's go and support Aunt Ninth! They may not be able to stop it."

He supported Wang Changsheng, Wang Qingcheng and others brought fifth-order puppet beasts to support Wang Ruyan, their strength was far inferior to Wang Changsheng, and they might not be able to stop him.

Wang Changsheng nodded, put away the magic weapon and the glazed ice flame, and flew towards Tianshu Island with Wang Qingshan. The sawfish dived into the seabed and followed behind them.


On Tianshu Island, Wang Mengbin, Wang Qingcheng, Dong Xueli, Bai Yuqi, and Wang Qiuyu, with tens of thousands of monks, are resisting the attacks of hundreds of thousands of monsters.

Tianshu Island had already given up, but two sixth-order monsters led a group of monsters out of the herd and moved towards Tianshu Island. They were ordered to come to support.

When Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan evacuated, they had already destroyed the teleportation formation.

After Wang Qingcheng and the others arrived at Tianshu Island, they rebuilt several teleportation formations, allowing tens of thousands of monks to teleport over, mainly to resist the new beast tide caused by two sixth-order monsters.

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