Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2267: The whereabouts of the 8-winged snow beast

The latest website: Wang Changsheng's tactic changed, the girl in the golden shirt screamed, her body shrunk into a ball, and the golden light on her body continued to flicker.

"Do you want to serve me, or will I use it as an elixir for alchemy?"

Wang Changsheng's tone was indifferent, it was not easy for monsters to change shape, and it was even more difficult for elixir.

The girl in the golden shirt was sweating profusely, stood up, and said timidly, "You really don't eat me?"

"If I want to eat you, I will eat you long ago. From now on, you will be called Wang Lin, and you can do things with me!"

Wang Changsheng instructed that if Wang Lin used it well, it would be no less than a hole card.

"Yes, Master."

Wang Lin honestly agreed.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist lightly, and a blue jade slip flew out and landed in front of Wang Lin.

"This is a wood attribute exercise. With the exercise, your supernatural powers will be greater and your cultivation speed will be faster."

Wang Changsheng said kindly.

Wang Lin's consciousness swept away, his expression became excited, and he repeatedly thanked: "Thank you master, thank you master."

Wang Changsheng waved his hand and let her go down to rest.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng appeared at the main altar of Zhenhai Sect, and Zheng Yuyue, the lord of Zhenhai Sect, received Wang Changsheng.

Zheng Yuyue's mother came from the Wang family, and she was able to become the suzerain, and the Wang family made a lot of effort.

When I came to the Patriarch's Hall, there were a large number of spiritual tablets enshrined in the hall, one of which was written with the six characters "Tian Qing'er's spiritual tablet".

Wang Changsheng sighed lightly, all kinds of things from the past appeared in his mind.

In the vicissitudes of life, things are different.

He put a bunch of incense on Fairy Ziyue and bowed in salute.

"Is there any trouble in Zhenhaizong right now?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"Thanks to the great blessings of our ancestors, Zhenhaizong is currently developing smoothly."

Zheng Yuyue said respectfully, strictly speaking, she is a descendant of Wang Changsheng.

"That's good, practice hard. In the future, if you cultivate to the stage of spiritual transformation, you will hopefully ascend to the Xuanyang Realm. This set of exercises is very suitable for your cultivation. You can take it!"

Wang Changsheng took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Zheng Yuyue, who accepted it excitedly.

Zheng Yuyue asked Wang Changsheng about the difficulties he encountered in cultivation, and Wang Changsheng gave him careful guidance.


In a huge ice cave, Wang Qingying stood in front of a huge ice coffin with a firm gaze.

"Sister, I will definitely find a way to resurrect you. If you cultivate to a higher realm, there must be a way."

Wang Qingxing said softly, his tone was sonorous and powerful.


In the Meteorite Icefield, a huge golden owl flew from a distance, with Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingying standing on it.

Wang Changsheng went to the Meteorite Icefield this time to find Tianyue Hanjing.

As long as he follows the line of the clan, there will be no big problem.

The Meteor Immortal Ice was originally banned from the air, and Xiao Miexian turned into a human figure. The three walked towards the Meteor Immortal Icefield and disappeared into the vast icefield.

Half a month later, the three of Wang Changsheng appeared in a rolling snow-white mountain range, and a steep snow-capped mountain blocked their way.

According to Wang Zongming's explanation, Tianyue Cold Crystal was in a huge ice cave at the foot of the mountain.

Wang Changsheng looked at Xiao Miexian and instructed: "You go!"

Before he could finish his words, his face froze, he turned his head to look at the distant sky, flicked his two fingers, and a dazzling blue light flew out. Wherever he passed, there was a piercing sound of breaking through the void.

A white light suddenly shot out from the snow, collided with the blue light, and the white light instantly dissipated, a powerful air wave erupted, and a large number of white snowflakes were set off. You could see a white giant python more than 100 feet long, with two pairs on its back. Snow-white meat wings, eyes are snow-white.

"Actually advanced to the fifth rank!"

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly. The place where the cultivator of the Wang family got Tianyue Hanjing encountered a four-winged snow python of the fourth rank and suffered heavy losses.

After so many years, the four-winged snow python has actually entered the fifth rank. It is estimated that there is some chance that it is difficult to advance to the fifth rank only by blindly practicing.

Xiao Miexian's wings slammed fiercely, and the wind was blowing, dozens of golden hurricanes rushed out towards the four-winged snow python.

The four-winged snow python reacted very quickly, opening its **** mouth and spewing out a white cold wind. Countless white snowflakes were blown up by the strong wind. After a blur, they turned into white ice cones and greeted them.

After the loud rumbling sound, the white ice cone and the golden hurricane perished together, and the air waves were like waves.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Wang Qingjing suddenly appeared behind it, his right hand turned into a dragon claw, and slapped it towards the four-winged snow python.

A shrill roar sounded, and the huge body of the four-winged snow python kept twisting and turned into a huge block of ice in a burst of dazzling white light.

Dozens of miles away, a white snowflake was shining brightly, transforming into the appearance of a four-winged snow python, an ice escape technique.

As soon as the four-winged snow python appeared, an ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a giant blue fist several hundred feet in size shot out and smashed into the four-winged snow python.

The four-winged snow python flew out in an instant and smashed heavily on a snowy mountain.

A golden hurricane and a white hurricane swept in, hitting the four-winged snow python one after another.

A shrill scream rang out. The earth shakes.

Wang Changsheng ignored it and looked at a huge ice cave not far away.

It didn't take long for Wang Qingjing and Xiao Miexian to return, and they had already killed the four-winged snow python.

The three walked towards the ice cave, not fast.

As soon as he walked into the ice cave, an icy and biting aura came towards him, and Xiao Miexian shivered.

A large number of ice picks are hung on the top, and the stone walls are covered by a thick layer of ice.

There were some snow-white crystals on the ground. Wang Changsheng checked them carefully, and they were indeed Tianyue Cold Crystals.

Wang Qingying and Xiao Miexian attacked the ice layer.

After a deafening roar sounded, the ice layer was torn apart, and there was a huge cave on the stone wall, and inside the cave was a huge monster corpse.

The monster was born with eight wings and looked like a Pixiu, motionless and breathless.

"Eight-winged snow beast, it actually died here."

Wang Changsheng was surprised and said that when he signed the oath with the eight-winged snow beast, UU read www.uukanshu. The eight-winged snow beast made a move once to help resolve the crisis, but later disappeared.

The lifespan of the fifth-order monster is longer than that of the cultivator, but the eight-winged Xueyao entered the stage of the gods very early, so if you count the time, it should be sitting.

It is estimated that the four-winged snow python devoured the inner core of the eight-winged snow beast, and only then can he advance to the fifth rank.

Wang Changsheng needs the eyes of the Pixiu to cultivate the true colored glazed pupil. Now that the eight-winged Xueyao beast is sitting, he can use its eyes to cultivate the true colored glazed pupil.

Wang Changsheng put his body in the storage ring and kept it as a refining tool.

After exploration, there are indeed Tianyue Cold Crystals here, but the number is not large. The mined ore is worth more than 20 million yuan, and it can refine many pieces of ice-type Tongtian Lingbao, which is just for Wang Qingying to use.

Wang Changsheng's target was Tianyue Hanjing, but he didn't expect to get the body of the eight-winged snow beast, which was a pleasant surprise.

When the things were in hand, Wang Changsheng and the three did not stay any longer and left the Meteorite Icefield.

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