Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2261: Destroy the corpse and get the Profound Soul Jade

The latest website: In a dense green forest, under a towering tree more than 100 feet high, a girl in a golden shirt sits on a thick trunk. The girl in the golden shirt has some red patterns on her face and arms.

A group of cyan butterflies danced around her, and the girl in the golden shirt swayed her legs, looking very comfortable.

A gust of wind whistled past, and a burly young man in golden shirt suddenly appeared in front of the girl in golden shirt, it was Xiao Miexian.

As soon as Xiaoxian Xian appeared, his hands turned into bird claws, and he grabbed the girl in the golden shirt like lightning.

The body of the girl in the golden shirt lit up with a dazzling azure light, and suddenly turned into a piece of azure wood.

The towering trees nearby seemed to come alive, swaying from side to side, like strips of cyan long whips, slapping at Xiaoxianxian, and countless thick black roots drilled out of the ground, entangling Xiaoxianxian's feet.

Xiao Miexian snorted softly, flapped his wings fiercely, and a golden hurricane swept out, severing all the roots, and twisting hundreds of towering trees into countless tiny sawdust.

A few dozen miles away, a towering tree lit up with a dazzling blue light, and a girl in a golden shirt appeared.

A cold wind swept through, and Wang Qingjing suddenly appeared beside the girl in the golden shirt. He opened his mouth and exhaled a white cold air, hitting the girl in the golden shirt, and the girl in the golden shirt froze at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The nearby tree shook violently, and countless leaves floated down. In a burst of bells, the leaves turned into sharp blades and slashed at Wang Qingjing.

Countless white chills appeared all over Wang Qingxing's body. The leaves touched the white chill, and they were instantly frozen and fell from the air.

More than a hundred miles away, a towering tree lit up with a blue light, and a girl in a golden shirt appeared, her eyes full of horror.

She used the wooden escape technique to avoid it again, and it could be seen that her wooden escape technique was very clever.

The girl in the golden shirt seemed to sense something, her body glowed brightly, and suddenly disappeared.

His eyes were gloomy. He wanted to show it off well, but he didn't expect to be played with the transforming elixir.

Hundreds of miles away, a blue light swept across the towering trees at a very fast speed.

After a cup of tea, the girl in the golden shirt stopped, her face was slightly pale, not far away there was a steep giant peak with a height of 10,000 meters, and there was a huge cave at the foot of the mountain, which was dark and gloomy.

A gust of wind whistled past, and Xiao Miexian appeared behind the girl in the golden shirt again.

The girl in the golden shirt was about to avoid it, when Xiaoxie Xian's body was covered with golden light, covering the girl in the golden shirt, her right hand turned into a claw, and she grabbed the girl in the golden shirt by the neck like lightning.

The girl in the golden shirt struggled violently, but to no avail.

Xiao Miexian had a happy expression on his face, and in his mind came Wang Changsheng's back: "Be careful behind you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a black-shirted man with green-faced fangs and a pair of fleshy wings on his back suddenly appeared behind Xiao Miexian. The black-shirted man exuded an extremely rotten smell, which was obviously a corpse refining.

As soon as the corpse appeared, countless slender black threads spewed out from his mouth, entangling Xiao Miexian's body.

Xiao Miexian flapped his wings fiercely, trying to cut these black threads, but nothing, his left paw grabbed the threads on his body and pulled hard, but he couldn't break them.

"This is the silk that I have condensed for thousands of years, how can it be destroyed so easily."

The black-shirted man sneered, grabbed the shoulders of Xiao Miexian with both hands, and pierced the black and sharp nails into Xiao Mie Xian's body, the blood was dyed black, he opened his mouth to reveal two sharp fangs, and moved towards Xiao Mie Xian. Immortal bites away.

"Evil animal, don't hurt people."

A vigorous man shouted loudly.

The black-shirted man's head was buzzing, and he did not come to his senses. The void above his head fluctuated together, and a big blue hand with a misty water appeared out of nowhere and patted the black-shirted man's body.

The black-shirted man let out a scream, his legs sinking deep into the ground.

A blue long rainbow shot out, piercing the black-shirted man's head, his head burst open, a black light flew out of the body, and before it flew far, the void vibrated and twisted, and countless blue water vapors emerged. It turned into a big blue hand full of water vapor, grabbed the black light like lightning, and it was a hideous grimace.

When the big blue hand exerted force, the five fingers folded together, and Wu Guang let out a shrill devil's cry, and a burst of blue smoke turned into a black ball.

A blue light flew over and landed in front of Xiao Miexian, it was Wang Changsheng.

Xiao Miexian was stunned for a moment, and quickly handed the girl in the golden shirt to Wang Changsheng with a respectful expression.

He was almost killed by the opponent, and Wang Changsheng took action and solved it easily.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth and spewed out a blue glow, which fell on the girl in the golden shirt. The girl in the golden shirt showed a pained expression, and a grimace appeared between his eyebrows.

The grimace pattern suddenly collapsed, and the girl in the golden shirt passed out.

"She was controlled by corpse refining, and she specially attracted treasure hunters for her to kill!"

Xiao Miexian suddenly realized, it is no wonder that for so many years, no one has been able to obtain the transformed Jin Yanshen, it turned out that she was controlled by the corpse refining.

Refining corpses is invulnerable to water and fire, magic weapons are hard to hurt, and immortal cultivators are easily attacked by them.

Wang Changsheng planted more than ten prohibitions, the girl in the golden shirt is a shape-changing elixir, not as simple as a ten thousand-year elixir.

Yang Yan, Chen Nianjiao and Wang Qingjing also rushed over, and Yang Yan and Chen Nianjiao's expressions became more and more respectful.

Especially Chen Nianjiao, she had fought against the corpse, all the treasures were destroyed, and she fled with serious injuries. Wang Changsheng shot and killed the corpse with ease.

"Go and see what's inside. The yin here is so heavy, there should be fifth-order yin attribute materials."

Wang Changsheng ordered Xiao Miexian, and Xiao Miexian responded and flew into the cave.

After a while, he flew out with a few pieces of black jade in his hand.

"Master, there is no elixir in it, but there is a kind of jade."

Xiao Miexian handed a piece of jade to Wang Changsheng, and Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Mysterious Soul is actually this kind of material! You go in and mine this material right away."

Wang Changsheng instructed, with a stern tone, the Profound Soul Jade was born in a place with strong yin, and the Soul Eater Jin Chan swallowed a piece of Profound Soul Jade before advancing from the fourth rank to the fifth rank.

Xiao Miexian responded and returned to the cave again.

A huge explosion sounded, and the ground shook.

Chen Nianjiao and Yang Yan stood by the side honestly with respectful expressions. Without Wang Changsheng's order, they did not dare to enter the cave.

Wang Qingying also went in to help, and after more than an hour, they came out.

They each handed Wang Changsheng a storage ring, Wang Changsheng swept away his consciousness and nodded with satisfaction. With these mysterious soul jades, Soul Eater Jinchan might be able to advance to a small realm.

"Let's go and find the Nine Sun Fruit Tree!"

Wang Changsheng waved his sleeves and left the place with the four of them.

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