Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2282: 400 years

The latest website: Spring and autumn come, and four hundred years have passed quickly.

In the northeast corner of Qinglian Island, a huge thundercloud floated high in the sky, with lightning and thunder. Upon careful observation, the thundercloud was vaguely divided into five groups. It was the Five Nine Thunder Tribulations. It was obvious that some clansmen were impacting the spirit transformation period.

In the conference hall, Wang Qingcheng sat on the main seat with a smile on his face, and more than 50 clan elders sat on both sides, and they were also full of smiles.

"Patriarch, our entire clan now has thirty-one transforming spirits, two virtuous practitioners, more than 700 Nascent Soul cultivators, and more than 45,000 immortal cultivators in the entire clan, controlling 2,345 seats. On the island, there are ten spiritual monks we can dispatch."

The Wang family has been developing the desert island for years, and its power has continued to expand, but those with discerning eyes can see that the development momentum of the Wang family has slowed down, which is inevitable.

After a period of rapid development, the Wang family's current development speed has slowed down, but fortunately it is still maintaining steady growth.

Puppet beasts are the biggest source of income for the Wang family. During the battle between the large beasts, the puppet beasts of the Wang family became famous and were very popular among cultivators.

The number of puppet masters in the Wang family continues to increase, and more and more clansmen choose to be a puppet master, specializing in connecting a puppet beast in exchange for good deeds.

Wang Qingcheng nodded and instructed: "Continue to work hard, let's go! Cultivation is the foundation, you should not slack in cultivation."

"Yes, master."

Many clan elders left one after another.

A cyan long rainbow flew in, it was Wang Qingshan.

He has traveled for more than 400 years, and has collected all the materials for refining the sword embryo. He intends to enter the virtual refining period, and the sword embryo needs to be refined.

"Seventh brother, you are back, why did you travel for so long?"

Seeing Wang Qingshan, Wang Qingcheng asked curiously.

"Xuanling Continent is not small, it took a little more time, right, did Ninth Uncle go out?"

Wang Qingshan asked about Wang Changsheng’s situation.

"Not long after you left, Yingjie came back. Dad used the Soul Separation Lower Realm, and after returning, he went into seclusion and practiced."

Wang Qingcheng said truthfully.

"What? Yingjie ascended to Xuanyang Realm?"

Wang Qingshan was a little surprised.

"That's right, he has been in seclusion, and he hasn't come out yet. It's estimated that it will be soon!"

Wang Qingcheng said Wang Yingjie's residence.

"By the way, this is a page of the forbidden book of Xuanling that I got by chance. Uncle Ninth should be able to use it."

Wang Qingshan took out the forbidden book of Xuanling and handed it to Wang Qingcheng.

The Prohibited Book of Xuanling is not a big killer, it is something that restricts high-level monks. Wang Qingshan can't use it for the time being, but Wang Changsheng should be able to use it.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would give Wang Qingshan one every time they made a big killing weapon or a secret talisman. Wang Qingshan would naturally not be stingy with Wang Changsheng.

"Mysterious Spirit Forbidden Book?"

Wang Qingcheng's eyes flashed with surprise, and his face showed joy.

"By the way, if Ninth Uncle is out of the customs, you should inform me immediately. I plan to enter the virtual refining period. I need his help to refine a sword embryo and give it to others. I am not at ease."

Wang Qingshan warned.

Wang Qingcheng agreed and put away the forbidden book of Xuanling.

After a few chats, Wang Qingshan said goodbye and left.

He came to the outside of a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. Outside the valley stood a blue stone tablet more than ten feet high with the three characters "Five Spirits Valley" engraved on it. This was Wang Yingjie's residence.

The valley was obscured by a thick white fog, making it impossible to see what was inside.

Wang Qingshan took out a sound transmission, whispered a few words, and threw it into the valley.

He stood outside the valley and waited. Time passed by, but there was no response in the valley.

A hearty male voice suddenly sounded: "Seventh brother, are you also here to find Yingjie?"

Wang Qingshan turned around and saw Wang Qingfeng descended from the sky with a smile on his face.

Wang Qingshan nodded and said, "What? You came to find him too?"

"I heard that another clan has ascended from the lower realm. I want to come and get to know him. I have come many times, but I haven't waited for him. I guess he is practicing in retreat! I heard Meng Bin say that he is an ascetic, and sure enough A well-deserved reputation."

Wang Qingfeng was full of admiration. He practiced diligently, but he did not retreat for more than 400 years. Wang Qingfeng considered himself inferior to this perseverance.

Wang Mengbin has all left, and Wang Yingjie is still in retreat.

At this moment, the white mist in the valley rolled violently, and a hearty male voice came from the valley: "Are you talking about me?"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Yingjie walked out of the valley. His breath was much stronger than before, and he stepped into the late stage of God Transformation.

Wulingen cultivator needs more resources for cultivating immortals. As a cultivator who has ascended from the lower realm, Wang Yingjie naturally gets a lot of resources for cultivating immortals. His residence is next to Wang Qingshan, and his spiritual energy is abundant. If not, his cultivation speed will not be so fast. .

"Yingjie, yes, your kid cultivated so hard in the lower realm, and you still work so hard in the Xuanyang realm. If Qingling knew about it, he would be very happy."

Wang Qingshan had a look of approval on his face. Wang Yingjie was the hardest working clan he had ever seen.

"When I was in the lower realm, the conditions were not very good, and my grandson was able to practice hard. Now in the Xuanyang realm, the conditions have improved, and I should work harder to cultivate. How can I slack off because the conditions have improved?"

Wang Yingjie said seriously, Wulingen cultivator needs more resources to cultivate immortals, and does not need to consider the issue of the unity of the five elements, but this does not mean that Wang Yingjie can slack off cultivation and seek pleasure.

The better the current conditions are, the more he has to cultivate. Whenever he thinks that the Five Spiritual Root cultivator of the same era as him has already become a monk, Wang Yingjie will practice harder, and he will not dare to slack off.

Heaven rewards diligence, but if aptitude is not good, then I will redouble my efforts to narrow the gap with others as much as possible. No matter how good aptitude is, there is an upper limit.

Hearing this, Wang Qingshan and Wang Qingfeng were in awe, and Wang Yingjie's words gave them a lot of inspiration.

Wang Yingjie, as a cultivator of the Five Spiritual Roots, still works so hard. Their qualifications are better than Wang Yingjie, so how can they slack off in cultivation.

"Well said, it would be great if the five spiritual root cultivators in the clan had your awareness."

A vigorous male voice suddenly sounded.

A blue rainbow descended from the sky, it was Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng had a full smile on his face. He used the water of the Styx to condense the dharma, and he has already condensed half of his body, and his strength has improved a lot.

"Meet the ancestors."

Wang Yingjie bowed and looked respectful.

"Uncle Ninth! You're out!"

Wang Qingshan was overjoyed when he saw Wang Changsheng.

Wang Qingfeng honestly called daddy and didn't say anything else.

"Qingcheng sent me a sound transmission, saying that you are ready to attack the imaginary stage, and UU reading needs my help, so I will leave."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, if he hadn't received the sound transmission from Wang Qingcheng, he still planned to continue condensing the Dharma, until he used up all the water in the Styx.

"Qingcheng is also true. He deliberately sent a sound transmission to the ninth uncle to influence the ninth uncle's cultivation."

Wang Qingshan chuckled lightly, a warm current flowing in his heart.

"It's not a trivial matter if you want to attack the emptiness. I'm just condensing the law, it doesn't matter, I'll continue to condense the law after I've helped you."

Wang Changsheng said disapprovingly, his eyes fell on Wang Yingjie, he flipped his right hand, a seal with five lights flickering appeared in his hand, handed it to Wang Yingjie, and said, "Yingjie, this is the five-element seal that I refined for you. , has a very good effect in cracking the ban on the five elements, it is made of five elements stone as the main material, this treasure is very suitable for you to use, you accept it!"

"Thank you my ancestors."

Wang Yingjie took the Five Elements Seal with both hands and looked excited.

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