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Chapter 2257: Go to 0 Gourd World (no more today)

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The natal plume and the plume are two words different, but they are not the same thing at all. There are not many natal plumes for a spiritual bird, only two or three. It is something that the demon bird regards as life-threatening. If one loses one. Feather is born, and the demon bird will be severely damaged.

As a powerful demon bird, Lei Peng is famous in the world of immortal cultivation for his lightning speed, which Wang Changsheng has never seen before.

When he traveled in the Wanlei Sea Area of ​​Tianlan Realm in the early years, he obtained the corpse of a fifth-order monster bird with thunder attributes, and used his wings to refine a Lingbao Lei Peng Wing for Wang Mengbin. Is there any connection between Yu and the corpse of the demon bird?

After Wang Mengbin arrived in the Xuanyang Realm, Wang Changsheng asked his clan to collect materials and planned to promote Lei Peng's wings to the Heaven-connecting Spirit Treasure. However, there were not many materials for the thunder attribute, and there were very few materials that could be used to promote Lei Peng's wings. With this Lei Peng's natal feather, Wang Mengbin's Lei Peng's wings have great hope of being promoted to Tongtian Lingbao.

When Wang Qingshan went to the Tianhai Realm, he encountered a battle between alien beasts. This feather is very likely to be fallen off by the alien beast fighting in the interface.

At least the seventh-order Lei Peng fell off, and the eighth-order is unlikely.

I have never heard that Lei Peng, a rare bird in the world, can walk in the interface. Is it because Wang Changsheng is ignorant, or is this a feather that fell from a monster with Lei Peng's bloodline?

"You wait for me here, I'll go see the power of this feather."

Wang Changsheng gave an order, and it turned into a blue light and flew out.

He flew out of Heavenly Puppet Island, waved Lei Peng's feathers gently, a deafening thunder sounded, and countless golden arcs surged out, hitting the sea.

After the loud rumbling, huge waves hundreds of feet high were blown up on the sea.

"If it is refined into Meng Bin's Lei Peng wings, it will definitely be a great help."

Wang Changsheng was overjoyed, he didn't expect to get this kind of material.

He returned to the treasure house, looked at Wang Zonglang, and praised: "Yes, you have made a contribution, by the way, didn't you say ore just now?"

Wang Zonglang nodded, opened a yellow jade box, and took out a stone with yellow aura.

"I don't know what this ore is. I can't help it with Infant Fire. It has the ability to repair itself. I originally planned to keep it for refining puppet beasts."

Wang Zonglang explained that the Wang family is the dominant family in the Ice Sea Realm, and has a strong ability to collect immortal cultivation resources.

Wang Changsheng picked up the yellow stone, carefully observed it, and held it lightly in his hand.

He didn't see what it was, but he thought it was a good thing, and he returned to Xuanyang Realm to find a way to identify it.

"Ancestor, this is a hide found in a forbidden area, which can absorb the power of lightning."

Wang Zonglang opened a cyan jade box and took out a pale golden animal skin with some silver patterns on the surface.

"Animal skin? Forbidden land?"

Wang Changsheng picked up the golden animal skin and observed it carefully. It felt cold to the touch, and there were obvious signs of being bitten by insects.

He waved Lei Peng's feathers, and a large piece of silver lightning rushed out wildly, hitting the animal skin, and disappeared like mud like the sea.

Wang Changsheng showed a look of approval. He didn't expect that there are so many good things in the Ice Sea Realm. It was a very wise choice for Wang Qingshan to move his clansmen to the Ice Sea Realm. Can't do it.

"I want to refine a few treasures, you can send someone to collect the materials as soon as possible."

Wang Changsheng exhorted and walked out.

Not long after, he appeared in a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. With a flick of his sleeve, hundreds of red flags flew out. After a dazzling red light, he disappeared into the ground.

Wang Changsheng took out a flashing red array plate and punched in several magic tricks, the ground suddenly lit up with a dazzling red light, a large number of red flames emerged in the void, and the temperature suddenly rose.

He threw the golden animal skin into the air, manipulated the formation, and let the red flame wrap the golden animal skin.

It is inconvenient to divide the soul into the lower realm. If you send the lower realm of the clan of the gods, the refining time will be shorter.

Under the high temperature, the golden hide slowly expands.


Two years later, Donglijie, South China Sea.

On a deserted island, Chen Yiming sat cross-legged on a huge magic circle with his eyes closed.

After a while, he seemed to notice something, and looked towards the sky, there was a ripple somewhere in the sky, and there was a "humming" sound that seemed to be torn apart.

He hurriedly entered a magic formula into the formation, the formation shook violently, countless formation lines brightened, and a thick spiritual light shot up into the sky, hitting the sky.

The void was torn apart suddenly, and a huge crack appeared. A golden light flew out. It was a golden giant owl. Two men and a woman stood on the back of the golden giant owl. It was Wang Changsheng and the four.

The Binghai Realm has abundant resources for cultivating immortals. Wang Changsheng has collected a lot of cultivating resources, but he is unable to arrange a communication formation and a formation to enhance his breath. He needs to travel to the Tianlan Realm and the Thousand Gourd Realm.

Dongli Realm knew that the space nodes leading to Tianlan Realm were all in forbidden areas. Wang Changsheng planned to go to Thousand Gourd Realm first, and then to Tianlan Realm.

"Senior Wang, how is it?"

Chen Yiming's face was full of anticipation.

"There's still a lot of material missing. A trip to the Thousand Gourd Realm and Tianlan Realm should be almost the same. You continue to lead people to guard here."

Wang Changsheng gave an order, and the golden giant owl's body was full of golden light, and his wings were fiercely flapped, speeding up his speed and flying towards the sky. He was going to the northern border, and from the northern border to the Thousand Gourd Realm.

Chen Yiming responded, sat down with his knees crossed, and closed his eyes. UU Reading


In the northern Xinjiang, on a steep peak, a team of monks patrolled near the peak. There was a thousand-acre bluestone square on the top of the peak, and there was a circle of hundreds of feet in the square.

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Zhou Yuruo sat cross-legged beside the magic circle, her eyes closed.

A sharp bird chirping sounded, Zhou Yuruo seemed to sense something and opened his eyes.

A golden light appeared in the sky, very fast.

It didn't take long for the golden light to stop over the square, and it was a giant golden owl.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Qingjing, and Liu Ruyi were sitting on the backs of the golden giant owl. Wang Zonglang had already gone to Qinglian Island and was in charge of the family. Wang Qingjing took the initiative to invite Ying to accompany him, and Wang Changsheng agreed.

"Senior Wang, you can count it."

Zhou Yuruo was full of surprises, she was ordered to sit here, mainly because there is a space node here leading to the Thousand Gourd Realm.

"You have worked hard, activate the formation, and cooperate with me to open a channel."

Wang Changsheng instructed, with a flick of his sleeve, the Boundary-breaking Pearl flew out and flew towards the sky.

After the Boundary Breaker Orb flew high into the sky, the silver round bead suddenly lit up with a dazzling silver light, ripples in the void, and a small crack appeared.

Zhou Yuruo broke into a magic formula, the formation suddenly brightened, and a thick spiritual light rose into the sky and went straight to the second high-altitude area.

The crack suddenly expanded, and the golden giant owl flew into the crack with Wang Changsheng and the three of them. It didn't take long for the crack to heal.

"I hope Senior Wang goes well."

Zhou Yuruo said to himself, what Wang Changsheng is doing now is mainly for the Wang family, but for the spiritual cultivators in Dongli Realm, they can also benefit from it.

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