Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2305: Wang Changsheng's retreat

"Husband, you can retreat and practice with peace of mind! If the scale of the beast tide is not large, Qingshan and I can stop it."

Wang Ruyan said confidently, if she and Wang Qingshan could condense a part of the dharma, it would not be a problem to resist two or three sixth-order monsters.

After the last animal swarm, the Liu family should have a long memory, so they won't make any small moves.

Wang Changsheng nodded, he released the double-eyed rat and the gold-swallowing ant queen, and fed them the sixth-order demon pill.

After taking the sixth-order demon pill, the gold-swallowing ant queen quickly fell into a deep sleep, but the double-eyed mouse was very active and climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist lightly, the storage ring lit up with a dazzling blue light, and there was a huge yellow rhino on the ground.

This is a sixth-order mountain-shaking rhino, which is good at earth attribute supernatural powers. Wang Changsheng killed many sixth-order monsters in the wild, and this mountain-shaking rhinoceros is one of them.

The double-eyed rat let out an excited cry and jumped down from Wang Changsheng's shoulder. Its body surface was brightly yellow, and its body was soaring.

The body of the mountain-shaking rhino shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was swept into the mouth of the double-eyed mouse by the yellow glow and disappeared.

The double-eyed rat quickly shrank in size and returned to its original size.

"If it can evolve in the direction of the swallowing mouse and grow up, it will be no worse than the tortoise."

Wang Ruyan praised.

"Hope it! On this wild trip, it made a lot of effort to find a panacea and explore mineral veins."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, he teased the double-eyed mouse for more than half an hour, and it slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Wang Changsheng placed the Gold Swallowing Ant Queen and the Double Eyed Rat in different places. Even if they hit the sixth rank, it would not affect Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's cultivation.

Wang Changsheng gave Wang Ruyan another Jewel for Jie, and asked her to refine and condense the dharma.

Wang Ruyan agreed and returned to the practice room to practice.

Wang Changsheng came to the sky above a red-red mountain. The place above the halfway up the mountain was shrouded in red mist. There were many bamboos planted on the mountain. When he looked around, it was red.

At the foot of the mountain stands a silver stone tablet more than ten feet high, with the three characters "Lihuofeng" written on it.

Wang Changsheng sent a sound transmission. Not long after, the red mist rolled violently, and Wang Qingfeng flew out of it and landed in front of Wang Changsheng.

"Father, you are back."

Wang Qingfeng was full of smiles.

He is already in the middle stage of God Transformation, and he is not far from the later stage.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said warmly, "Come and see you, where's Xue Li!"

"She retreated and practiced in Xuefeng Valley. She said that she was going to impact the middle stage of God Transformation. Come to my residence and talk about it!"

Wang Qingfeng took Wang Changsheng to fly into the red mist, and through the red mist, a red manor with a very large area appeared in front of them, red tiles and red bricks, and a large number of fire-type spirit flowers and spirit trees were planted in the manor.

The father and son came to a red stone pavilion and sat down. Wang Qingfeng made a pot of ice moon robe for Wang Changsheng. The tea was snow-white with a hint of coolness.

Wang Changsheng took a sip, and a cool feeling rose from his abdomen, which quickly spread, and he was refreshed.

He asked about Wang Qingfeng's daily practice, and Wang Qingfeng answered honestly.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli spent most of their time cultivating on Qinglian Island, and occasionally went out to hunt monsters and teach future generations in their spare time.

"This is a flying-type heavenly treasure that I seized from a foreign race. Take it! If you had this treasure last time, you and Xue Li would have been able to escape earlier."

Wang Changsheng took out a flying red shuttle and handed it to Wang Qingfeng.

The runes on the surface of the shuttle flashed, and the words "Meteor Fire Shower" could be vaguely seen, and the aura was amazing.

Wang Qingshan has already entered the stage of refining virtual, if he condenses the dharma, as long as he does not encounter too powerful monsters, he should be able to retreat.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli went out to sea to hunt monsters. Once they encountered a sixth-order monster, the two almost couldn't come back. Fortunately, they were not very far from Qinglian Island. Wang Ruyan arrived in time, and they survived.

Not to mention the Spirit Transformation cultivator, the Void Refinement cultivator does not necessarily have a flying-type Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure. Before Wang Changsheng entered the Void Refinement Stage, he did not dare to use the Qingluan Boat easily.

There is a flying treasure that can reach the sky, as long as he doesn't get caught in a tight siege, Wang Qingfeng should be able to escape.

Wang Qingcheng seldom went out, and most of them practiced or handled family affairs on Qinglian Island, and the chance of encountering danger was very low.

Wang Qingfeng thanked him and accepted it.

"These are five Xuezhi Guo, you can hand it over to Xue Li! Even if it is a raw suit, you can improve your mana, and you can let Qiu Yu help you refine it into a medicinal pill."

Wang Changsheng took out five snow-white jade boxes and handed them to Wang Qingfeng, which he had seized from aliens.

Wang Qingfeng thanked again and accepted it.

"Okay, you practice hard, the large beast swarm is not far away, you don't need to get hurt any more, pay more attention, I'm going to retreat for a while."

After Wang Changsheng said this, he got up and left.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng came to the sky above an extremely large manor and issued a sound transmission.

Not long after, Wang Qiuyu and Sun Yuejiao came out.

"Father, you are finally back."

Sun Yuejiao was overjoyed when she saw Wang Changsheng.

"Grandson meets grandfather."

Wang Qiuyu bowed and saluted with a respectful expression.

As the only fifth-order alchemist in the family, Wang Qiuyu is very respected by the clan. He can refine more than ten kinds of fifth-order medicinal herbs.

Wang Changsheng followed them into the manor and sat down in a red bamboo building.

"Qiu Yu, I got some elixir from the wild land and used it to concoct pills for you."

As Wang Changsheng spoke, he took out a red storage ring, UU reading www.uukanshu. com to Wang Qiuyu.

Wang Qiuyu took the storage ring with both hands, swept away his consciousness, was surprised, and repeatedly thanked him.

"Qiu Yu, you have to practice diligently. I will prepare a panacea for you to help you hit the Void Refinement Stage. I hope you can enter the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Changsheng's tone was gentle, and his eyes were full of admiration.

"Yes, thank you grandfather, grandson will work hard."

Wang Qiuyu repeatedly agreed.

"Dad, don't worry, I will urge him to cultivate well."

Sun Yuejiao said with a smile, she hoped that Wang Qiuyu would go further in the immortal journey.

"Yuejiao, you and Qingcheng can't slack off, and practice diligently."

Wang Changsheng exhorted, with a heavy tone.

"Follow Dad's teachings, and we will all work hard to cultivate."

Sun Yuejiao agreed.

Wang Changsheng asked about Wang Qiuyu's daily practice, and Wang Qiuyu answered truthfully.

After chatting for more than an hour, Wang Changsheng left.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng strode into the practice room.

He sat cross-legged on the futon and sat quietly for a quarter of an hour, adjusting his state to the best.

Wang Changsheng took out a blue gourd and punched a magic formula, and a blue spiritual water flew out, wrapping Wang Changsheng's body.

It didn't take long for his body to be covered with a blue glow, and there was a skeletal sound of "crackling".



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