Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2295: attacked

Two **** hands slapped on the body of the sixth-order silver scabbard, and the sixth-order silver scabbard suddenly flew out and slammed into the stone wall.

The grotto shook violently, and a large amount of gravel rolled off the stone walls and fell to the ground.

Soon, holes appeared in the stone wall, and millions of silver sheath worms drilled out of the stone wall and rushed towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng released the tortoise, and countless silver arcs appeared on the body of the tortoise. He opened the big mouth of the blood basin and spewed out a silver light. The silver light flew high into the sky, turned into a huge thundercloud, and floated in the sky.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, silver lightnings flew out one by one, hitting the silver sheath worms.

The low-level silver scabbard was hit by silver lightning, and the fifth-order low-level silver scabbard couldn't stop the scale tortoise.

The deafening thunder sounded, and the silver sheath worm just approached Wang Changsheng thousands of feet, when it was struck by the dense silver lightning and vanished into ashes.

The sixth-order silver sheath worm made a strange hissing sound, and a huge beetle phantom appeared out of thin air, with a silver head shining.

It uses the crystal of silver astral to condense the law and condense the brain.

The beetle's eyes each shot a silver light, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, and the humanoid phantom opened his mouth and let out a loud shout, spurting out a blue sound wave.

The two silver lights collided with the blue sound waves, bursting in an instant, and the powerful air waves that erupted shattered the ground, sending dust flying.

The humanoid phantom let out a deafening shout, the void vibrated and twisted, and most of the silver sheath worms fell from the air.

God roar!

The beetle phantom became looming and almost collapsed.

With the same magical power, the power of the Dharma is even greater.

It tapped its finger on the opposite side, and countless blue water vapors emerged. After a blur, it turned into a blue long rainbow and went straight to the opposite side.

The blue Changhong hit the beetle phantom's head, and there was a muffled sound.

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise, it seems that the effect of the silver ganglion crystal condensing method is really good.

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly and pinched the magic trick, the upper body of the humanoid phantom burst into a dazzling blue light, and he slapped his right hand toward the void, and countless blue water vapor emerged, turning into a blue sky-high hand, slapped towards the opposite side, Where Qingtian's big hand passed, thick and long cracks appeared in the void, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

The sixth-order silver sheath worm felt the terrifying coercion emanating from the big hand of the sky, the beetle phantom lit up with a dazzling silver light, opened its mouth and spewed a silver sound wave, and greeted it.

The silver sound wave collided with Qingtian's big hand, and a powerful air wave erupted, but soon, the silver sound wave collapsed and disappeared.

Qingtian slapped the beetle phantom with his big hand, and the beetle phantom burst instantly, turning into a little bit of aura and disappearing.

The ground shook, and the ground was shot by a giant hand. The sixth-order silver sheath worm lay in the giant pit and slowly climbed out. There were many terrifying cracks on the surface.

"It's not dead!"

Wang Changsheng frowned, and other sixth-order monsters would have long since turned into flesh.

The human-shaped phantom pointed a finger, and a blue long rainbow flew out, and the head of the sixth-order silver sheath worm exploded and turned into a pile of minced meat.

Wang Changsheng released the gold-swallowing ants and let them devour the corpse of the silver scabbard. The queen of the gold-swallowing ants flew to the corpse of the sixth-order silver scabbard, swallowed the corpse and the demon pill, and pulled out a spar the size of a grinding disc. golden pattern.

This is the rare gold cultivated by the sixth-order silver sheath worm devouring a large amount of metal ores.

Once the sixth-order silver sheath worms died, the remaining silver sheath worms were no match for Wang Changsheng. With the cooperation of the scale turtle, they quickly wiped out most of the silver sheath worms, and the golden swallowing ants devoured the corpses of the silver sheath worms frantically.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the human-shaped phantom moved his arms and smashed towards the stone wall glowing with silver light.

After the loud bang, the stone wall was torn apart.

After a quarter of an hour, Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen walked out of the cave. There were not many silver ganglia crystals here, but the silver scabbard devoured a lot of them and handed them in. There were still a lot of silver ganglia crystals left.

As soon as they walked out of the cave, there was a ripple on the top of their heads, and a small golden pagoda appeared out of nowhere, and instantly expanded.

Wang Changsheng's body surface released blue light, and with a loud shout, the void vibrated and distorted.

The speed of the golden glow slowed down. Taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng moved his arms and smashed at the golden glow. The golden glow was torn apart, and he and Wang Sen flew out.

Before they flew far, a strong gravity suddenly came from the ground, and the two quickly fell towards the ground.

Almost at the same time, there was a ripple on their heads, and a blue sky-high hand appeared out of thin air. The sky-high hand was composed of countless cyan flames, emitting an amazing heat wave, and patted Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen.

Wang Changsheng's fists moved, and smashed the big hand above his head.

The rumbling giant, the big hand of the sky burst open in an instant, and the billowing flames drowned Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen.

Soon, a dazzling aura lit up in the sea of ​​​​fire, and a huge human-shaped phantom appeared out of thin air, and patted the ground with both hands.

After a huge roar sounded, **** hands flew out, and UU Reading patted all around.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the ground burst open, dust and smoke billowing.

"However, in the early stage of virtual refining, the Dharma has been condensed by half, and it is about to catch up with the integrated monk. It seems that you are the elite of the human race! Then I can't let you go, don't live, kill Wushe."

A cold female voice suddenly sounded.

A cloud of cyan fire appeared in the void, and after a blur, it turned into a tall young woman in a blue skirt, with some red spiritual patterns on her face. Seeing the fluctuation of her mana, she was a middle-stage cultivator.

The eyes of the young woman in the blue skirt were full of fear. Even the elites of the Fire-Fine Clan were unable to condense the dharma form by half in the early stage of the virtual refinement, and it was not bad to be able to condense one-fifth of the dharma form.

Two yellow lights suddenly flew out from the ground and disappeared into the sea of ​​​​fire.

After a while, the sea of ​​​​fire dissipated, and there was a huge pit on the ground. There was a human-shaped statue in the pit. It was Wang Sen, Wang Changsheng disappeared, and the dharma disappeared.

Countless blue water vapor suddenly appeared in the void dozens of miles away, and after a blur, it turned into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

Since entering the wild land, the incarnation and the fifth-order talisman have helped him lure monsters, and have saved many dangers, but did not expect to fall into the hands of aliens.

The most important thing is that Wang Changsheng didn't notice that the enemy was lying in ambush in the dark at all. He suffered a big loss and his avatar was destroyed.

Alien treasure? Secret art?

The Jinghuo family is not good at refining weapons, and the Jinghuo clan who can have hidden treasures should be the elite children of the Jinghuo clan. It is reasonable to say that they will not venture to the wild land, not to mention the secret arts. I heard that the Jinghuo people are good at concealment. Thinking of the gravity just now, Wang Changsheng thinks of a racial spirit clan.

------off topic-----

Yesterday, I thought that the plot didn't rest well. Today is two more updates. Rest well and tomorrow morning.

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