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Chapter 2256: Lei Peng Feather

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"What? Ancestor? Are you sure?"

The blue-shirted youth was surprised.

"If it weren't for your ancestor, would you stay outside so politely?"

A majestic man's business suddenly sounded, and as soon as the voice fell, countless blue auras emerged, suddenly turning into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

Seeing Wang Changsheng, the blue-shirted youth turned pale in shock, his face full of alertness.

"Spirit Transformation Stage! Yes, the two of them did a good job, guarding against me, good, good, good, haha."

Wang Changsheng laughed, with a look of approval on his face.

He originally thought that the clansmen in the Ice Sea Realm were only at the Nascent Soul stage, but he did not expect that the two clansmen just now concealed something.

Otherwise, if any of the cultivators of the transformation of the gods said that they were the ancestors of the Wang family, the members of the Wang family would honestly explain and bring the enemy to their old lair, which would be too stupid.

"Grandson Wang Zonglang pays respects to his ancestors."

The blue-shirted young man quickly reacted and could easily sneak into Tianpup Island. If he was a strong enemy, he would have killed him long ago.

Wang Changsheng asked about his situation, and Wang Zonglang answered truthfully. He also asked Wang Changsheng a few questions, and Wang Changsheng could answer them, so he could confirm his identity.

Going back to the source, Wang Zonglang is a descendant of Wang Changhao, Wang Yingjie smuggled with a fifth-order sky-splitting beast, and the soul lamp of his life has not been extinguished, and most of them went to the spiritual world. Wang Changsheng hopes to be the Xuanyang world.

There are as many as 100,000 cultivators of the Wang family in the Ice Sea Realm, and this does not include the affiliated forces. The real number of the cultivators of Nascent Soul is fifty-five, and there is one **** transformation. The Wang family is the only one.

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The Wang family members of the Ice Sea Realm can develop so well. In addition to the lack of high-level monks in the Ice Sea Realm, they also brought a lot of good things from the Dongli Realm, such as spirit medicine seeds, spirit fruit seeds, and puppet beasts. , Array Master, Alchemist and so on.

"This time I am dividing the soul into the lower realm, and I want to help you ascend to the Xuanyang realm, but I lack a lot of formation materials. These are the formation materials I need. You should send someone to collect them immediately. The speed should be fast. I cannot stay in the lower realm. too long."

Wang Changsheng took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Zonglang.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Zonglang responded, he thought for a while, and suggested: "Old Ancestor, let's go to the council hall first, and grandson will introduce you to other clansmen, so it is convenient to do things."

Wang Changsheng nodded and brought Wang Zonglang to the council hall.

Xiao Miexian and Zhong Ruyi also came in, and they stood aside with respectful expressions.

After a cup of tea, hundreds of clan elders entered the council room, and there were as many as ten Nascent Soul cultivators.

Seeing Wang Changsheng and the three, they were shocked.

"Don't panic, this is our ancestor Taihao in the Xuanyang realm. This time the ancestor was divided into the lower realm, and he specially helped us fly to the Xuanyang realm."

Wang Zonglang said solemnly, he has accumulated prestige for many years, and the other clansmen stopped talking, and naturally did not dare to question.

"The grandson visits the ancestors."

All the clansmen bowed and bowed respectfully.

Wang Changsheng nodded his head in relief, and said, "I can't stay in the lower realm for too long, you all go to collect what I want immediately, Xiaoyou Xiao is a fifth-order demon bird, and Xiaoyou Zhong is a fifth-order formation, just say it if you need his help. ,you're welcome."

"Yes, my ancestor."

All the clansmen agreed in unison, and their voices shook the sky.

Wang Changsheng gave a few orders to let the others retreat, and Wang Zonglang stayed behind.

Wang Zonglang practiced the "Wan Lang Jian Jing", and he was a sword cultivator.

"When this matter is over, you can follow me back to Dongli Realm and sit on Qinglian Island, so that Qingjing can follow me to Xuanyang Realm. He has contributed a lot to the family."

Wang Changsheng instructed that the Wang family was very powerful in the Ice Sea Realm, and there was no shortage of Wang Zonglang.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Zonglang agreed, he remembered something, hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously: "Old Ancestor, what is the situation in Xuanyang Realm? Can you tell my grandson?"

Wang Changsheng didn't hide it either, telling the truth.

After listening to Wang Changsheng's description, Wang Zonglang yearned for the Xuanyang Realm very much.

"Don't worry, with your aptitude, it is definitely not a problem to cultivate to the middle stage of God Transformation. If you arrange the formation, you can also fly to the Xuanyang Realm."

Wang Changsheng's tone was gentle.

When Wang Changhao died in order to cover Wang Qingshan, if Wang Zonglang could ascend to the Xuanyang Realm, Wang Qingshan would definitely treat him well, not to mention that Wang Zonglang was still a sword cultivator.

Wang Zonglang nodded excitedly, he originally planned to cultivate to the middle stage of Spirit Transformation and sneak in.

"By the way, old ancestor, the tribe got a special ore and stored it in the treasure house. Come with your grandson."

Wang Zonglang took Wang Changsheng out of the council hall and came to a high peak covered by white mist.

With Wang Zonglang leading the way, it is natural to let go all the way.

When they came to the top of the mountain, a blue palace more than 20 feet high appeared in front of them, and two puppets of armored soldiers guarded the door.

They walked through the long corridor and came to a stone gate made of azure jade. There was a circular groove on the surface of the stone gate. Wang Zonglang took out a light blue jade pendant and placed it in the circular groove.

The circular groove suddenly lit up with a dazzling blue light, and countless mysterious runes emerged on the surface of the stone gate, which suddenly turned into a cyan lotus flower, and the door suddenly opened.

Wang Changsheng followed Wang Zonglang and walked in, and he was greeted by a stone room covering an area of ​​five acres, with dozens of rows of cyan shelves. On the shelves were a large number of resources for cultivating immortals, ores, monster materials, talismans, and jade boxes. , Lingmu.

There are also hundreds of iron boxes, which are stacked with a large number of mid-grade spirit stones.

"Binghaijie is our family's dominance. Don't let the clansmen mess around. It's a good thing to have competition."

Wang Changsheng exhorted that the two saints of blood and evil killed all the high-level monks in the ice sea world. It took a thousand years of recuperation. The Wang family has developed to this point. It can be seen that cultivators cannot destroy an interface, they can only Destroy yourself, as long as you give it a certain amount of time, the interface will cultivate a large number of immortal cultivation resources.

There are 100,000 members of the Wang family in the Ice Sea Realm. This is a good thing, but there are also hidden dangers. At this rate of development, after a few thousand years, I am afraid that the cultivators of the Ice Sea Realm will all come from the Wang family. In this process, it will definitely arouse Fierce resistance, it is not a good thing for a family to dominate anywhere, and Tian Lanzong is an example.

It’s easy for a dominant family to do crazy things. Wang Changsheng doesn’t need to dominate the Ice Sea Realm. As long as the Ice Sea Realm is one of the family’s talent training bases, every few thousand years, a Spirit Transformation cultivator appears and ascends to the Xuanyang Realm. .

"The grandson understands that the grandson has long considered this point, and the ancestors can rest assured."

Wang Zonglang agreed, he stopped and picked up a beautiful cyan jade box with a silver talisman on it.

He opened the jade box, and a dazzling silver thunder light lit up.

After a while, the silver thunder light dissipated, and I saw a silver-white feather inside the jade box. The surface was filled with countless silver arcs, exuding a violent aura.

Wang Changsheng reached out and grabbed the silver feathers, the silver feathers struggled gently, and countless silver lightnings emerged.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, the blue light of his palm released, and the silver feathers stopped struggling.

Surprise flashed in Wang Zonglang's eyes, even he didn't dare to touch this feather directly with his hand, as expected of his ancestor.

"Lei Peng's birth feather! Where did you get it?"

Wang Changsheng asked, with an expression of interest on his face.

"The clansmen found it on a deserted island. A clansman who was in the core stage touched this feather and was directly injured."

Wang Zonglang said truthfully.

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