Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2288: Wilderness Treasure Hunt

The latest website: Xuanling Continent, a barren land.

The wild land is a natural barrier, even if it is a fit cultivator, it is not so easy to pass through the wild land. It is still very difficult for the alien army to pass through the wild land. A cultivator sits in the town, monitoring the movements of the alien race.

Desolate City, the closest town to the barren land of the human race, is named after it, but the desolate city is not desolate, but very prosperous.

Before human monks enter the wild land to hunt for treasures and hunters, they will buy maps or information in the deserted city to facilitate their operations. If they get treasures, they will also sell them to the shops in the deserted city.

The wild land is very dangerous, and the monks who are integrated into the wild land to hunt for treasures and hunters will risk falling, let alone the cultivators of the gods. Even so, there are still some monks who enter the wild to hunt for treasures and hunters, seeking wealth and danger. .

Spirit Transformation cultivators are self-aware, and usually only move around in the periphery of the wilderness, often go there in groups, and purchase high-level escape talismans.

In the depths of the wild land, in a cave with a size of 100 acres.

Three men and one woman are besieging two lightning doves with more than a hundred feet of wings. Their bodies are covered with silver feathers, flashing countless silver arcs. A pair of scythe-like claws are golden. very fast.

In the lower left corner of the cave, there is a pool of hundreds of meters in size, a lotus with seven-color aura floats on the water, the buds bloom, and the eighteen lotus seeds are blue.

A yellow giant ape more than thirty feet tall was attacking a lightning dove. The eyes of the yellow giant ape were sluggish, and the body surface was covered with mysterious spiritual patterns. The lightning dove's claws hit the yellow giant ape, sparks scattered, There was a sound of metal crashing.

A thick four-color light curtain covered the four god-turning cultivators. Among them was an old man in green robe who was as thin as a bamboo pole. The old man in green robe had thin cheeks and a rosy face. He was holding a blue dust whisk in his hand. Blue Fukong.

Lan Fukong has already cultivated to the great perfection of God Transformation. He learned that there is a colorful jade lotus here. He found a few friends and came here to pick the colorful jade lotus together.

The colorful jade lotus grows one leaf in a thousand years. After it grows to seven leaves, the lotus seeds can be used to refine the colorful jade liquid, which is helpful for the spiritual cultivator to attack the virtual refining period.

The panacea that can assist the cultivator to reach the Void Refining Stage is rarely found on the market. The Lan family sent a large number of disciples to look for them. They participated in various gatherings and auctions, but they failed to buy a panacea, which was richer than the Lan family. There is a lot of power.

In desperation, Lan Fukong could only go to the wild land to take risks.

Two lightning doves slammed their wings fiercely, and hundreds of silver lightning **** flew out, smashing on the four-color light curtain, submerging the four-color light curtain.

The right palm of the yellow giant ape suddenly lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and shot towards a lightning dove. The lightning dove was about to avoid it, but an unstoppable gravity came from the ground. It felt trapped in the quagmire. The body cannot move freely.

The palm of the yellow giant ape clapped on the body of a lightning dove, and the lightning dove made a miserable bird song and fell from the sky.

Taking this opportunity, the four Lan Fukong controlled the Tongtian Lingbao to attack the lightning dove, killing it with a loud explosion.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other lightning dove fluttered its wings and flew out of the cave with a very fast speed.

A loud and piercing beast roar sounded, and a golden sound wave blocked Lightning Dove's way.

The lightning dove fluttered its wings, and hundreds of silver lightning **** flew out and greeted them.

After the loud bang, the golden sound wave suddenly disintegrated, and the dense silver thunderballs smashed on the yellow giant ape one after another, bursting open one after another, and the dazzling silver thunder light drowned the body of the yellow giant ape.

A piercing sound of breaking the air sounded, and dense cyan silk threads flew, and some of the cyan silk threads wrapped around Lightning Dove's left claw.

A big yellow hand fell from the sky and slapped on the body of the lightning dove. The lightning dove made a shrill bird song and fell from the sky. A yellow giant seal, a cyan long knife and a red long ge were shot out one after another. Come.

Lightning Dove's left paw was entangled with cyan silk threads, which could not be avoided at all. Three heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures struck Lightning Dove's body, killing it.

"Finally kill them, it's not easy!"

A red-robed old man with a blushing face said excitedly.

"Hey, if it wasn't for the puppet beasts that the old man bought and refined by Taihao, we wouldn't have killed these two lightning doves so easily."

Lan Fukong said triumphantly, he sent someone to Xueyanfang City and bought a puppet beast from the Wang family at a high price, claiming that it was a puppet beast refined by Wang Changsheng himself.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, you are bragging again. Master Taihao is a cultivator. How could he make puppet beasts for you?"

A graceful young woman in a yellow dress said with a chuckle.

"Hmph, why are you lying to me? I, Lan, never brag."

Lan Fukong looked righteous.

The red-robed old man and Lan Fukong had known each other for many years, so they naturally knew what he was like.

They put away the body of the lightning dove, carefully dug out the colorful jade lotus, and divided the lotus seeds.

Walking out of the cave, the red-robed old man turned his eyes and said, "Let's continue to walk around! It's a rare visit, and there must be a lot of treasures in the wild land."

"Farewell, this is the depths of the wild land, there are sixth-order monsters infested, let's leave quickly!"

Lan Fukong urged that if it wasn't for the purpose of attacking the Void Refinement Stage, he would not dare to go to the wild land.

"Yeah! Let's go!"

The young woman in the yellow skirt agreed.

At this moment, the ground shook violently, and a huge earth bag appeared in the distance, and the earth bag quickly moved towards them.

"No, it's a monster!"

The red-robed old man's face sank, his right hand lit up with a dazzling red light, and he patted the earthbag void.

The void vibrated and distorted, and a big red hand several hundred meters in size flew out. After careful observation, the big red hand was composed of countless red flames, with an amazing heat wave, and slapped the soil bag.

With a loud noise, the big red hand burst open, flames splashed everywhere, and a behemoth drilled out from the ground. It was a huge golden giant rat. The golden giant rat was covered with golden mane and golden eyes. Fierce eyes.

"Tier six monsters!"

Lan Fukong exclaimed, his legs softened.

The golden giant rat let out a sharp, ear-piercing roar, shook its body lightly, and countless golden manes flew out, like flying needles, towards Lan Fukong and the others.

The four Lan Fukong reacted quickly and avoided them one after another.

The dense golden stabs hit the The ground suddenly burst open, and the dust flew up.

The golden giant rat's body glowed with golden light, and a huge rat phantom appeared high in the sky. The giant rat phantom shone with golden light and made a harsh roar.

Hearing this sound, the bodies of the four Lan Fukong softened and they could not use mana.

The golden giant rat opened its big mouth, and a powerful suction emerged out of thin air, and the four of Lan Fukong flew towards the golden giant rat.

A man full of energy shouted loudly, the golden giant rat's body twitched, and the suction suddenly disappeared.

A blue long rainbow flew and hit the golden giant rat. The golden giant rat let out a painful scream, and there was a terrifying blood hole on its body.

Two escaping lights flew from a distance, and after a while, the two escaping lights stopped, and they were Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen.

"Really Taihao, Senior Wang!"

Lan Fukong exclaimed.

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