Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2289: Dharma Statue Shows Divine Might

The latest website: Lan Fukong was full of surprises. He didn't expect to meet Wang Changsheng here.

"Little friend Lan, you are only in the spirit transformation period, this is not the place for you to stay, let's go!"

Wang Changsheng commanded in a stern tone.

He took Wang Sen to the wild land to look for the crystal of silver ganglia. Along the way, he did encounter many monsters. Fortunately, the rank was not high. Without Wang Changsheng's action, Wang Sen solved it.

In the depths of the wild land, he was attracted by the sound of fighting, but he did not expect to encounter Lan Fukong.

"Thank you Senior Wang for saving your life, Senior Wang, we can help you a little bit."

Lan Fukong said sincerely that with Wang Changsheng present, he did not panic.

Lan Fukong thought of doing a little favor to get closer to Wang Changsheng.

"I can deal with this monster myself, but I can't take care of you when I fight, so let's go!"

Wang Changsheng urged that he didn't want them to see the situation of his own dharma. Knowing the enemy and knowing yourself can win a hundred battles. You must know that the dharma of many cultivators is only partially condensed, while Wang Changsheng's dharma is only partially condensed. Go out, the enemy will certainly be on guard.

As soon as the voice fell, countless cyan thorns and weeds suddenly emerged from the ground, turning into thick ropes, entangling the body of the golden giant rat.

The four Lan Fukong wanted to say something, but the ground shook violently, like an earthquake.

"Come on."

The red-robed old man made a decisive decision, turned into a flash of light, and walked away at a particularly fast speed.

The three of Lan Fukong followed closely. Before they could fly far, the ground burst open, smoke billowed, and towering trees fell one by one.

An invisible force pushed them out, and they took the opportunity to speed up their escape.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, dust was flying, yellow sand filled the sky, towering trees burst open, turned into countless sawdust, and the air was billowing.

When the four Lan Fukong saw this scene, they all showed shocked expressions on their faces.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, you really know Taihao!"

The old man in red robe said in an envious tone, Lan Fukong often bragged, no one believed him, and he never thought that Lan Fukong really knew the real person Taihao.

"Of course, can this kind of thing be said nonsense? Senior Wang is so powerful, it is estimated that he can kill this monster in less than a cup of tea."

Lan Fukong said triumphantly, his face full of pride, as if he was talking about himself.

The sixth-order monsters are not easy to kill, after all, they already have the law.

Inside the yellow sand screen, Wang Changsheng stood on the blue ocean, a huge human-shaped phantom floated above his head, and the small half of the human-shaped phantom radiated a burst of black light.

The right fist of the human-shaped phantom smashed towards the opposite void, the void made a "humming" sound, and a black fist shadow more than a thousand feet in size flew out. The crack, the entire void seemed to collapse, and the ground burst open directly.

If the Dharma is condensed by half, the power will increase several times. If it is condensed completely, the destructive power will be even greater.

The golden giant rat felt the terrifying coercion emanating from the black fist shadow, and did not dare to be careless. The giant rat phantom above his head made a sharp and ear-piercing roar, spurting a golden sound wave, and greeted it.

The black boxing shadow collided with the golden sound wave, and the golden sound wave shattered instantly like a paper paste, and the powerful air wave burst the ground for dozens of miles.

The black boxing shadow smashed on the giant rat phantom, the giant rat phantom made a painful neigh, and instantly collapsed, the black boxing shadow smashed on the golden giant rat, and the golden giant rat flew out and smashed dozens of peaks.

Without waiting for the golden giant rat to take a breath, an extremely harsh sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a blue long rainbow shot out, instantly reaching its front.

The golden giant rat opened its **** mouth and spurted out a golden light.

After the loud bang, the golden light was defeated by the blue Changhong, and the blue Changhong struck the golden giant mouse, piercing its body, and a huge blood hole appeared.

It didn't stop there, a huge blue wave suddenly appeared in front of it, and after a blur, it turned into a blue sky-high hand, with ten million force, slapped the golden giant mouse.

Before the big hand of Qingtian fell, a powerful pressure came oncoming, the mountain peaks burst, the towering trees turned into sawdust, and cracks appeared in the void, and the void of a hundred miles seemed to collapse.

The eyes of the golden giant rat were full of fear, and when he wanted to avoid it, countless cyan vines and cyan weeds emerged from the ground, tying it up.

Its body surface glowed with golden light, and countless golden manes flew out, tearing apart the blue vines and the weeds, and the big hand also fell.

There was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, and the ground in a radius of ten thousand li shook violently, like an earthquake, and the smoke and dust filled the sky.

The four Lan Fukong were stunned, and their eyeballs were about to fall out.

"Fa Xiangtiandi! It's so terrifying!"

Lan Fukong muttered to himself, in addition to being shocked, his expression also became excited.

This is the real supernatural power. The gap between the cultivator and the cultivator cannot be filled by a few treasures.

He has seen other Void cultivators fighting, but none of them have such a big battle.

The smoke and dust dissipated, revealing a huge pit on the ground, and the golden giant rat was photographed into a puddle of meat.

A mini-mouse flew out of the body, and before it flew far, a golden glow fell from the sky, covering the mini-mouse, dragging it into the mouth of Soul Eater Jin Chan and disappearing.

Soul Eater Jin Chan flapped its wings and made a cheerful neigh.

Wang Changsheng descended from the sky and fell into the giant pit.

It was not easy for Wang Changsheng to kill a low-level sixth-rank monster in the large-scale beast tide hundreds of years ago. Now, it is easy to kill a low-level six-level monster rat, which shows how important it is to condense the law.

Wang Changsheng looked at the giant rat that had turned into a pool of minced meat, and a smile appeared on his face. It was worth it for him to spend a lot of time in the lower realm. He used the law to kill monsters, but he used the law to show a little power. The more the law was condensed, the better his The stronger the strength.

"The five elements are unified, the spirit is transformed and the void is returned, and the law looks like heaven and earth!"

Wang Changsheng muttered to himself, his eyes fiery.

He could kill a sixth-order monster without using Tongtian Lingbao. Before that, he didn’t even dare to think about it. The last time he dealt with a few sixth-order monsters, he was injured. With his powerful body and healing pills, Wang Changsheng cultivated It took hundreds of years to heal.

It is more difficult for the demon rat to advance to the stage, so the swallowing rat is a bit more powerful. The magical powers of other demon rats are still relatively weak, and they actually encountered a sixth-order demon rat, UU reading www.uukanshu. com shows that there are many treasures in the wild land.

A small dirt bag bulged on the ground, and the double-eyed rat emerged from the ground. It made a roar of excitement, its body surface glowed yellow, and its size skyrocketed. It opened its **** mouth and spurted a yellow glow, covering The corpse of the demon rat was rolled into its mouth and swallowed.

The four Lan Fukong flew over, and when they saw the giant pit, their eyes were full of shock.

"Many thanks to Senior Wang for saving his life. Senior Wang has great magical powers and extraordinary strength. In the future, he will definitely be able to enter the integration period. Mahayana is not difficult."

Lan Fukong's face was full of flattery, and he flattered.

The three old men in red robes didn't find it strange, but it would be strange if Lan Fukong didn't flatter him.

"This is not where you stay, you go back! This time you are lucky, next time you will not be so lucky."

Wang Changsheng instructed to sacrifice the Qingluan boat, put away the double-eyed mouse and the soul-devouring golden cicada, and took Wang Sen away from this place, disappearing into the sky.

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