Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2281: Condensed Dharma

The latest website: Qinglian Island, a nine-storey cyan loft.

In a certain room, Liu Hongxue sat cross-legged on a red futon, her body was covered by a red glow, her eyes were tightly closed and her hands were sealed.

After a while, a sound transmission flew in.

Liu Hongxue seemed to be aware of it. The red glow on her body dissipated, and she opened her eyes. She grabbed the sound transmission in front of her, and put her five fingers together. ? My father wants to see you."

"Senior Wang wants to see me?"

Liu Hongxue was stunned for a moment, she didn't dare to neglect, she quickly got up and left.

Walking out of the attic, she saw Wang Qingcheng standing at the door.

"Friend Wang Dao, please lead the way."

Liu Hongxue said politely, she naturally did not dare to put on airs.

Wang Qingcheng nodded and took her to Qinglian Peak.

Wang Changsheng sat in a blue stone pavilion, and this time he obtained thirty copies of the elixir to prolong life, and he could give two copies to Liu Hongxue.

Liu Hongxue was a fifth-order alchemist, and Wang Yingjie and Wang Yingjie had been together for hundreds of years in the wilderness. Wang Changsheng planned to match them.

"Junior meets Senior Wang."

Liu Hongxue bowed and saluted, feeling uneasy in her heart.

According to the information she inquired about, Zhenhai Palace is the top human clan in Xuanling Continent, and Wang Changsheng was born in Zhenhai Palace, so he may not like her.

"I heard that you and Yingjie lived in the wilderness and rescued Yingjie many times. If you don't dislike it, you will stay in our royal family in the future. We will provide you with resources and exercises to cultivate immortals. You do things for our royal family. How about you? ?"

Wang Changsheng asked kindly.

"The junior is willing. Speaking of which, if you hadn't helped Daoyou Wang, the junior would have died."

Liu Hongxue said gratefully that she has no better place to go now.

"Before Yingjie retreated, he made a request to me. I hope I will give you a longevity pill. For the sake of saving him many times, this longevity pill will be given to you, as well as a bottle of dust-cleaning pill."

Wang Changsheng took out a blue jade box and a blue porcelain vase and handed them to Liu Hongxue.

Of course Wang Yingjie didn't mention it, but Wang Changsheng just wanted to match them up.

Liu Hongxue was stunned for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly, "Young Daoyou Wang has given this junior a longevity pill."

Wang Yingjie got four elixir of longevity and gave Liu Hongxue a longevity pill. Naturally, it was impossible for Wang Changsheng to give Liu Hongxue another longevity pill. Obviously, Wang Changsheng wanted to match them.

Wang Changsheng looked slightly embarrassed. He didn't know about this matter. It seemed that Wang Yingjie also had a good impression of Liu Hongxue.

"By the way, I used the Soul Separation Lower Realm, and I have been to the Tianlan Realm. Lord Tianxing is your junior brother!"

Wang Changsheng changed the subject, Master Tianxing must still have Void Cloud Crystal in his hands, and the Void Cloud Crystal in the Wang family's hands won't last long.

"Exactly, senior can contact the lower realm?"

Liu Hongxue asked cautiously, her face full of shock.

"Okay, Master Tianxing is missing. He may have Void Cloud Crystal in his hand. Our family is in urgent need of Void Cloud Crystal, but we can't contact him. Do you have any way to find him?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

Liu Hongxue thought for a while and said, "This junior knows a few places, but from what I know about him, he is very suspicious, and the possibility of finding him is very low."

"If that's the case, then forget it. The Jinhuan Divine Crystal won't be used a few times, and the Void Cloud Crystal can still be used for a while."

Wang Changsheng gave up the idea of ​​looking for Venerable Tianxing. He had already left behind the Boundary-Breaking Orb, the fifth-order puppet beast, and many heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures. If Wang Zonglang and Wang Zongyun couldn't even find the Void Cloud Crystal, they could only be said to be too wasteful. .

"Since you have the Longevity Pill, I'll give you this Tianyuan Fruit! Our Wang family will not treat our own people badly, and we will not spare traitors."

Wang Changsheng took out a cyan jade box and handed it to Liu Hongxue.

Liu Hongxue even claimed thanks and accepted the jade box.

Wang Changsheng warned her a few words and told her to retreat.

"Qingcheng, send more people to collect materials for condensing the law."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

"Got it, Dad."

Wang Qingcheng agreed and bowed down.

Back in the basement, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon, took out the taiyin bottle, opened the cork, and a piercing chill surged out.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the void above his head fluctuated together, and countless blue water vapors emerged. After a blur, it turned into a huge human-shaped phantom, and his right fist flashed with blue light.

Wang Changsheng looked at the bottle of lunar yin with fiery eyes. He would not be able to enter the middle stage of virtual refining in a short period of time, but condensing the dharma can improve his strength, and the dharma can increase his strength several times or even dozens of times.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and he entered a tactic, and a stream of water of the Stygian River flew out of the taiyin bottle and flew towards the human-shaped phantom, wrapping the right arm of the human-shaped phantom.

He closed his eyes, his hands knitted together.

The right arm of the humanoid phantom flashed a black light, and the fist flashed blue.


Demon World, Demon Flame Continent.

The Tiansha Forest is located in the northwest corner of the Demon Flame Continent. It stretches for tens of billions of miles. There are a large number of beasts and potions. Many demon races come here to hunt down beasts and pick potions.

There was a deafening roar from the depths of the Tiansha forest, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the flames shot into the sky.

Ye Haitang and Fang Mu's expressions were indifferent, each holding a magical azure array disk in their hands, a huge azure light curtain covering a thousand miles, and a green-robed old man with a dove-faced eagle nose covered inside.

A large number of cyan light spots emerged in the cyan light curtain, turning into cyan wind blades or cyan hurricanes, and went straight to the green-robed old man.

The green-robed old man's body was covered with scars and blood flow, and there were many bones on his body.

"Damn, it's too deceiving, the old man is fighting with you."

The old man in the green robe shouted, and the green light on his body released a lot. It merged with a green flying knife, turned into a giant blade that lifted the sky, and slashed on the cyan light curtain.

With a loud noise, the cyan light curtain broke open, and the giant blade flew out along the gap.

There was a deafening thunderous sound from high in the sky, and a huge black thunderball fell from the sky and hit the giant blade.

After a loud bang, the black thunder light drowned for hundreds of miles, and the powerful air wave destroyed a large number of trees.

A green light flew out from the black thunder, and before it flew far, a black glow descended from the sky, covering the green light. The green light was a mini Nascent Soul, and a black python flew over, all over the body. The black scales, with a pair of black fleshy wings on the back, are the nine secluded pythons.

Under the careful cultivation of Ye it has advanced to the fifth level.

"Let me go, the old man is willing to give you the wealth that he has accumulated throughout his life."

Mini Yuanying begged bitterly.

"Hmph, if you eat things inside and out, we will be wanted if we ask for yours. Come back with us honestly! How Senior Song treats you is his decision."

Ye Haitang sneered, took out a black gourd, sprayed a black glow, and put the mini Nascent Soul inside.

They joined the Temple of Heaven, and this time they were ordered to arrest the traitor.

With the superb level of formation, Ye Haitang is well-known in the Tianmo Palace, Fang Mu is much inferior, and the fifth-order formation mage is much more precious than the cultivator of the gods.

Jiuyou Python turned into a black light, and the magic pet bracelet that flew into Ye Haitang's hand disappeared.

Ye Haitang put away the array flag, left the place with Fang Mu, and rushed back to return to life.

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