Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2308: Xuanwu Dharma

Wang Changsheng went to a wild land, and maybe he captured some powerful spirit beasts.

They avoided far away, watching the scale turtle impact the sixth order.

The sixth-order advanced monster is different from the immortal cultivator. Most of the human cultivators need to integrate the five elements.

The sky above Qinglian Island oscillated and distorted, and countless blue water vapors emerged. These blue water vaporized into blue clouds and gathered towards the tortoises. The high-altitude lightning flashed and thundered, and one after another thick lightning pierced the sky. The momentum is amazing.

This vision attracted the attention of many clansmen. They walked out of their residence and looked at the direction of the tortoise from a high place.

"Do you think Lin Zun can advance to the sixth rank? I heard that it is not easy for the spirit beast to advance to the sixth rank."

"Lin Zun is not an ordinary spirit beast, I don't think it's a problem."

"Hey, if Lin Zun advances to the sixth rank, he will be able to take us to hunt the sixth rank monsters."

"There is also a spirit beast that is hitting the sixth rank. I don't know if I can advance to the sixth rank."

"It should be the spirit beast of the ancestors, I don't think it's a problem."


Many clansmen were talking about it, and they were looking forward to it.

If there are two more sixth-order spirit beasts, the strength of the family will be stronger, especially the tortoise.

Occasionally, the tortoise would go out to hunt monsters, and if it couldn't finish eating the monsters, it would drag it back to the Wang family and give it to the children of the Wang family.

Countless golden auras emerged in the void, turning into a huge golden vortex, floating in the sky.

The blue light on the surface of the tortoise was released, a blue light flew out from the body, and a huge basalt phantom appeared in the sky. As soon as the basalt phantom appeared, a loud roar sounded immediately.

The sea water in the waters near Qinglian Island tumbled violently, setting off thousands of gigantic waves that were thousands of feet high.

Thousands of sky-high waves surrounded Qinglian Island, and it seemed that they would be photographed at any time, shattering Qinglian Island. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Seeing this scene, the Wang family members were amazed.

When a monster enters the sixth rank, its evolution direction can be seen from the law.


Wang Mengbin took a deep breath, his face full of envy.

The dharma of the lin turtle is Xuanwu, and it seems to be evolving towards basalt. It is no wonder that the lin turtle has such great magical powers.

The dense blue clouds gathered in the sky above the phantom of the basalt, and condensed into a huge blue vortex. The blue vortex quickly rotated, and a little blue light poured down, landing on the phantom of the basalt, and the phantom of the basalt absorbed all of it. Sparkling.

After a while, the phantom shadow of Xuanwu dissipated, and the thunder sounded loudly.

The scale turtle roared excitedly, and countless blue arcs appeared on its body.

A deafening thunder sound came from high in the sky, and a thick silver lightning pierced the sky, smashed on the shell of the tortoise, and was directly absorbed by it.

It refines a thunder-absorbing orb, and ordinary thunder and lightning can't hurt it at all. This time bxwx Zhang Si

The sound of thunder was incessant, and one after another thick lightning struck down one after another, landing on the turtle shell of the scale turtle, and all of them disappeared.

On the other side, a valley shrouded in golden mist, a huge golden vortex appeared above the valley.

A golden light flew out from the valley, and after a blur, it turned into a huge ant phantom.

After the golden vortex tumbled violently, golden raindrops the size of beans poured down, and the ghostly shadow of the ant shone.

It didn't take long for the ant phantom to collapse.

Compared with Xuanwu phantom, the dharma of the gold-swallowing ant queen is very ordinary.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, a thick silver lightning pierced the sky and disappeared into the valley.

The gold-swallowing ant queen lay on the ground, her body shimmering with golden light, and silver lightning struck her body.

Two groups of huge thunderclouds floated over Qinglian Island, with lightning and thunder, and thick lightning struck down.

As time passed, most of the clansmen were paying attention to the scale turtle, and not many clansmen paid attention to the gold-swallowing ant queen.

After a cup of tea, the two thunderclouds were only more than a hundred feet in size.

In a deafening thunderous sound, the two thunderclouds rolled violently, turning into a silver thunder python and a silver thunder leopard, respectively, rushing towards the scale turtle and the gold swallowing ant queen.

The scale turtle made a loud roar, and the blue light on the body surface was released, and countless blue arcs emerged. It opened its blood basin and spewed out several thick blue lightning bolts, which pierced through the body of the silver thunder python.

With a loud noise, the body of the silver thunder python burst open, turning into a silver sun with a diameter of 100,000 zhang, covering most of the tortoise's body.

At the same time, a huge silver sun rose in the valley, and the air waves were billowing.

After a while, the two scorching sun dissipated, and the tortoise was lying on the lake. There were some small cracks on the tortoise shell, which could not be found without careful observation.

The tortoise's defense is already very strong. After refining and sucking the thunder ball, the damage of thunder spells to it is lower.

The valley was flattened by the strength, and a huge pit with a diameter of tens of thousands of feet appeared on the ground. There was no figure of the Queen of Gold Swallowing Ants in the pit.

The cultivator of the Wang family came to investigate, but did not find the gold-swallowing ant queen. Obviously, the gold-swallowing ant was immediately wiped out.

Wang Mengbin and Bai Yuqi flew over at the first time, and they took out the flag formation and set up the formation.

The tortoise ignored them, making a loud roar, and the huge waves fell one after another.

It turned into a blue escaping light and flew out of Qinglian Island.

"Follow up, don't let the monsters hurt Lin Zun."

Wang Qingcheng hurriedly ordered a group of clansmen to follow.

Lin turtle has just entered the sixth rank, and is still relatively weak.

Wang Gonghu hurriedly followed, Lin Turtle probably wanted to eat to replenish his vitality.

Bai Yuqi quickly arranged the formation, UU reading www. Wang Mengbin took out a huge thunderball wrapped by an electric arc and placed it in the center of the circle.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from high in the sky, and hundreds of thick lightning pierced the sky, thundering and thundering.

Before long, a huge thundercloud suddenly appeared above their heads, and countless silver thunder snakes could be seen wandering.

Wang Mengbin frowned, his eyes solemn.

Bai Yuqi punched several magic tricks into a silver-glowing array plate, the magic array shook violently, and countless array patterns brightened.

There was a thunderous sound from the sky, and thousands of lightning flashed across the sky.

After a while, Wang Mengbin walked to the center of the formation, and when the magic trick was pinched, the silver light on the body was shining, and countless silver arcs appeared. From a distance, it looked like a **** of thunder.

A thick silver lightning struck down, and as soon as it touched the silver light, it suddenly collapsed and turned into countless silver arcs, drowning Wang Mengbin.

Time passed little by little, and silver lightning struck one after another.

Bai Yuqi frowned, her eyes fixed on the thunder cloud high in the sky.

After a cup of tea, the thundercloud rolled violently, and countless blue electric arcs surged out, and blue snakes could be seen.

"Sunflower Water God Thunder!"

Bai Yuqi was full of surprises, and hurriedly clenched her fists.

After the thundercloud rolled violently, two thick blue thunder spears fell from the sky and slashed at Wang Mengbin.

Wang Mengbin didn't dare to be careless, the magic formula changed, and a dazzling silver glow bloomed on the surface of the body, covering all directions.

With them as the center, a radius of 100 miles was turned into a restricted area, and countless white mists poured out from the ground, obscuring the sight of other clansmen. Most clansmen only saw thunderclouds and thunderbolts. As for what Wang Mengbin was doing, they did not know. control the big lord

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