Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2303: 3 ways

"Junior Brother Wang, how is it?"

Fang Ming was full of anticipation.

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly, and took out a piece of golden gleaming spiritual wood, with some mysterious spiritual patterns on the surface, it was the 30,000-year-old golden mulberry tree.

Jinsang Shenmu is a very good material for refining tools. For cultivators who practice wood attribute exercises or five-element exercises, Jinsang Shenmu is one of the best materials for condensing the appearance of the law, which can improve the recovery ability of the law.

The 30,000-year-old Jinsang Shenmu was guarded by two sixth-order high-grade monster beasts. Wang Sen and the fifth-order Fubing led away to guard a sixth-order monster. Only then did Wang Changsheng get a piece of Jinsang Shenmu.

"The 30,000-year-old golden mulberry tree!"

Fang Ming nodded with satisfaction, he asked how Wang Changsheng obtained Jinsang Shenmu.

Wang Changsheng lied, saying that in order to get Jinsang Shenmu, the incarnation was killed by the sixth-order monster, which would make Fang Ming owe a big favor. Believe it or not, it is Fang Ming's business.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Wang, your incarnation died in the hands of the sixth-order monster, it's not easy for you, make a price!"

Fang Ming's tone was sincere. Naturally, he didn't fully believe Wang Changsheng's words. He was dubious, but it was a fact that Wang Changsheng got Jinsang Shenmu.

Wang Changsheng's face turned stern, and he said sternly, "Senior Brother Fang, what does this mean? Treat me as an outsider?"

"I didn't mean that. In order to get Jinsang Shenmu, your incarnation was destroyed. I'm really sorry for my brother."

Fang Ming's face was full of guilt.

"It's just an incarnation. It's nothing. By the way, Senior Brother Fang, this is the crystal of silver ganglia. Do you see enough of the method to exchange for cultivator Lei Linggen to hit the Void Refinement Stage?"

Wang Changsheng took out a fist-sized silver ore, which was shiny with silver light and had some tiny holes in it.

The silver gangster crystals he took out were close to one-tenth of the total, and it was enough to be able to exchange them. The rest was left to Wang Qingshan. When he entered the virtual refining stage, he could use the silver ganglion crystals to condense the law.

"Enough, what are these holes?"

Fang Ming wondered.

"That's left by the silver sheath worm. There is a sixth-order silver sheath worm. It uses the silver ganglion crystal to condense the law, otherwise I can get more silver ganglion crystals."

Wang Changsheng explained.

Fang Ming nodded. He took out a silver-glowing jade pen and gave Wang Changsheng a lot of good deeds, and asked him to go to the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion by himself.

Wang Changsheng thanked him and left the Deacon Hall.

He went to the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion and successfully exchanged the method for the monk Lei Linggen to attack the Void Refinement Stage, but it was only used by the monks of the Wang family and could not be spread to other forces.

According to the jade slip, there are three ways for a cultivator of Lei Linggen to attack the Void Refinement Stage. The first is that the Golden Spirit Root and the Water Spirit Root mutate to produce Lei Ling Root, which can simultaneously cultivate a cultivation technique with three attributes of earth, fire and wood; The second type is to arrange a sixth-order array of three talents to gather elements to guide the spiritual energy of the three attributes of earth, fire and wood into the body of the cultivator.

The first method is the safest, the second method is the most dangerous, and the third method is the most difficult, but once successful, the supernatural power will improve a lot.

"Collect the power of lightning!"

Wang Changsheng had a thoughtful expression on his face, and using that lightning ball to form a formation should be able to attract some powerful lightning power.

He pondered for a moment and came to the Deacon Hall, intending to ask Fang Ming for advice and avoid taking some detours.

It happened that Fang Ming walked out of the Deacon Hall with a burly young man in a golden shirt. When he saw Wang Changsheng, Fang Ming said with a smile: "Junior Brother Wang, you are here just in time, this is Senior Brother Su Chensu from the Law Enforcement Hall, he is asking you some questions. You have to answer truthfully.”

Wang Changsheng responded and followed Su Chen into a side room.

Su Chen took out a golden mirror, sprayed a golden glow, covered Wang Changsheng, and asked, "Junior Brother Wang, why did you go to the wild land? How did you meet Junior Brother Chen?"

Wang Changsheng answered truthfully, he had no interest in concealing it for Chen Lang.

"By the way, Junior Brother Chen seems to have something wrong?"

Wang Changsheng remembered something and said solemnly.

"What's wrong?"

Su Chen's face sank and his voice was stern.

"I said my name, he didn't know me, and other than that, he didn't ask me which faction I belonged to."

Wang Changsheng is outspoken, and factional disputes exist in all sects, but they are rarely mentioned on the surface.

When Wang Changsheng came into contact with the Zhenhai Palace cultivator, he had to find out what faction the other party was. It was easy to deal with. He didn't want to be sold and help count the money.

In addition to the local faction and the Ascension faction, there is also the head school, but strictly speaking, the head school is a combination of the two factions, which can calm the two factions.

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Su Chen frowned, these two doubts sounded a bit childish, especially the latter, the head of the family repeatedly emphasized that there is no faction, but the faction is not in everyone's mouth, but in the heart.

"anything else!"

Su Chen continued to ask, and if there is any doubt, he will investigate.

"He can escape from the seventh-order monster. I cooperated with him and escaped easily."

Wang Changsheng added.

"He explained this point. That seventh-order monster has just experienced a big battle, and there is not much monster power left. Are there any other doubts?"

Wang Changsheng thought for a while and said, "I met people from the Jinghuo clan, who were they looking for at the time."

"Looking for a human race?"

Su Chen frowned.

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said, "I don't know, the Jinghuo Clan didn't make it clear."

He briefly talked about his encounter with the Jinghuo clan. As for the process of fighting the law, he was vague, and he didn't want too many people to know that his law was less condensed.

The golden mirror in Su Chen's hand was not abnormal, indicating that Wang Changsheng probably did not lie.

"Junior Brother Wang, can you describe your experience in the wild land in detail? I don't care what you get, just briefly mention the experience, especially the experience of encountering the Jinghuo tribe."

Su Chen asked.

Wang Changsheng pondered for a moment, and said it briefly, never mentioning what he got.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Wang, if you think of anything you missed, you can come to the Law Enforcement Hall to find me at any time."

After saying this, Su Chen turned around and left.

Fang Ming walked in and asked knowingly; "Junior Brother Wang, have you obtained the method for cultivator Lei Linggen to attack the Void Refinement Stage?"

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Senior Brother Fang, you have rich experience. Please help me analyze which method is the best."

He briefly mentioned three methods and asked Fang Ming to help analyze it.

Fang Ming pondered for a moment and said: "More than 20,000 years ago, Master Lei used the first method to attack the Void Refinement Stage and successfully entered the Void Refinement Stage, but unfortunately he died at the hands of a foreign race. Fifty thousand years ago, the second This method has a high failure rate, and the third method is the most difficult, but also the most powerful, Junior Brother Wang, have you ever heard of Zhenjun Lei Xiao?”

"I heard that this senior was famous for a while, and then suddenly disappeared."

Wang Changsheng sighed and said, True Monarch Lei Xiao was active 80,000 years ago, and was proficient in the Thunder Technique.

"True Monarch Lei Xiao is using the third method to attack the Void Refinement Stage. UU Reading obtained five kinds of power of thunder and lightning, and made great achievements in the race war, but it is not easy to collect five kinds of power of thunder and lightning. , If there is an array that guides the power of thunder and lightning, it is the best, but the power of thunder and lightning induced by ordinary arrays is very common. Tianlei, there is a high probability of guiding the powerful power of lightning, I advise you to use the first method, spend more time, it is more secure, the power of lightning is not so easy to refine."

Fang Ming said earnestly.

Wang Changsheng thanked him. He mentioned Chen Lang's abnormality, but Fang Ming disagreed and said, "That's the matter of the Law Enforcement Hall, and I don't care about it. By the way, there is another Spirit Transformation cultivator who has ascended from the lower realm. Her name is Zhong Ruyi, and she has already Join our Zhenhai Palace."

Wang Changsheng nodded: "I know her, she helped me set up the flying spirit formation in the lower realm, and she contributed a lot. If possible, I would ask Senior Brother Fang to take more care of her."

If Zhong Ruyi can occupy a high position in Zhenhai Palace, it will also be good for the Wang family.

Fang Ming nodded and agreed.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng said goodbye and left. (To be continued)

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