Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2287: Grandfather is not good

The latest website: Zhenhai Palace, a manor with a very wide area, pavilions, pavilions, gardens and waterside pavilions, rockery gardens.

Fang Ming and Wang Changsheng were sitting in a green stone pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

After Wang Changsheng arrived at Zhenhai Palace, he went to visit Chen Yueying as soon as possible. Chen Yueying retreated and practiced, and he could only go to Fang Ming.

"The way for cultivator Lei Linggen to attack the Void Refinement Stage? Our Zhenhai Palace does have it, but it takes a lot of good deeds to exchange it."

Fang Ming frowned and said that the elder of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion was a cultivator of the local faction, so he couldn't be of much help.

For other things, it is good to say that Zhenhai Palace attaches great importance to the secrets of the exercises. Anyone who wants to exchange the secrets of the exercises needs corresponding good works.

"Senior Brother Fang, you are in charge of the Deacon Hall, what tasks do you have more meritorious deeds on now?"

Wang Changsheng said sincerely.

"There are a few quests that have more good deeds, but they are very dangerous. I want to go to the wild land to find the crystal of silver ganglia. This is the quest issued by Liu Shishu."

Fang Ming's tone was heavy.

"Uncle Liu? But Uncle Liu who practices swordsmanship?"

Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback, and asked curiously.

There are not many cultivators in Zhenhai Palace, and there is only one cultivator named Liu—Liu Qingfeng, who belongs to the local faction.

"Exactly, the crystal of silver ganglion is a good material for condensing swordsmanship. It can also be used to enhance the power of the magic weapon. I heard that there are crystals of silver ganglion in the wild. Brother Chen and the others are going to the wild. Junior Brother Wang can go with them, this is the newly released task, and there are many good deeds."

Fang Ming took out a red glittering Dharma plate and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng took a closer look, his palms slid gently, and tasks appeared in front of him one by one.

Looking for the crystal of silver ganglia is better, and there are more dangerous tasks, go to the site of foreign races to inquire about information or collect resources for cultivation, and find some kind of inner elixir of seventh-order monsters.

"Senior Brother Chen, who are they?"

Wang Changsheng asked about the situation of several of his classmates.

"They belong to the local faction. If you go by yourself, it is too dangerous. There are several tasks suitable for you. Find the thunder-absorbing stone in the sixth-order golden-backed thunder ray or the five elements to condense the law."

Fang Ming explained that these two materials are not easy to find, and the quantity is too small to be exchanged for a large amount of meritorious deeds.

"Senior Brother Fang, do you know the location of the Silver Gang Crystal?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

Fang Ming shook his head and said, "I know the approximate location, but I don't know the exact location, otherwise Master Liu will take the shot himself. The Silver Gang Crystal is a seventh-order refining material. If there are enough quantities, refining the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao will not be a problem, but The output of this material is very small, and the known large-scale silver ganglia veins are all in the hands of the Jinghuo tribe, and they are rarely seen in the human race."

"Forget it, I'll take a trip myself! It's really not possible, let's think of other ways!"

Wang Changsheng thought for a moment and made a decision.

Fang Ming took out a cyan jade slip, handed it to Wang Changsheng, and said, "This is the approximate orientation of the Silver Astral Crystal. There are many monsters in the wilderness, including some ancient beasts with great magical powers, as well as aliens. You can add more. Be careful, don't be careless."

"Thank you, Brother Fang."

Wang Changsheng thanked him and accepted the jade slip.

"If you go to the wild land, help me pay attention to the material of Jinsang Shenmu, I need this material to condense the law."

Fang Ming took out a golden jade slip and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng swept away his consciousness, nodded, and agreed.

"I'll go back and prepare first, farewell, Senior Brother Fang."

Wang Changsheng sacrificed the Qingluan boat, jumped on it, and entered a magic trick.

Back at Qinglian Island, Wang Changsheng sent a message to Wang Ruyan.

Not long after, Wang Ruyan walked out of the secret room with a solemn expression.

"Husband, are you going to the wild land? Do you want to wait for the beast tide to pass?"

Wang Ruyan suggested.

If Wang Changsheng had an accident, even if he was injured, it would be difficult to deal with the beast tide.

"Why don't I want to do this, Meng Bin is not too young, if he waits for the beast tide to pass, at least four or five hundred years, he obtains the method of attacking the virtual refining, and it takes time to prepare, which may delay his impact on the refining phase. My dharma has been condensed by half, and my strength has not improved by a single star, plus the Nine Free Shadow Talisman refined by Madam, there should be no problem."

Wang Changsheng can afford to wait, Wang Mengbin may not wait, who knows what is the method for cultivator Lei Linggen to attack the Void Refinement Stage? If you want to collect a large amount of rare materials, how long will it take to collect all of them?

If there is an additional delay of four or five hundred years, Wang Mengbin will have to wait four or five hundred years longer. There are elixir of longevity in the Xuanyang Realm, but each of them can only be taken once, and the second time has no effect.

He is currently in the early stage of virtual refining, but he has been condensed by half, and his strength has improved a lot. The most important point is that Wang Lin has entered the stage of spiritual transformation. Coupled with the help of spirit beasts such as double-eyed mice, Wang Changsheng still has confidence in himself. .

Wang Qingshan was in the emptiness period, Wang Ruyan wanted to stay at Qinglian Island, and Wang Changsheng could only run alone.

Wang Changsheng didn't want to retreat and practice with peace of mind. For the sake of his clan's path, he had to travel to a wild land. If enough silver gangster crystals were obtained, Wang Qingshan could also be used to condense the law when he entered the virtual refining period. .

If he couldn't get the Silver Gang Crystal, Wang Changsheng would come back as soon as possible and find another way.

"I refined a fifth-order talisman, as well as a nine-free shadow talisman and a nine-yuan hidden spirit talisman. I hope it can help you."

Wang Ruyan took out a light blue jade box and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng accepted the jade box and warned: "I will come back as soon as possible, you should guard Qinglian Island, and don't let others disturb Qingshan's impact refining period."

In addition to the tortoise, the double-eyed mouse, the wood demon, and the gold-swallowing ant queen, Wang Changsheng also brought Wang Sen and Wang Lin.

Avatar Wang Sen has cultivated to the late stage of God Transformation, and Wang Xiangrong, the avatar, is in retreat and practiced, so he happened to bring his avatar.

"By the way, Yingjie has drawn a topographic map, all of which he has seen and heard in the wild land. I hope it will be useful to you."

Wang Ruyan remembered something, took out a blue jade slip, and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng accepted the jade slip and nodded, "I will be back as soon as possible."

After saying this, Wang Changsheng sacrificed the Qingluan boat and jumped on it.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the Qingluan boat suddenly released a azure light, turned into a cyan escaping light and disappeared into the sky.

Wang Ruyan sighed lightly, his eyes full of worry.

The ancestors of the family are not easy to be treated. Before Wang Qingshan and others have grown up, Wang Changsheng still needs to work hard. If Wang Qingshan and the others enter the virtual refining stage, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan will be able to relax a bit.

There are only three words for the ancestors, which is easy to say but not easy to do.

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