Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2302: Return to Zhenhai Palace

Spring and autumn come, and sixty years have passed.

A fast-flowing river, the bottom of the river.

The riverbed suddenly lit up with a faint yellow light, and Wang Changsheng emerged from the ground. His injuries were almost healed, and he was about to leave this place.

His body was wrapped in a cloud of blue rays of light, moving towards the river.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng returned to the river.

He turned into a blue rainbow and walked away. In order to avoid attracting the attention of the high-level demon birds, he did not fly too high.

He had just flown out a hundred miles when there was a loud noise in front of him, and a huge cloud of red mushrooms lit up in the sky, shaking the ground.

Wang Changsheng was startled, and stopped quickly, his consciousness widened.

It didn't take long for his consciousness to sense a powerful aura flying towards him, but it was in the middle of the virtual refining.

The double-eyed mouse climbed out of Wang Changsheng's sleeves and climbed onto his shoulders with bright eyes.

With the help of the eyes of the double-eyed mouse, Wang Changsheng could clearly see that a blue-shirted youth with resolute facial features was flying towards here, looking at his clothes, it was a cultivator of Zhenhai Palace.

"Chen Lang, it's him."

Surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes. Fang Ming originally proposed to let Wang Changsheng and Chen Lang form a team, but Wang Changsheng refused.

According to Fang Ming's account, Chen Lang and many other cultivators went to the barren land to look for the crystal of silver ganglia. Why did they only see Chen Lang? Could it be that the other cultivators were killed?

Chen Lang's escaping speed was very fast, and it didn't take long for him to appear in Wang Changsheng's line of sight.

His face was pale, and he looked like he had consumed too much mana.

There was a sharp and piercing bird chirping from high in the sky, and a huge red giant owl appeared high in the sky, its wings spread more than a thousand feet long, and its eyes were fierce.

"Seventh-order monster bird!"

Wang Changsheng's face changed.

The red giant owl slammed its wings fiercely, spewing out a red flame, which turned into a huge red fire cloud, with an amazing heat wave, falling from the sky.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and nine Dinghaizhu flew out. After a swirl, a large amount of blue sea water poured out, turning into a huge blue water curtain, covering them.

The red fire cloud collided with the blue water curtain and burst open in an instant, turning into a huge cloud of red mushrooms, submerging a radius of hundreds of miles, and the fog filled the air.

After a while, the fog dissipated, the blue water curtain disappeared, and Wang Changsheng and Chen Lang also disappeared.

At the bottom of the river, Wang Changsheng and Chen Lang were covered by a blue light curtain and moved quickly forward.

"Thank you for your life-saving friend, Chen Lang in Xiazhenhai Palace."

Chen Lang said sincerely.

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and asked with some doubts, "Senior Brother Chen doesn't know me?"

"Have we met?"

Chen Lang looked up and down at Wang Changsheng.

"I haven't seen it, but I have heard of Senior Brother Chen."

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said, reporting his name.

"It turned out to be Junior Brother Wang. I have been in seclusion all the year round, and I have never met Junior Brother. I would take the liberty to ask, which Junior Brother Wang did you learn from?"

Chen Lang asked politely.

"I was originally a disciple of Zhenhai Palace, but now I have left."

Wang Changsheng explained, feeling a little confused.

If you say that the cultivators don’t know each other, it’s okay to say that the cultivators of Zhenhai Palace have never seen him, they must have heard of him! Could it be that, in order to prevent the news of Xuantian things from leaking, Chen Yueying would not let people spread the deeds of Wang Changsheng? There is this possibility.

"So that's the case, thank Junior Brother Wang for helping, otherwise I'll be in trouble."

Chen Lang said gratefully.

"It's just a matter of raising your hands, Senior Brother Chen, Senior Brother Ting Fang, a few of you have entered the wild land to look for the crystal of silver ganglia, what about the others!"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

"We met the seventh-order monsters, and they were all killed. Fortunately, we found some silver astral crystals. When we return to Zhenhai Palace, I will be very grateful to my brother."

Chen Lang promised in a sincere tone.

Wang Changsheng nodded, without further questioning, the magic trick was pinched, and the blue light curtain accelerated the escape technique.

The red giant owl cast a spell to attack the bottom of the river, and the dense red fireballs smashed down, causing a huge roar, billowing fog and dust.

After a while, the red giant owl swooped down from the sky and flew into a hidden cave.

A young woman in a red dress with a hot body was standing in the cave. She had some red spiritual patterns on her face, her waist was full, her eyebrows were like daisies, and her twin peaks were towering.

"Someone testified, it should be able to reduce the suspicion of Zhenhai Palace's senior management."

The young woman in the red dress said to herself, the red giant owl turned into a red light, and the spirit beast bracelet that flew into her disappeared.

The young woman in the red dress took out a red glittering magic plate, entered a magic formula, and instructed: "The task is completed, you can go back, come and gather immediately."

"Yes, Lord Yanji, by the way, we met Lord Bai Xuan, what do you think?"

A respectful male voice suddenly sounded.

"How could he appear in the Wilderness?"

Yan Ji wondered.

"I came here to look for some materials for condensing the law. I didn't expect to meet you, Yan Ji. I found a miniature golden jade ore vein, but there are two seventh-order ancient beasts guarding it. Are you interested in joining forces?"

A laughing male voice suddenly sounded.

"Miniature Jinyan Divine Jade Vein? No problem, come here! I'll be waiting for you on the spot, by the way, if you encounter human monks, don't worry about them, you won't see them."

Yan Ji warned.

"Did you not see it? Hmph, my grandfather, father and mother died at the hands of the human race cultivators. You want me to pretend I didn't see it? If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, it's hard for me to pretend I didn't see it."

The man's voice was displeased.

"I am acting on orders. This is the order of the second elder. As for the specific task, I can't tell anyone. I only report to the second elder."

Yan Ji's tone was stern.

"Second elder? If that's the case, then forget it, we'll rush over to meet you right away."

Putting away the dharma plate, Yan Ji's face showed an excited expression.

"I didn't expect there to be an unexpected joy, the Jinyan Shenyu vein, I hope the reserves are a little more."

Yan Ji said to Zhenhai Palace, Deacon Hall, a secret room.

Fang Ming was sitting cross-legged on a blue futon, his eyes were closed, his hands were imprinted, and his body was covered with a dazzling aura.

After a while, the aura on his body dissipated and he opened his eyes.

He took out a blue-light shining magic plate, punched in a magic formula, and a respectful male voice suddenly sounded: "Master, Master Chen and Master Wang are back, they brought back the crystal of silver ganglion."

"Understood, I'll go out now."

Fang Ming put away the dharma plate, got up and walked out.

Not long after, he came to a side room, Wang Changsheng and Chen Lang were sitting on chairs, the two were chatting and laughing.

"Junior Brother Chen, Junior Brother Wang, you are finally back."

Fang Ming greeted with a smile.

"If I hadn't met Junior Brother Wang, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back."

Chen Lang smiled bitterly.

"Junior Brother Chen, the Law Enforcement Hall wants to inquire about Junior Sister Li and their whereabouts, you go first! I have something to say to Junior Brother Wang."

Fang Ming's tone was gentle, Chen Lang and other cultivators went to the wild land, and the other people's soul lights went out one after another. According to the rules of Zhenhai Palace, the Law Enforcement Hall had to conduct a routine review.

Chen Lang responded and got up and left.



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