Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2294: Silver Gang Crystal

An hour later, a blue light lit up somewhere in the void, and Wang Changsheng appeared.

There was a thoughtful expression on his face. He didn't expect to meet the Jinghuo clan in the wild land. It seemed that they were looking for someone.

In the wild land, it is not easy to guard against monsters, but also guard against Jinghuo clan.

"Count the time, it should be healed!"

Wang Changsheng muttered to himself, turned into a blue long rainbow and walked away, disappearing into the sky.

Two days later, Wang Changsheng landed outside a huge karst cave, and a dark river passed through the karst cave.

Wang Changsheng blew a whistle, and it didn't take long for the river to tumble violently, and the tortoise emerged from the river. Wang Sen sat crossed on the back of the tortoise, his face was slightly pale, and he was obviously injured.

At certain times, Wang Sen can be useful, such as attracting high-level monsters.

Wang Sen was seriously injured when he lured a high-level monster not long ago. Wang Changsheng took Wang Sen to inconvenient to move, and let him heal here.

Wang Changsheng jumped on the back of the tortoise, and a water-blue light curtain emerged out of thin air, covering the two of them. The tortoise dived into the bottom of the river, quickly sneaked under the river, and disappeared into the dark river.

More than a billion miles away, a vast and boundless black jungle, razed to the ground in a radius of tens of thousands of miles, with no grass and pits, it seems that some people are fighting here.

According to this, more than 100,000 miles away, a hidden cave.

The cave is more than 100 acres in size. A giant red tower is located in the center of the cave. The red giant tower shakes violently, but it quickly returns to normal.

After a cup of tea, a blue-shirted youth with resolute facial features and a red-skirted young woman walked out. The blue-shirted youth was dripping with blood, his face was pale, and his vitality was severely damaged.

The young woman in the red dress has some red spiritual patterns on her face, her eyes are crimson, her waist is full, her eyebrows are like Dai, and the towering twin peaks squeeze out a deep ravine, which is fascinating.

"You stay here to heal, and go back to Zhenhai Palace when your injury heals! The soul-melting method will not make your soul lamp go out. I hope you can find out the news of Xuantian's things, and it is best to get solid evidence. For example, the Nascent Soul of a Zhenhai Palace elder who has seen something of Xuantian."

The young woman in the red dress commanded in a stern tone.

More than a thousand years ago, Jin holmium searched for treasures in Xuanling Cave, and learned the news of the birth of Xuantian things, and brought this news back to the Jinghuo clan, but this is only his side of the word, there is no strong evidence, let alone other races, The high-level Jinghuo clan did not believe it.

"Yes, Master Yanji."

The blue-shirted youth responded with a respectful expression.

Yan Ji made a move with one hand, and the giant red tower shrank rapidly, disappearing into her sleeve.

Countless red runes lit up on Yan Ji's body, which turned into light and disappeared.

A towering peak, with sparse vegetation on the mountain, looks a bit desolate, and there is a huge cave at the foot of the mountain.

A cyan light flew from a distance and stopped above the peak. The light converged, revealing a flying boat with cyan light, with Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen standing on it.

The double-eyed mouse was lying on Wang Changsheng's shoulder, its eyes lit up with a dazzling yellow light, it made a chirping sound, and its tail swung back and forth, looking very excited.

The Double Eyed Rat used the Earth Escape Technique to search for elixir, and accidentally discovered a metal mine. There have been many similar situations. Generally speaking, high-level metal ore veins or special mineral veins can stop the Double Eyed Rat's Earth Escape Art.

Wang Changsheng's distraction was attached to the double-eyed mouse. With the help of the mutant eyes of the double-eyed mouse, he could clearly see that at the end of the cave was a huge cave with a size of more than 100 acres. silver light.

"The crystal of silver astral is actually here."

Wang Changsheng was full of surprises. This place was located in the depths of the wild land, beyond the range given by Fang Ming.

He originally gave up and planned to return to Qinglian Island. He didn't expect to find the Silver Gang Crystal on the way home, which was an unexpected joy.

There was no shadow of monsters or monsters in the cave, and Soul Eater Jin Chan was not abnormal, but there were no elixir or spirit fruit trees in the cave.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and tens of thousands of gold-devouring ants flew out towards the cave.

The gold-swallowing ants reached the end of the cave, crawled on the silvery stone wall, and gnawed.

But it didn't take long for holes to appear on the stone wall, and a group of silver beetles flew out from the stone wall and rushed towards the gold-devouring ants.

The silver beetle has a pair of silver wings on its back, and its body is flat and long, resembling a scabbard.

"Silver scabbard, it's actually such a strange insect!"

Surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes. The silver scabbard was ranked two hundred and eighth on the list of ten thousand insects.

The magical powers of silver sheath worms are not strong, but they devour metal ores all year round. Silver sheath worms above the fifth rank will breed some strange gold, which can be refined into magic weapons such as swords, which can enhance the power of swords, but the spirit insects are constantly advanced. , sixth-order silver sheath worms are very rare.

The Gold Swallowing Ant was no match for the Silver Scabbard at all, and was quickly defeated.

Wang Changsheng's sleeves flicked, and a golden talisman flew out. After the talisman lit up with a dazzling yellow light, it turned into a burly young man in yellow shirt.


Wang Changsheng stretched out his hand, and the young man in yellow shirt turned into a beam of yellow light and flew into the cave.

Just as he reached the end of the cave, he moved his arms, and with a piercing sound of breaking through the air, dense yellow fist shadows flew out and smashed at the silver sheath worm.

The low-level silver sheath worm was hit by the yellow fist shadow, and it was torn apart immediately.

The stone wall lit up with a dazzling silver light, and a silver sheath worm with a length of more than 100 meters flew out from the stone wall. In terms of appearance, it resembled a silver scabbard.

"The sixth-order silver sheath worm!"

Wang Changsheng's face froze, and his face showed an expression of interest. The Queen of Gold Swallowing Ants is currently a top-ranking fifth-order worm.

As soon as the sixth-order silver sheath worm appeared, countless slender silver lights spewed out from its mouth, piercing the body of the youth in yellow shirt, and the youth in yellow shirt turned into a little yellow light and disappeared.

It opened its mouth and spewed out a silver glow, covering all the gold-devouring ants, and tucked them into its mouth and disappeared.

The sixth-order silver scabbard did not chase out, and drilled back into the stone wall, and the other silver scabbards drilled back into the stone wall one after another.

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly, since he discovered the sixth-order silver sheath worm, he naturally had nothing to say.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the young man in yellow shirt turned into a glittering yellow talisman, which disappeared into his sleeve.

Wang Changsheng flew into the cave, followed by Wang Sen.

Almost at the moment when Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen appeared, there was an ear-piercing cracking sound from the stone wall, and hundreds of thousands of silver lights flew out, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen.

As soon as Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, a human-shaped phantom suddenly appeared in the void above his head, which was the dharma image.

As soon as the face of the law appeared, his hands turned into palms, and he slapped towards the void, the void oscillated and distorted, and two **** hands emerged out of nowhere, slapped the opposite side, and there were thick and long cracks.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the dense silver light was smashed by two **** hands.

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