Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2306: The mighty Wang Lihe

Spring and autumn come, and a hundred years have passed quickly.

In the northwest corner of Xuanling Continent, there is an endless blue sea.

The wind was calm, the sea breeze was blowing, and the white clouds were blooming.

On a desert island with a radius of 100 miles, a group of silver-horned rock turtles are comfortably basking in the sun on the beach.

After a while, a huge explosion sounded from high in the sky, and a huge red cloud of fire suddenly appeared high in the sky.

The silver-horned rock tortoise was startled, the yellow light on its body flashed, and they dived into the ground one after another.

Three huge red fire crows flew from a distance, their bodies were dripping with blood, a lot of feathers fell off, and they looked injured.

The sea tumbled violently, setting off a giant wave that was more than a thousand feet high. After a blur, it turned into a blue giant sword that was several thousand feet long. become.

The blue giant sword slashed at the three red fire crows. Wherever it passed, the void vibrated and twisted, and the momentum was amazing.

The three red fire crows hurriedly opened their mouths, each spewing a thick red flame, and greeted them.

After the loud bang, the blue giant sword collided with three red flames, and it burst open. Countless sea water splashed. After a blur, it turned into a blue flying sword and went straight to the three red fire crows. And go.

Two shrill birdsong sounded, and the two red fire crows were pierced by the dense blue flying swords and fell from the sky. The other fire crow responded quickly enough, and after a fierce flap of its wings, it turned into one. The group of red flames disappeared.

Two hundred miles away, a red light lit up, turning into a scarred red fire crow.

A blue long rainbow and a cyan long rainbow flew from the distant sky. Not long after, the two escaping lights stopped. It was a burly young man in blue shirt and a graceful girl in blue skirt.

The blue-shirted youth with sword eyebrows and star eyes is carrying a blue sword box with a pattern of ocean waves on it. It is Wang Lihe.

The girl in the blue skirt has a beautiful nose with a beautiful mouth, her skin is snowy, and her brows reveal a heroic aura that is rare for a woman. She is carrying three flying swords with sheaths on her back. Wang Lijiao is currently in the middle stage of divine transformation.

They are the new generation of sword cultivators in the Wang family. Wang Qingshan often guides them. Their achievements in kendo are second only to Wang Qingshan. They often guide other clansmen, and the number of sword cultivators in the family continues to increase.

Wang Lihe's sleeves flicked, and a blue glow passed by, putting away the bodies of the two red fire crows.

The two turned into two rays of light, chasing the other red fire crow.

The development of the Wang family has entered a period of stability, and it is a good thing to seek progress in stability. They were ordered to clear a group of red fire crows. The red fire crows continued to harass the newly developed islands of the Wang family. There are as many as five fire crows of the fifth order. Naturally Send someone to clear them.

The red fire crow is extremely fast, and once it is caught up, it will surely die.

Wang Lihe's right hand lit up with a blue light, and he slashed towards the void, a blue sword qi swept out, and went straight to the red fire crow, and the speed was very fast.

Wang Lijiao's right hand released the blue light, and also slashed towards the void, and a green sword swept out, slashing at the red fire crow.

The red fire crow quickly flapped its wings and released hundreds of red fireballs to meet it.

After the loud bang, hundreds of red fireballs were smashed by two huge sword qi slashes, and the flames splashed everywhere.

The void fluctuated together, and a big blue hand appeared out of nowhere, and slapped it on the Chi Huo Crow. The Chi Huo Crow made a miserable croaking sound and fell from the sky.

A strange beast roar sounded, and a thick water tornado rose into the sky, piercing the body of the red fire crow.

Wang Lihe and Wang Lijiao stopped, their faces full of alertness.

The sea rolled violently, and a blue whale with a length of 100 feet emerged from the sea. The blue whale had some golden spiritual patterns on its body. A tall, thin young man in blue robe stood on top of the blue whale, and there was a bamboo pattern on his clothes. , which is the symbol of the Liu family in Qianzhudao.

The three rays of light flew from a distance, and it didn't take long for the three rays of light to stop, headed by a potbellied red-robed Taoist priest, who was a late-stage cultivator of God Transformation.

"The Red Fire Crow is our prey! Fellow Daoist Liu, please return it to us."

Wang Lijiao's tone was sincere. Sooner or later, the Wang Liu family will have a fight. The timing is a problem. The leaders of the two families are relatively restrained. They don't have any particularly important resources for cultivating immortals. the enemy.

The two families are neighbors, so it is inevitable that there will be disputes, which are not uncommon today.

"Joke, what do you say? Whoever kills is whoever."

The blue-robed youth sneered with a look of disdain.

The Liu family has a great business, and there is no force to dare to have a head-on conflict with the Liu family. After the Wang family came, everything changed.

"That's right, whoever kills is whoever kills it."

Wang Lihe nodded, shrugged his right shoulder, and accompanied by a piercing sound of sword cries, three blue flying swords flew out from the scabbard, one turned into ten, and ten turned into one hundred.

Soon, tens of thousands of blue flying swords floated high in the sky.

Seeing Wang Lihe's disagreement, he turned his face, and the blue-robed youth's face sank, and he was about to sacrifice his treasures to fight.

The Taoist priest in red robe said, "Young Daoyou Wang is going to fight against our Liu family!"

"I didn't say, you can hunt the red fire crow, and I can hunt other monsters."

Wang Lihe's eyes turned to the blue whale. Tens of thousands of blue flying swords swayed gently, and there were bursts of loud sword sounds. UU reading

"Hunt my spirit beast? Do you think I don't exist?"

The blue-robed youth's eyes were gloomy, and the sea tumbled violently, setting off a huge wave.

"I have heard about Daoyou Wang's reputation for a long time. I want to ask Daoyou Wang for advice. I wonder if Daoyou Wang is willing to teach me?"

The red-robed Taoist priest's tone was gentle and restrained.

"No problem, I also want to experience Fellow Daoist Liu's magical powers."

Wang Lihe agreed, and he also wanted to see how powerful the Liu family's cultivator was.

The Taoist priest in red robe waved his hand, and the others dispersed. Wang Lijiao also retreated into the distance, ready to support at any time.

It is said that it is a battle of life and death.

The Taoist priest in red robe flipped his right hand, the red light flashed, and a small red flag appeared in his hand. The flag was embroidered with a pattern of a red fire eagle.

He shook the small red flag lightly, and a scarlet light curtain emerged out of thin air, protecting the whole body, the void vibrated and twisted, and countless scarlet firelights appeared, which suddenly turned into a huge red fire cloud, supporting the red-robed Taoist priest out of thin air.

With a flick of his sleeve, a red light sank into the red fire cloud, the red fire cloud rolled violently like boiling water, and a red fire dragon with a length of more than one hundred meters flew out of it, with an amazing heat wave, pounced on the opposite side.

This is not a mana transformation. If it is treated as a magic transformation, it will definitely suffer a small loss.



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