Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2293: Sky Soul Wood

The latest website: "What? Uncle Ninth went to the wild land!"

Wang Qingshan frowned, the wild land is notoriously dangerous, and if a cultivator goes to the wild land, he may fall, not to mention a cultivator.

If Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan went to the wild land together, Wang Qingshan was not so worried, and Wang Changsheng went alone, it would be difficult to say.

"Don't worry! Your ninth uncle's dharma has been condensed by half, and his strength has improved a lot, otherwise he will not go to the wild land. You have just entered the refining stage, so you should take a good time to take care of it, at least three hundred years. In more than five hundred years, the beast tide will definitely break out, and it will be much easier to resist the beast tide at that time."

Wang Ruyan's face was full of joy. With Wang Qingshan's supernatural powers, the three of them joined forces to fight against the sixth-rank high-grade monsters, provided there was only one sixth-grade high-grade monsters.

Wang Qingshan nodded, if that's the case, that's fine.

After chatting a few words, Wang Qingshan returned to the green bamboo bee and retreated to recuperate.

Wang Ruyan took out a communication disk, entered a magic formula, and ordered: "Qingcheng, if your father's life lamp is abnormal, let me know immediately."

"Got it, mother."

Wang Qingcheng's voice sounded.

Wang Ruyan put away the communication tray, with a worried look on her face. It is fake to say that she is not worried about Wang Changsheng, but she does not want Wang Qingshan to worry about it.

"It's been over a period of time, why hasn't my husband come back? Did you encounter a seventh-order monster?"

Wang Ruyan muttered to himself, his eyes full of worry.


In the depths of the wild land, there is an endless dense forest with towering ancient trees, luxuriant branches and leaves, and the canopy obscures the sky and the sun, making the dense forest a bit dim.

There was a deafening roar from the depths of the jungle, and the ground shook.

In an open field, a large number of trees were broken at the waist. Wang Changsheng stood on the ground, panting, his face slightly pale, and a huge human-shaped phantom floated above his head, which was the dharma image.

The double-eyed rat was lying on Wang Changsheng's shoulder, and an excited cry came out of his mouth.

A dark, two-headed alien beast was lying in a huge pit. The alien beast had turned into a pile of mud and could not be seen.

Not far away, there is a giant tree with five people hugging each other. It is more than 100 feet high. It is pitch-black and has some golden lines on its surface.

Ten Thousand Years Heavenly Soul Wood is an excellent material for refining sixth-order puppet beasts. Using spirit stone estimates, the value of this Heavenly Soul Wood is more than 100 million, which is enough for Wang Changsheng to refine puppet beasts many times.

In addition to the Heavenly Soul Wood, other materials are needed to refine the sixth-order puppet beast. The most difficult to find is the Heavenly Soul Wood, which has extremely high requirements on the environment and grows in places with strong yin.

Speaking of which, he was able to find this Heavenly Soul Wood, which had a certain relationship with Wang Yingjie. Wang Yingjie had been to this dense forest, but he did not see the Heavenly Soul Wood. record it.

Wang Changsheng found this place according to the map. The elixir had been eaten by the monsters, but he found a ten thousand year soul tree on the way to kill the monsters.

After Wang Changsheng's injury was healed, he spent decades refining two beads for robbery, and one of them was sacrificed and cultivated in his body.

There are many kinds of things that can replace robbery, and they are not universal. The things that the Yuanying cultivator can replace the robbery may not be suitable for the cultivator, and the consequence is that they cannot replace the robbery.

Treasures such as the Jewels of Tribulation can be used by cultivators who fit together, but Mahayana is hard to say. In short, it's like a healing medicine. Taking it may not be useful. The same is true for the transformation pills. There are many kinds of pills to assist the transformation of monsters. The higher the level of the monsters, the more advanced the transformation pills are. Gu Yan

After refining the Jewels for Tribulation, the cultivator needs to put them into the body and cultivate them with True Yuan. The longer the cultivation time is, the better the effect of Tribulation will be. It is only a one-time use item, and there are some high-level Tribulation Treasures that can be used. Many times, but every time it is robbed, it is necessary to recover the immortal cultivator's body for hundreds or even thousands of years.

The Bead of Tribulation is ineffective against the Great Tribulation. Even if there is a calamity to be blocked for the Bead of Tribulation, the Great Tribulation will still not dissipate, either through the Great Tribulation or death.

Another robbery pearl, Wang Changsheng intends to leave it to Wang Ruyan, wait for him to return to the clan to collect materials, and then help other clansmen refine the robbery pearl. The fly in the ointment is that any robbery treasure can only be used once by each monk. The second time is very bad.

It is already very good to be able to take the robbery once, and it can save his life at a critical moment.

Wang Changsheng's magic art was pinched, and the hands of the humanoid phantom hugged the Sky Soul Wood and pulled it up.

A dazzling yellow light emerged from the ground, and a huge dirt bag swelled up.

After the loud bang, Tianhunmu was forcibly pulled out by Fa Xiang.

Wang Changsheng took out the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword, and chopped the Heavenly Soul Wood into small pieces, which he collected into the storage ring.

The ground suddenly swelled up, and the double-eyed rat emerged from the ground. It quickly climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder, holding an emerald green young bamboo shoot in its claws and biting it.

Its actual combat supernatural ability is not strong, but it is good at earth escape and searching for elixir, and its eyes are still mutated.

The double-eyed rat's food intake is not smaller than that of the tortoise. Fortunately, it is not a picky eater. What to eat, the tortoise is relatively picky eater.

Wang Changsheng smiled, waited for it to finish eating the tender bamboo shoots, took out a green fruit, and fed it to the double-eyed rat.

The double-eyed mouse quickly ate the green fruit and made a cheerful chirping sound, as if to say thank you to the master.

Wang Changsheng seemed to be aware of something, and with a pinch of the law, the law disappeared.

He took out the green chrysanthemum beads and entered a magic trick.

After a while, the blue mist dissipated, and Wang Changsheng disappeared.

There was a deafening roar in the distance, and a huge red mushroom cloud suddenly appeared high in the sky, which was very conspicuous.

The roar continued, and the air was billowing.

A quarter of an hour later, UU Reading three rays of light flew from a distance and stopped in the sky above the dense forest. The light faded, revealing two men and a woman. All three of them were in the Void Refinement Stage. Looking at their appearances, It is a fire clan.

The leader was a red-robed old man with a pot belly. His eyes were majestic and his mana fluctuated.

The red-robed old man took out a red shining magic mirror. There was a flame pattern on the edge of the mirror.

The red light flashed, and the red magic mirror spurted a red glow, hitting the void, and the red glow moved slowly, as if looking for someone.

The red glow passed by Wang Changsheng's hiding place, but did not find him.

Qing Chi Pearl is a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao anyway, and it is still difficult to find Wang Changsheng's existence in a low-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

"That guy is not here, go, go to other places, he is seriously injured, and he must not run far."

The red-robed old man's tone was stern, and the three of them turned into three rays of light and left.

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