Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2258: 0 gourd situation

Latest website: Thousand Gourd Realm, the Fire Sun Mountain Range is located in the northwest of the Thousand Gourd Realm.

Tens of thousands of monks are attacking the Wang family, all kinds of auras are blazing, the explosions are continuous, and the air waves are billowing.

The ground is full of potholes, with a large number of corpses lying there, as well as some destroyed puppet beasts.

A cloud of red fire floated high in the sky. More than 30 Nascent Soul cultivators stood on it. The leader was a short and stout golden-robed old man with a round face and small eyes. Looking at his breath, he was a late Nascent Soul cultivator. .

Chen Yousheng, the head of Jinyunmen.

The Thousand Gourd Realm was ruled by the Demon Race for hundreds of years, and the Demon Race was finally destroyed. Only the Thousand Gourd Realm achieved independence in the true sense.

Jinyunmen was established under this circumstance, and Chen Yousheng was the patriarch of the Li School.

A young woman in a white dress with gorgeous features stood out of nowhere in the void, with an indifferent expression, and two giant ape puppets more than thirty feet tall stood aside.

Wang Xianzheng, late Yuanying period.

After destroying the Demon Clan, Wang Changsheng moved many clansmen to the Thousand Gourd Realm, including many elites. Later, the Wang family was suppressed by the Tianlan Sect. Fortunately, Wang Qingshan shot in time, and the Wang family was able to overcome the difficulties.

To this day, the Wang family has as many as 70,000 immortal practitioners in the Thousand Gourd Realm, and there are 23 Nascent Soul cultivators.

"Mrs. Wang, hand over the fruit of longevity, and we will leave here."

Chen Yousheng said with a cold face, during the period when the Demon Race ruled the Thousand Gourd Realm, the planting of the Heavenly Demon Tree made the Spiritual Qi of the Thousand Gourd Realm weak, and it was particularly difficult to enter the God Transformation Stage.

Chen Yousheng didn't have much life expectancy. By chance, he learned that the Wang family had a longevity fruit tree. He offered to buy it at a high price. The Wang family said that there was no longevity fruit, so he naturally didn't believe it.

Since the Wang family is unwilling to sell it, then grab it.

There is no longevity fruit, and the only thing waiting for him is the road of sitting.

After Tianlanzong dominated the Thousand Gourd Realm, he sent people to search for immortal cultivation resources and brought them back to Tianlanjie. The Wang family had spiritual monks, and Tianlanzong naturally did not touch the Wang family.

This is a good thing for the Wang family, and the Wang family has been able to grow and develop, but for other forces, the Wang family has become a sweet pastry.

"I said, there is no longer the fruit of longevity. If you are wise, you should retreat immediately, and I can forgive the past."

Wang Xianzheng's tone is indifferent. After the longevity fruit trees are mature, there are only dozens of them. There are more than 20 Nascent Soul cultivators in the clan, and it is not enough for him! The most important point is that there are two Spirit Transformation cultivators who have asked for the longevity fruit, and the Wang family has even less longevity fruit, and there is not much left.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing else to say, let's do it, fight quickly..."

Before Chen Yousheng's words were finished, a gust of wind blew, and a young man in a golden shirt with a murderous face suddenly appeared in front of him, with a pair of golden wings on his back.

"Spiritual cultivator!"

The monks exclaimed when they felt the powerful spiritual pressure emanating from the young man in the golden shirt.

Chen Yousheng was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to say something, the young man in the golden shirt turned his hands into huge golden bird claws and grabbed onto Chen Yousheng's body like lightning.

Chen Yousheng opened his mouth and spewed out a long red sword, which slashed at the young man in the golden shirt, and there was a muffled sound.

His body protection aura was like paper paste, pierced by the golden bird's claws, and the golden bird's claws pierced through Chen Yousheng's chest.

The young man in the golden shirt is none other than Xiaoxianxian.

"I'm tired of living, dare to touch the Wang family."

Xiao Miexian's face turned cold, his arms moved, and Chen Yousheng was torn in half. As soon as Chen Yousheng's Nascent Soul left his body, he was covered by a golden light sprayed by Xiao Miexian, and swallowed it in his mouth.

"Not good, God Transformation Stage Monster Race, run quickly."

The other Nascent Soul cultivators were so frightened that their souls flew out of the sky, escaping and fled in different directions. Few of these Nascent Soul cultivators had spiritual treasures, most of them still used magic weapons, and they did not have a single flying spiritual treasure.

"Since you're here, don't leave, just stay!"

Xiao Miexian's tone was icy cold, the golden wings on his back slammed fiercely, the wind was blowing, the void oscillated, and a green hurricane emerged, sweeping away in all directions.

He turned into a streak of golden light, quickly piercing through the bodies of one Yuan Ying cultivator after another.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xianzheng was stunned, and he did not know who shouted, and the intruding enemy fled everywhere.

Three blue lights flew from afar, it was Wang Changsheng, Zhong Ruyi and Wang Qingying.

After arriving at the Thousand Gourd Realm, Wang Changsheng was relieved to learn that the Wang family was developing well.

There are only dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators, so naturally Wang Chang doesn't need to be active.

"Ancestor Qingxuan!"

Wang Xianzheng exclaimed when he saw Wang Qingxing.

Before Wang Qingshan left, he made a trip to the Thousand Gourd Realm, Tianlan Realm, and Ice Sea Realm, and handed Wang Qingjing's portrait to the clansmen in the three interfaces for easy identification.

"Ninth uncle divides the soul into the lower realm, you guys are not quick to salute."

Wang Qingxing ordered.

Wang Xianzheng was stunned, her eyes fell on Wang Changsheng, and she didn't have the slightest impression.

"This time I'm in the lower realm of soul separation. You should have heard the name Wang Changsheng. This time in the lower realm, I'm here to help you solve some problems."

Wang Changsheng's tone was gentle.

Wang Xianzheng was stunned again, but she didn't think much about it. If it was an enemy, she would have no resistance at all.

"Grandson Wang Xianzheng welcomes the ancestors."

Wang Xianzheng bowed with a respectful expression.

Xiao Miexian flew back to Wang Changsheng's side, and said respectfully, "Master, I have already checked it out. It was Jinyunmen who initiated this war, and several forces sent people to participate."

Wang Changsheng looked at Wang Xianzheng and asked, "Why are they besieging you?"

"They asked for the longevity fruit. If I didn't sell it, they would go to the door to **** it. This caused great trouble."

Wang Xianzheng answered truthfully.

Wang Changsheng looked at Xiao Miexian and asked, "Is that why you searched their souls?"

"That's right, they couldn't find any other way to prolong their life. When they heard that the Wang family had the fruit of longevity, they hit the Wang family's idea."

Xiaoxianxian said truthfully.

"Like the sea clan, kill, go and return quickly."

Wang Changsheng waved his hand and commanded.

"Yes, Master."

Xiao Miexian responded, turned into a golden hurricane, and disappeared.

Wang Xianzheng's expression became more and more respectful, and he invited the three of Wang Changsheng into the clan.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingjing first came to the ancestral hall, and UU read to offer incense to the deceased clan members.

They came to the council hall, Wang Xianzheng and other more than a dozen clan elders reported the family situation to Wang Changsheng.

After listening to the report, Wang Changsheng nodded with satisfaction. The development of the clansmen in the Thousand Gourd Realm was a little worse than that of the Binghai Realm, and much better than the clansmen in the Dongli Realm, which was mainly due to resources.

"I went to the Thousand Gourd Realm this time to collect some immortal cultivation resources and use it to arrange the formation. This is the material I want, and I will send someone to collect it immediately."

Wang Changsheng took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Xianzheng.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Xianzheng responded, made several copies of the jade slip, and handed it over to the clan, and asked them to send someone to do it.

"Ancestor, the family has collected a few good things, please read it."

Wang Xianzheng made a gesture of invitation and personally led the way for Wang Changsheng.

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