Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2266: The situation of Xuantian fairy vine

The latest website: "Yingjie is in Qinglian Island in Xuanyang Realm? Where's the person! Call him here, and Liu Hongxue, let me meet."

Wang Changsheng commanded, feeling very excited.

His body is casting spells and cannot be interrupted.

"Your front foot is in the lower realm, and their back foot is back to Qinglian Island. They are retreating and practicing. They smuggled into the Xuanyang realm, and they all appeared in the wild land. They survived after several lives and deaths."

Bai Yuqi said truthfully.

"It's good to come back. When I go back to see them again, since I can establish contact, I will send someone to guard the formation and use it to contact the people of the lower realm. That's it!"

Wang Changsheng instructed, after saying this, Bai Yuqi's phantom suddenly dissipated and disappeared.

Every time the Communication Array is used, the Jinhuan Divine Crystal must be consumed, and it should be used less than once, and it should be used cherishly.

"Zong Lang, send someone to guard this communication array in the future. If you encounter any problems that cannot be solved, use the communication array to contact the clansmen of Xuanyang Realm."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Zonglang agreed with his mouth, and looked excited. With this communication array, if he encounters troubles that cannot be solved in the future, he can ask the clansmen of Xuanyang Realm for help, and there is an extra peace talisman.

After solving the communication formation, only the flying spirit formation is left.

When he came outside, Wang Changsheng looked at Wang Qingying and instructed, "Qingying, are you ready?"

The Flying Spirit Formation can enhance the aura of the Spirit Transformation cultivator, so that it can be sensed by the Flying Spirit Platform. This is a theory and needs to be practiced.

Even if he successfully ascended to Xuanyang Realm, where he landed was still a problem.

If Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan ascended from the place where the flying spirit formation was arranged, there is a high probability of appearing at the flying spirit platform in Zhenhai Palace, where the Wang family planned to build the flying spirit formation.

At present, it is Wang Qingxing who has reached this condition. Theory belongs to theory. As the first practitioner, Wang Qingxing has to take a lot of risks.

The Wang family did not have Feiling Terrace, so it was better to let the clansmen fall on the Feiling Terrace of Zhenhai Palace than in the wild land or the territory of aliens.

"I'm going to take my sister up and find a way to revive her."

Wang Qingxing said solemnly, his eyes firm.

"No problem, you go back to prepare first, the formation of the formation is not so fast, and you still need to debug."

Wang Changsheng agreed, and he could see that Wang Qingying had a deep affection for Wang Qingling, and maybe there was a way for him to resurrect Wang Qingling.

Wang Qingying responded and went down to rest.

"Zhong Xiaoyou, go and set up the formation! This is the material for the formation. If Qingqing can ascend smoothly, you can line up behind him."

Wang Changsheng handed Zhong Ruyi a cyan storage ring and instructed.

Zhong Ruyi took the storage ring with both hands and led the way.

"Where do you plan to ascend from? A safe place known so far is the Feiling Terrace in Zhenhai Palace."

Wang Changsheng looked at Xiao Miexian and asked.

Xiao Miexian knew too many things about the Wang family, and let him go to a foreign race, which would cause too much trouble.

"My subordinates obey the master's orders."

Xiao Miexian said honestly, he was very aware of his situation, if he dared to express the idea of ​​leaving the Wang family, the time of death would come.

He has done too many things for Wang Changsheng, and knows too many secrets of the Wang family. If he leaves the Wang family, he will die.

"Go up with Qingxing! Let him put you in the spirit beast bracelet."

Wang Changsheng instructed that Xiaoxianxian's body is a fifth-order double-headed owl, which can be collected into a spirit beast bracelet and follow Wang Qingying up. This is the advantage of monsters.

Xiao Miexian does things decently, and Wang Changsheng still admires him very much, and it's not bad to keep it for his own use.

"Yes, Master."

Xiao Miexian agreed with his mouth, and it was very good to be able to go to Xuanyang Realm. How could he dare to pick and choose.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng and Wang Zongming appeared in a long and narrow valley, and the valley was filled with a lot of cyan mist.

Outside the valley stands a blue stone tablet more than ten feet high, with three golden characters "Qianlinggu" engraved on it.

Wang Zongming took out a green square token, flicked his wrist lightly, a blue light flew out, and disappeared into the valley.

The cyan mist rolled violently, making way for a passage, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Zongming walked in.

It didn't take long for them to stop, and a huge cyan vine appeared in front of them. Seven gourds of different colors were hung on the vine, and the spirit was shining.

"Xuantian Immortal Vine!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes were dignified, he and Wang Ruyan obtained a Xuantian item in Xuanling Cave, and obtained a large number of immortal cultivation resources and a large piece of land by virtue of this skill.

This Xuantian immortal vine is not yet mature, and Wang Changsheng has no means to transplant it to the Xuanyang realm. He is mainly worried that the transplanting process will die. If he can send his tribe to the lower realm, he can consider transplanting the Xuantian immortal vine.

The existence of Xuantian Immortal Vine is known only to some clansmen.

"Since 500 years ago, the growth of Xuantian Immortal Vine has been frustrated. I have tried many methods, but to no avail."

Wang Zongming sighed.

"No one will refine the gourd into a magic weapon!"

Wang Changsheng asked, the growth of Xuantian Immortal Vine was frustrated, and it was inevitable that some clansmen planned to use a gourd to refine a magic weapon.

Wang Zongming smiled embarrassedly and said, "My grandson proposed to refine a gourd into a set of spiritual treasures, but the ancestor Qingxian rejected it."

If it wasn't for Wang Qingjing, these seven gourds would have been used for refining long ago. Most people only care about themselves, Shangguan Tianhong is like this, Qianglu is like this, so is the blood evil double saint, as long as it is beneficial to yourself Just do it, if it is beneficial to future generations, you need to sacrifice your own interests, then it will not work.

To put it simply, I don't care about the flood after I die.

"Take good care of this Xuantian fairy vine, our family may be able to go to glory with this Xuantian fairy vine."

Wang Changsheng exhorted, with a heavy tone.

If you can send clansmen to the lower realm, you must bring the **** of creation to the lower realm.

He got some planting books and methods from a spirit medicine garden in Qianmu Sect. UU reading can teach them to the clansmen, which should help them take care of Xuantian fairy vines.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Zongming agreed and looked respectful.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist, and a golden light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet. It was a girl in a golden shirt with delicate features, and it was the transformed golden ginseng.

Jin Yanshen is almost 20,000 years old. This does not mean that a 20,000-year-old elixir can transform. Just like a monster, Xiao Miexian can transform when he cultivates to the fifth rank. However, in the Xuanyang world, some seven The rank monster still can't change shape.

The ability of monsters to transform depends on their rank and bloodline. Some monsters can transform at the fourth rank, such as Bai Linger. Some monsters need to grow to a certain level before they can transform, and some monsters can't transform for life.

As soon as the girl in the golden shirt appeared, she immediately turned into a cyan light and flew away. Before she could fly far, Wang Changsheng urged the ban.

The girl in the golden shirt let out a scream of pain and fell to the ground with a look of pain on her face.

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