Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2309: Collect Sunflower Water God Thunder

The sea surface burst open, and one after another thick water tornado rose into the sky. One after another, black monsters emerged from the sea. A team of monks from the Wang family salvaged the bodies of the monsters on the sea. Wang Gonghu led a team of monks to follow on the bottom of the sea. Turtle, protect it from other monsters.

After the tortoise entered the sixth rank, its supernatural powers soared, and it opened its **** mouth, spewing out more than a dozen thick golden and blue lightning spears, hitting the head of a huge red manatee.

The red manatee let out a painful roar, and his body twitched.

A dazzling blue light suddenly lit up beside it, and the tortoise appeared, the tortoise opened its **** mouth, and countless golden and blue arcs emerged. The thunder light hit the red manatee's head.

A miserable roar sounded, the head of the red manatee was dripping with blood, and the blood flowed non-stop.

The cultivators of the Wang family are used to it, and stay by the turtle's side to let it enjoy the food with peace of mind.

The blue turtle spewed out a blue glow, covering the body of the red manatee. The red manatee shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was swept into the turtle's mouth by the blue glow and disappeared.

It has just finished the thunder tribulation, and it has lost a lot of vitality, and plans to eat to supplement its vitality.

After eating the red manatee, the tortoise swam towards the bottom of the sea, and Wang Gonghu and others hurried to keep up. They mainly protected the tortoise.

On Qinglian Island, there was lightning and thunder, and one after another thick blue lightning cut through the sky and slashed at Wang Mengbin.

Wang Mengbin's body was covered by a silver glow, and the blue lightning broke up when it touched the silver glow, turning into countless tiny blue arcs.

Wang Qingcheng came to a huge pothole, which was left by the Queen of Gold Swallowing Ants who hit the sixth order.

The bloodline of the Golden Swallowing Ant is not high, and the inner elixir of the high-level demon ant was taken, but it failed to inherit the bloodline of the high-level demon ant, and the upper limit was there. , is expected to hit the sixth-order.

Wang Qingcheng sent people to search in the giant pit, only to find some pale golden worm shells,

After more than an hour, the high-altitude thunderclouds dissipated.

Wang Mengbin sat cross-legged on a silver magic circle, his face was pale and sweating profusely, and his eyes were full of joy.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. He opened the palm of his right hand, and in his palm there was a ball of blue thunder the size of a pigeon's egg.

It is not easy for the Sunflower Water Divine Thunder to refine this group of Sunflower Water Divine Thunder.

Before that, Wang Mengbin and Bai Yuqi also used the lightning ball to set up the nine-element lightning gathering array, but they only attracted the power of ordinary lightning.

There are still four kinds of divine thunder, and Wang Mengbin will be able to hit the Void Refinement Stage.

"Husband, how is it?"

Bai Yuqi put away the array flag and flew over.

"Yes, there are still four kinds of divine thunder, and I will be able to hit the refining stage, Madam, thank you for your hard work."

Wang Mengbin smiled.

"It's not hard work. If it wasn't for the thunderball provided by the ancestors, I would have been helpless."

Bai Yuqi said modestly, the Thunder Orb given by Wang Changsheng was very powerful, and it was very effective in setting up the Jiuyuan Lightning Gathering Array. In addition to collecting the power of thunder and lightning, it could also guide Tianlei to assist Wang Mengbin in his cultivation.

Wang Mengbin nodded and said, "Let's go back to rest first! After the great beast tide is over, ask our ancestors to help and find the remaining four kinds of divine thunder."

The Five Elements Divine Thunder is not easy to collect. With the help of Wang Changsheng and others, Wang Mengbin is not worried.

They returned to their residence to practice, and after counting the time, a large beast tide was about to erupt.

Half a day later, the sea burst, and the tortoise emerged from the sea, turned into a blue rainbow, flew back into the huge lake, and dived into the bottom of the lake.

Wang Gonghu and others also retired one after another, each performing their duties.

Wang Qingcheng ordered it to be kept secret, but there was too much movement and too many insiders, and the news was leaked out.

The news that Taihao's spirit beast was promoted to the sixth rank quickly spread, and the affiliated forces of the Wang family were overjoyed, while the hostile forces of the Wang family were not happy.


Thousand Bamboo Island, Liu family.

In the conference hall, Liu Chuande was sitting on the main seat, and a fat red-robed Taoist priest was reporting the situation to him.

"Lin Zun is promoted to the sixth rank? Is it true?"

Liu Chuande frowned and said, this is not good news for the Liu family. The Liu family's guardian spirit birds are sixth-order, but the Liu family does not want the Wang family to have sixth-order spirit beasts.

"It has been confirmed that the cultivator of the Wang family said that when he was chatting with people, and many people said that. It is said that Lin Zun has the bloodline of Xuanwu, and the law is Xuanwu."

The red-robed Taoist priest's face was solemn, a powerful Wang family indirectly threatened the Liu family, which was a potential threat.

"Understood, you go down! I ordered to go down, let the clansmen exercise restraint, try not to have a head-on conflict with the monks of the Wang family, and stay rational."

Liu Chuande commanded in a stern tone.

The Wang family is getting stronger and stronger. If it wasn't for the protection of Zhenhai Palace, the Liu family would have already destroyed the Wang family.

The Liu family has the support of the Leng Yan faction, but they are not afraid of the Wang family.

The Taoist priest in red robe responded and bowed down.


Tianpeng Island, the home of the Jinpeng family.

A large number of spirit birds and Jinpeng people can be seen on the island. The ancestor of the Jinpeng clan is a seventh-order golden-winged windpeng with a trace of Lei Peng blood.

A steep golden giant peak, the top of which is an extremely wide manor, towering ancient trees, craggy rocks, pavilions and pavilions, gardens and waterside pavilions.

There is a hexagonal blue stone pavilion, Shaming Pearl and Jin Shuo are sitting in the stone pavilion, and the two are chatting.

Sharma Pearl has entered the virtual refining stage and officially became Jin Shuo's Taoist companion.

Jin Shuo had many concubines, but Shaming Zhu was the only one who entered the stage of refining the virtual.

This time 17bX*wX*.*COm Zhang Si. As the young patriarch of the Jinpeng clan, he is naturally very popular, but Jin Shuo has repeatedly made a choice, and still chooses the Pearl.

Sharma Mingzhu can cultivate in the lower realm to the middle stage of spiritual transformation, and sneak into the Xuanyang realm, with excellent potential and courage, which is not something that those pampered young ladies can compare.

Jin Shuo seemed to sense something, took out a dazzling dharma plate, and entered several magic tricks, a majestic male voice suddenly sounded: "Shuo'er, come to the council hall, Yanxiao of the Jinghuo clan is here to be a guest, Introduce to you."

"Yanxiao? Old Ancestor, what is her relationship with the High Priest of the Jinghuo Clan?"

Jin Shuo asked carefully, the Jinghuo tribe is divided into several tribes, each tribe has its own high priest, but the high priest of the Jinghuo tribe refers to Yanfang.

"She is a descendant of Yangang, and she entered the fit-in period not long ago. Come over now! Don't be slow."

Jin Shuo repeatedly agreed, and put away the law plate.

"The descendants of the Mahayana monks? She visited in person, she should have something important!"

Sharma Pearl guessed, with a curious expression on her face.

Make a big tyrant. "I don't know, I know it in the past."

Jin Shuo shook his head, left the residence with the shark pearl, and rushed to the council hall.

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