Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2262: 9 Yangguo is in hand, go to Tianlan Realm

Latest website: In the depths of Burial Immortal Cave, there is a long and narrow red valley, and the sky above the valley is gray.

Deafening rumblings could be heard from time to time in the valley, and the ground shook.

Wang Changsheng, Chen Nianjiao, Yang Yan and Wang Qingjing stood outside the valley with different expressions.

Wang Changsheng sent Xiao Miexian to pick the Nine Sun Fruits, he didn't need to do everything himself, just let Xiao Miexian do it, and it would not be too late for Wang Changsheng to do anything that Xiaoxian couldn't solve.

After a while, a huge cloud of red mushrooms rose into the sky in the valley, and the ground shook violently.

Xiao Miexian flew out of the valley, his body was covered in scars, his face was gray, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Master, there is a fifth-order fire-attribute monster with supernatural powers stronger than mine, and I have already chased it out."

Xiao Miexian shouted, he broke the ban, and as soon as he saw the Jiuyang fruit tree, he was attacked by a fifth-order monster, and he was quickly defeated.

Wang Changsheng gave him the exercises to practice, but his practice time was relatively short, and the opponent's rank was higher than him, so he was not an opponent at all.

As soon as the voice fell, a red fire came from behind, Xiao Miexian noticed it, and flapped his wings fiercely, turning into a gust of wind and disappearing.

With a loud bang, the red fire hit the stone wall, exploding a big hole.

A red light flew out from the valley, and it was a strange beast with the head of a lion and a tiger, with a pair of red fleshy wings, and a red unicorn with a length of ten feet on its head.

"A fifth-rank mid-grade liger!"

Chen Nianjiao said in surprise, her eyes were full of fear, she glanced at Wang Changsheng, and felt a little at ease.

The liger opened its **** mouth and spewed out a thick red flame. At the same time, its wings were gently flapped, and countless red firelights suddenly appeared in the void. After a blur, they turned into red fireballs. , there are thousands of them.

Thousands of red fireballs smashed into Wang Changsheng and the others. As soon as the red fireballs approached them, they were blocked by the magic of Wang Qingying and the others.

Wang Changsheng raised his hand and slapped towards the void, the void vibrated and twisted, and countless blue water vapors emerged, turning into a big hand full of water vapor, facing the red flames.

With a loud noise, the red flame was smashed by Qingtian's big hand. Qingtian's big hand came to the front of the liger. It felt the terrifying aura emanating from Qingtian's big hand, and each eye shot a red light, but it was still useless. The red light was smashed by Qingtian's big hand.

Qingtian slapped the liger with his big hand, and the liger flew out instantly.

With a flash of blue light, a small seal with a flash of blue light appeared out of thin air, instantly swelled, and smashed into the liger.

The liger hurriedly spurted out a red flame, supporting the blue giant seal.

There was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and a blue boxing shadow several hundred feet in size flew towards it and smashed into it.

With a loud rumbling sound, all the ligers and tigers were embedded in the stone wall, and the blood flowed non-stop.

Taking this opportunity, the blue giant seal smashed down and smashed the stone wall into pieces, and the liger and tiger were also turned into a pile of minced meat.

With Tongtian Lingbao in his hand, Wang Changsheng would have an easier time killing a fifth-order mid-rank monster.

He made a move with one hand, and the blue giant seal quickly shrank, turned into a blue light and flew into the sleeve and disappeared.

"Qingying, go pick the Nine Sun Fruits, and use the array method to transplant the Nine Sun Fruit Trees away."

Wang Changsheng instructed, Wang Qingjing answered and flew towards the valley.

He put away the spirit and corpse of the liger, the skin of the fifth-order liger, and some fire-attribute ten thousand-year-old spirit wood, making a heaven-penetrating spirit treasure is not a problem.

"Senior Wang, there are still many treasures in Buried Immortal Cave, and this junior is willing to show you the way."

Chen Nianjiao's face was full of flattery.

"Is it far from here? How much is the ban?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"It's a bit far, there are five or six restrictions! With your magical powers, these restrictions can't stop you."

Chen Nianjiao said respectfully.

"No, I still have very important things to do. I can't chew too much. It's better to be a little respectful."

Wang Changsheng thought about it for a while, and refused. The biggest purpose of his lower realm this time was to attract the thunder beads and the water of the Ming River. In addition, he was to help the family solve some troubles.

Immortal Burial Cave is the most dangerous place in the Thousand Gourd World. Wang Changsheng is not arrogant enough to think that he is invincible in the world.

As for the other treasures in Immortal Burial Cave, if there is a chance in the future to send clansmen to the lower realm, let them come and get them.

"Senior Wang, you can..."

Chen Nianjiao still didn't give up. Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Xiao Miexian: "What? You want to teach the master to do things?"

Chen Nianjiao shuddered, and repeatedly said that she did not dare to say more.

After a cup of tea, Wang Qingying came out and handed a cyan storage ring to Wang Changsheng.

"Come on! I have other things to do."

Wang Changsheng gave an order and took them away.


Half a year later, in the northeastern part of the Thousand Gourd Realm, there was a rolling mountain range, a giant valley surrounded by mountains on three sides.

There are monks from the Wang family patrolling nearby, and there is a thousand-acre bluestone square in the valley. Zhong Ruyi is sitting next to a magic circle that is more than a thousand feet in size.

The Boundary Breaking Orb can break the interface, but out of caution, Wang Changsheng asked Liu Ruyi to arrange a formation to assist.

A golden light appeared in the distant sky, and it didn't take long for it to appear over the valley. It was a huge double-headed owl. Wang Changsheng, Wang Qingjing, Chen Nianjiao, and Yang Yan stood on the back of the double-headed owl.

Zhong Ruyi quickly stood up and bowed: "Senior Wang, everything is ready."

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and the Boundary-Breaking Orb flew out and flew towards the sky. After the Boundary-Breaking Orb flew high, it suddenly burst into a dazzling silver light, and ripples swayed in the void, and it was torn apart abruptly, showing a streak. Tiny cracks. UU reading

Zhong Ruyi entered a magic formula, the magic circle shook violently, and a dazzling beam of light shot up into the sky, hitting the crack, and the crack expanded.

"You stay here, and no one is allowed to approach until we come back."

Wang Changsheng instructed, Chen Nianjiao and Yang Yan responded and flew down.

Zhong Ruyi flew to Shuangshou Xiao's back, and the double-headed owl flapped his wings lightly, carrying Wang Changsheng and the three towards the crack, and disappeared into the crack. It didn't take long for the crack to heal, as if Never appeared in general.

"I don't know what realm Senior Wang has cultivated to, and the lower realm of dividing the soul has such great magical powers."

Yang Yan said softly.

"Let's just keep this place. I hope Senior Wang returns safely and successfully sets up the formation."

Chen Nianjiao looked expectant. If the formation could be built, they would be the first beneficiaries.

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