Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2304: The tortoise is sleeping, and the green mountain condenses the dharma

In the northwest corner of Xuanling Continent, a blue light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

It didn't take long for the blue escape light to stop, and the escape light converged, revealing the figure of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng looked at Qinglian Island not far away, with a happy expression on his face. This time, the wild trip was long enough, and he almost couldn't come back.

A blue long rainbow flew out from Qinglian Island, it was Wang Ruyan.

Seeing Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan's eyes were full of joy, and Wang Changsheng finally returned safely.

"Husband, why did it take so long."

Wang Ruyan asked curiously.

"This is a long story, let's go back and talk about it!"

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, and followed Wang Ruyan to Wang Mengbin's residence.

"Old Ancestor, you are finally back."

Wang Mengbin was full of surprises when he saw Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng took out a light blue jade slip, handed it to Wang Mengbin, and said, "This is the method I got from Zhenhai Palace. The third method is suitable for you. It just happens to have that thunder ball."

The jade slip records not only the method of cultivator Lei Linggen's impact on the Void Refinement Stage, but also a secret technique for refining the power of thunder and lightning - the technique of transforming lightning into one.

This technique is specially used to refine the power of thunder and lightning. It is only used by monks who practice thunder. The power of thunder and lightning can be used repeatedly. Other monks can use the power of lightning to refine the power of lightning to injure the enemy by setting up arrays or treasures. It is a one-time use item, and the two are very different.

Wang Mengbin took the jade slip, his consciousness swept away, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

"I thought about this method before, but I didn't expect such a method to exist."

Wang Mengbin's tone was heavy.

"Have you thought of this? What did you think?"

An expression of interest appeared on Wang Changsheng's face.

"Refining the Five Elements Divine Thunder, turning it into one's own use, and condensing the Thunder Seed, I didn't expect that I could really use this to impact the Void Refinement period."

Wang Mengbin's eyes were fiery. His cultivation technique was special, and he could have refined the power of lightning to injure the enemy, but he did not expect that he could really use the power of five kinds of lightning to impact the refining stage.

According to the jade slip, the stronger the thunder and lightning power of refining, the stronger the supernatural power after entering the virtual refining period.

The Five Elements Divine Thunder are divided into Shutu Divine Thunder, Gengjin Divine Thunder, Sunflower Water Divine Lei, Yimu Divine Thunder, and Binghuo Divine Thunder, which correspond to the five elements. After these five types of Divine Thunder are refined, they are integrated into one, which can be used to impact refining. False period.

Some monsters can release any kind of divine thunder with great destructive power.

The power of lightning to be guided by the formation is all about luck.

In places with abundant water aura and the power of thunder and lightning, there is a high chance of guiding Sunflower Water Divine Thunder, and in places with abundant wood aura and thunder and lightning, there is a high probability of guiding Yimu Divine Thunder, and other gods and tears are the same.

In addition to this method, you can also use the help of cultivators or spirit beasts to guide special divine thunder.

For example, after the high-level monks hit the big realm, they can set up a nearby formation to guide the thunder, and there is a high probability of guiding the gods. The specific situation depends on the grade of the formation. Thunder, spirit beasts can also impact the great realm or cross the great catastrophe. This is a matter of probability.

"If the tortoise hits the sixth rank, and after the thunder disaster, let Yuqi set up a formation nearby, and there is a high probability of guiding the Sunflower Water Divine Thunder. As for other gods, you can only try your luck elsewhere."

Wang Changsheng suggested that the stronger Wang Mengbin's strength is, the more beneficial it will be to the development of the Wang family.

"Ancestor, can Lin Zun hit the sixth rank?"

Wang Mengbin said curiously.

"It refines the Thunder Absorbing Orb and the Thunder Inducing Orb, plus I got a thunder-attribute demon pill from the wild land, it looks like some kind of demon turtle, which is very beneficial to its advancement. With bloodline purity, it is only a matter of time before advancing to the sixth rank."

Wang Changsheng explained that the tortoise has a relatively high bloodline and spends the same amount of resources to cultivate immortals.

Therefore, monsters value the power of blood.

The double-eyed rat is a good example, but it has now mutated. After taking the inner alchemy of the sixth-order demon rat, it might be able to advance to the sixth-order, and the gold-swallowing ant queen.

Wang Mengbin suddenly realized that this would be much easier.

"You first cultivate with peace of mind, and let Yuqi pay close attention to the situation of the tortoise. I hope you can collect the Five Elements Divine Thunder as soon as possible and enter the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Changsheng encouraged.

Wang Mengbin agreed, and with the help of relatives, it should be easier for him to collect the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

Wang Changsheng said a few words and left Wang Mengbin's residence.

He came to the sky above a huge lake, flicked his wrist lightly, and a blue light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet, it was the tortoise.

The huge body of the tortoise smashed into the lake, splashing a lot of lake water.

Wang Changsheng's sleeve flicked, and an inner alchemy with an arc flashing on the surface flew out and flew towards the tortoise.

The tortoise opened its **** mouth, inhaled the inner alchemy, made a cheerful hissing sound, and dived into the bottom of the lake.

"It would be great if it was promoted to the sixth rank before the beast tide, so that we would have the combat power of four people in the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, with the magical powers displayed by the tortoise, it is definitely a big help for it to advance to the sixth order.

"Four? Qingshan has entered the Void Refinement Stage?"

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted, filled with surprises.

Wang Ruyan smiled and nodded, Wang Changsheng had just returned, and it was normal not to know.


Wang Changsheng was overjoyed, he got a lot of silver gangster crystals from the wild land, which just happened to be used for Wang Qingshan to condense the law.

They came to Green Bamboo Bee and sent a sound transmission.

Soon, Wang Qingshan flew out from the green bamboo bee and landed in front of Wang Changsheng.

"Qingshan, I found some silver astral crystals from the wild land, you can just use them to condense the law."

Wang Changsheng took out a blue storage ring and handed it to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan's consciousness was swept away, he took a deep breath and looked excited.

"Ninth Uncle, thank you very Wang Qingshan said gratefully, with a smile on his face.

"My family is polite, you condense the law, I plan to retreat for a period of time, and hit the middle stage of virtual refining. If the scale of the beast tide is not very large, then I don't need to disturb my cultivation."

Wang Changsheng warned that if two or three sixth-order monsters attacked, and there were no sixth-order high-grade monsters, Wang Qingshan and Wang Ruyan should be able to cope with it.

Wang Qingshan smiled and agreed, even if Wang Changsheng didn't say it, he would not easily disturb Wang Changsheng's cultivation.

After a few words, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan returned to Qinglian Peak.

Wang Changsheng took out a box of Tianyin sand, handed it to Wang Ruyan, and said, "Madam, with these materials, your magic phase should be able to condense a little, and make the sound wave attack stronger."

Wang Ruyan accepted Tianyinsha with a smile, and asked about Wang Changsheng's experience in the wilderness.

Wang Changsheng came one by one, Wang Ruyan's brows furrowed, and then eased away. (To be continued)

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